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Postby Smiley » Mon May 06, 2013 7:11 pm

I used to smoke cigarettes but gave them up a long time ago.I think that it is safe to say that I will never smoke one again.I do however,enjoy a decent cigar every now and again,maybe once or twice a week.I would rather have one good cigar than a boxful of crappy ones,this isn`t about quantity,but rather quality.
I smoke much less in the winter because I will not smoke in the house,I think that it is rude to do so,but in the summer I enjoy sitting outside at the end of the day.It is nice to be able to pause and reflect on the events of the day.
A couple weeks ago I had to attend the funeral of a very good friend.When I got to the funeral home my friends widow came up to me,smiled through her pain,and put a cigar in my pocket.I was kinda puzzled by this and she explained that a friend of theirs had just got back from Cuba and had given John a cigar.When this guy left my friend looked at his wife,placed the cigar on a shelf and said"This is for the next time we see Doug(thats me)". Less than an hour later he was dead from a massive coronary.
I don`t know how long I will hang onto it but I will wait for the right time before I light this one. :?
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Re: Smoking

Postby Edwin » Mon May 06, 2013 9:57 pm

For a short time in my life when I was about 14 years old, I think it was, I tried smoking cigarettes. I would smoke one on the way to the school bus, on the way home, and when I went down to town during my lunch recess break. I started a fire with one cigarette, which did very little damage, but scared the day lights out of me. I got it started while milking the cow, and then I was in the bath tub when I look out and saw the blaze! Like I said it did very little actual damage but really frightened me. Then my Dad talked to me and told me that it would kill him if he found out I was really smoking. I had already decided it didn't make sense for me to keep smoking, so that was about the end of it, and since I have never smoked, and never had any desire to smoke. It didn't and doesn't make sense for me. You are right Smiley, it is rude to smoke in a building or in an entrace to a building, in a car, in a bus, train, airplane, or any confined space where other people can't escape the second hand smoke. :D :D
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Re: Smoking

Postby m&m » Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:47 am

While waiting for motorcycle at villahermosa store going back to the barrio after work, there are lots of by stander who smoke. there are many times i almost faint and cant breath. I hate really that smoke of smoking. it is unhealthy for the person and danger to those who have heart problems. :x :o :(
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Re: Smoking

Postby cheryz » Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:24 am

when you have shortness of breathing you better not smoke and not in public people who is smoking. it can worsen your illness. and for some people who smoke you better quit right now because its for your benefit and for others who intake the smoke. ;)
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Re: Smoking

Postby m&m » Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:10 am

cheryz wrote:when you have shortness of breathing you better not smoke and not in public people who is smoking. it can worsen your illness. and for some people who smoke you better quit right now because its for your benefit and for others who intake the smoke. ;)

Smoking is dangerous to our health. The Philippine Government already approved that photos or packaging of cigarettes will be labelled with weird pictures of causes of cigarettes like, having cancer etc. I saw this on television two days ago. Many oppose to this but it is important i guess.
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Re: Smoking

Postby cheryz » Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:16 am

m&m wrote:
Smoking is dangerous to our health. The Philippine Government already approved that photos or packaging of cigarettes will be labelled with weird pictures of causes of cigarettes like, having cancer etc. I saw this on television two days ago. Many oppose to this but it is important i guess.

yes it would be great m&m and it would make the user of cigars prevent in smoking. its a good suggestion of that. i hope it will happen. it would be nice if the government pursue it. many filipino men would change there lifestyle if they would grant that.
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Re: Smoking

Postby angel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:54 am

a big no for smoking!! even the smoke of a cigar its really bad to smell i feel irritating when i used to smell it outside. and i look at the one who smoke like a tiger :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i feel so bad for them. they used to smoke they only show that the end is near :lol: :lol: :lol: .
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Re: Smoking

Postby cheryz » Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:06 am

yesterday we went for a walk with my son to buy a snack late afternoon and in the sari-sari store i see young boys buy cigarettes and used it i feel sad for him at his young age he started to gain illness with that cigar, i wanted to warn him but he walk fast after he bought it. i hope it wont happen to my son in near future.
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Re: Smoking

Postby wayne208 » Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:42 am

I wonder How Many Girls want to Kiss a Guy who Smells like a Cigarette ?? I know I do not want to Kiss a Girl who Smells like a Cigarette .. But then again to each their own .Cigars do not Smell much better then Cigarette's to Me .
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Re: Smoking

Postby angel » Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:17 am

some of my coworkers smoke i really hate when i smell when there at times theyre talking to me i just tell them that if ever you smoke buy some mint bubble gum to chew :lol: :lol: i really dont like it!
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