Change your diet now!

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Change your diet now!

Postby crisipicada » Thu May 20, 2010 5:10 am

What you eat is what you are. Now are you headed for one of the chronic diseases that ravage the lives of millions every year? It's time to your get on the road to living a longer, healthier, and happier life. Survey shows that meat containing diet o coronary disease, at age 40 it is 4 times compare to those who are on veggies diet. Breast cancer is 28%, prostate, 51%, Ovarian, 66%. The Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease Resources Report states that "A more vegetarian diet without excess calories can lower cholesterol and ... should lower coronary heart disease." The risk is much greater compare to those who are vegetarian because of the cholesterol and saturated fat, and most of that saturated fats are coming from animal products. So better change your diet now and live a life full of vitality.
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby bachuichui » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:31 pm

when i'm home..
i ate all i want..

but at school i'm a vegetarian..
because the cafeteria only serve vegetables and fruits only.. :))

i feel good when i'm a vegetarian.
but i have lots of favorite meat recipes hahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby red » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:19 pm

bachuichui wrote:when i'm home..
i ate all i want..

but at school i'm a vegetarian..
because the cafeteria only serve vegetables and fruits only.. :))

i feel good when i'm a vegetarian.
but i have lots of favorite meat recipes hahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are a confused one :lol:
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby crisipicada » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:30 pm

bachuichui wrote:when i'm home..
i ate all i want..

but at school i'm a vegetarian..
because the cafeteria only serve vegetables and fruits only.. :))

i feel good when i'm a vegetarian.
but i have lots of favorite meat recipes hahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now, i will write some of meat recipe here and please tell me by choosing here your favorite meat recipes you love to eat and you always crave :lol: :lol: :lol: please be honest, Bachuichui :lol: :lol:
1.Letchon baboy
2.Letchon chichken
5.Ginataang Manok
6.Sinugbang Baboy (grilled pork)
7.chicken Inasal (grilled chicken) hmmm i guess you always in Jo's Manokan or Mang Inasal :lol: :lol:
i wonder why you are getting "Tambs" now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby Chas » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:02 am

crisipicada wrote:i wonder why you are getting "Tambs" now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe Bachuichui should follow your example and walk 5 miles every day :D
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:05 am

The last place my wife and I worked we got a free provided noon, midday lunch every day, above and beyond our wages and tips as part of our work agreement. The idea the first employer had was that providing lunch raised everyone's morale, and then it keep the employees closer to the job site, lowering the probability that he would have to chase them down to get them back to work. I first cut out the bread from my lunch as my dad said that white bread was not fit for hogs to heat, and all the white flour was apt to kill a person eating it, so out with the white bread, and I didn't miss it. Then my teeth got so bad and hurting so much that I got so that I couldn't eat the meat, so out with the meat. I started eating the salads and vegetables because that was about all I could eat, and that didn't bother me. I got my teeth worked on over a period of a couple of years so that I could eat anything again that I wanted, but I had developed a love for salads and vegetables, so that is all I ate even after my teeth were good again. That concessionair quit business and laid all of us off (fired us) because he wasn't conducting that business any more. The next concessionaire talked us into working for him, and we did for two years after that making a total of ten years working in that place. Politics changed between the National Park Service and the concessionaire and that changed our job situations so that we decided that it was best to leave, but we still love it there, and we love those people involved in the concession, but it was no longer a good situation for us, and that is another long story. Well anyway when I went to work for this second concessionaire I told him that I needed those lunches to continue if I was going to keep working. So we got lunches from him also. Carol lost her lunches after one year because her contract was with the manager of the place and that contract lasted only one year. My contract was with the owner, and it was a two year contract. They gave everyone free lunches because we were getting free lunches, but they took everyone's lunches away from them, and they tried to take my lunches away from me, but they couldn't because of my contract, but they did take my pop, soda, rootbear away from me, and that was okay because I never drank the stuff before we went there. The cooks liked me so every day I got a huge salad, nuts, lettuse, carrots, cauliflower, brockoli, raisens, and a large piece of chicken. I gave my chicken to Carol each day, as she loves to eat chicken, and I ate most of the rest of the salad, unless she wanted some of it, and then I would divide it with her. Carol got tired of salads, but I still love to eat salads. I eat a lot of peanut butter and honey with which I drink milk, before goats milk and milk from the store. Now we get milk from the cow, and from the cream we make butter. Our daughter is heavy into making cheese, both cottage and brick cheese, and that is fun too.
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby purex » Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:33 am

Wow, i believe you are so Big, Sir! You eat a lot :P :P :P Keep healthy by eating fruits and veggies :P :P
Wn God knows yor READY 4 D rsponsibility of comitment,He'l reveal D ryt prson undr Hs tym& ryt circumstnces.Wait patiently,Dont waste Ur tym srching& wshing.Grow& b redy &yo'l see.God wl giv U a lov story far betr than U cud ever dreamed
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:07 pm

Carol, my wife, tried to throw the scales away, but I rescued them, but I had to hide them because she would not be very happy with me if she knew that I brought them back into the house. Consequently the scales are not convinient, so I don't know exactly how much I weigh, but I think it is in the neighborhood of 175 pounds. I am 6 feet tall. When I was growing up I along with my brothers and sisters had to eat all the food on our plates. If we took it we had to eat it. All through school I was so skinny that other kids may fun of me along with one other skinny kid. I was Knapp bones, that was my name, and the other kid was Shaw bones, and that was his name. I have eaten all I wanted to all my adult life until just a couple of years ago, and I still stayed thin. When I worked at the saw mills from 1977 until 1982 or so I weighted 152 pounds. But within the last two years I came to realize that if I continued to eat the way I have all my life I was going to gain a lot of weight so I worked at it a little. I was getting down to about where I am now, and we went to our kids' place by Spokane from Thanksgiving to about December 7th or so. We always stay until after December 2nd as my granddaughter there and I share a birthday, which is a lot of fun. Between Thanksgiving and New Years I gained more weight in a hurry than I could believe. The Park Ranger where we used to live and work noticed my weight gain and said something about it, so I decided that I was going to need to cut back. During the winter season I didn't get enough exercise, and we had a number of holiday meals, so now I am back down in my weight, and I have to go that direction along with the excercise because healthy living is important! :)
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby bachuichui » Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:17 pm

crisipicada wrote:
bachuichui wrote:when i'm home..
i ate all i want..

but at school i'm a vegetarian..
because the cafeteria only serve vegetables and fruits only.. :))

i feel good when i'm a vegetarian.
but i have lots of favorite meat recipes hahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now, i will write some of meat recipe here and please tell me by choosing here your favorite meat recipes you love to eat and you always crave :lol: :lol: :lol: please be honest, Bachuichui :lol: :lol:
1.Letchon baboy
2.Letchon chichken
5.Ginataang Manok
6.Sinugbang Baboy (grilled pork)
7.chicken Inasal (grilled chicken) hmmm i guess you always in Jo's Manokan or Mang Inasal :lol: :lol:
i wonder why you are getting "Tambs" now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

haha a;; listed is my favorite.. hahaha
i really love it.. especially when papa is the one cooking it
letchon baboy is the best.. haha especially when the skin is so crispy.. hehe
i always eat lechon manok.. every weekend if i'm in MVC.. i always bring lechon manok for my roommates.. :)
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Re: Change your diet now!

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:08 pm

Any kind of chicken I like to eat, grilled, fried, baked or any other way. I like fish, seafood, and turkey also. We eat duck once in a while and I like that too. :D :D
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