Setting Standard For Christian

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Setting Standard For Christian

Postby m&m » Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:27 am

I would like to share to you the message that I have learned about Setting Standard for Christian.

As Christian, we must set our standard high above the world. This is to protect us and live a good and fulfilling life. Hereunder, the message that I have learned.

Setting Standards for Christians
Acts 15:1-32, 40-41; 16:4-5

1. The definition of terms we need to understand
A. A principle is a general truth, law or rule which a person or an organization should live by.
1) There are many different sources for the principles by which people live.
[*]a. Family
b. Religion
c. Culture or society
d. Influential persons
2) For the Christian, the WORD OF GOD must be the basis for what we believe and how we live. (Psa. 19:7-9)
3) Our principles for life must not be from the world. (I Jn.. 2:15-17)

B. A standard is an established guidance to help a person apply and follow a principle.
Examples: Acts 15:28-32; Psalm 101:3; Job 31:1, I Cor. 6:19-20; II Cor. 4:1-2

2. The demand for standards in all areas of life
A. Standards of conduct, behaviour and attire are commonly practiced in society.
B. Standards are also necessary in our personal lives as Christians. (Eph. 4:21-5:12)
C. Standards are very important in the local church.

3. The development of standards in the local church
A. The pastor must be the leader in determining the standards for the church and its ministries. (Acts 6:1-4, 15:13, 19-23; 20:17-18, 28; I Tim 3:14-15:11-13)
B. The Biblical principles for the standards must be explained to the church with the right Spirit. (IPeter 5:1-4)
C. Members of the church should follow the standards developed by the leadership of the church. (Heb 13:7,17)

4. The difference between the levels of standards in the local church.
A. The standard for church membership is salvation and baptism. (Acts 2:41)
B. The standard for godly Christian living is higher than church membership. (Tit. 2:1-3:9, 14)
C. The standard for leadership in the church is the highest of all. (Acts 6:1-7; I Tim. 3:1-6; Tit. 1:5-9)
September 23, 2012 – Sunday Service Afternoon.
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Re: Setting Standard For Christian

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:22 pm

That was good, Crisi! When I was in Bible College many years ago, one of our instructors talking about standards for ministers told us that the milk man or the mail man might be able to get by with having low moral standars, but the ministers have to have high standards to survive. People in the community or in the church expect more from their ministers than they expect from themselves. You are right, to be a church member, we must have salvation, and need to be baptized. Some stress the importance of baptism more than others, and it is very important. The theif on the cross did not have a chance for baptism, yet Jesus told him this day you will be with me in paradise. It is a command, so it is important in obedience to God to be baptized as part of our walk with God. Communion, observing the taking of the emblems, the bread, and the, usually grape juice, representing the body and blood of our Lord, and it is important to take communion, in observance of our Lord's death, and what it can do for us.

You are right that we need to live with higher standards of Christian living, than just being saved, being baptized, and taking communion. All of us are to be ministers of Christ, and because of that any Christian should have as high standards as the ministers in the church. It is important for all of us to live godly lives in Christ Jesus. Those are very good thoughts you have outlined from your Sunday Service! :D :D
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Re: Setting Standard For Christian

Postby crisipicada » Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:11 pm

We should not forsake the assembly or gathering in the church. My life is refresh when I go to church and to have fellowhship with Christians.
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Re: Setting Standard For Christian

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:05 pm

Yes, Crisi, and the wording of that is "as the manner of some is." There will always be some who will forsake the assembling with the body of Christ. Attending church we get to worship God, fellowship with other believers, meet with God, and have our souls ministed to, being refreshed in the Lord. The devil works hard to keep people out of church, and he is successful with it in many cases. Years ago we had no problem getting to church. For a while Carol was so tired that she could not get out of bed to go to church. Then she kind of came out of that problem, and now we have another problem in that someone at church causes our grandkids problems, and because of that our youngest daughter and grandkids won't go to church. We are now in a situation where we have to be there, and can't be at church every other Sunday because they won't go because of a relative reporting on them, and it seems to be negative. Anyway Carol and I have decided that only one of us needs to be with the kids, so the other of us will go to church and take turns, and that way we will not miss every other Sunday, that is both of us won't miss it. I think I love church more than I used to years ago. It is so uplifting to be in church! :D :D
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Re: Setting Standard For Christian

Postby m&m » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:10 am

It is good to set standard in life. Standard that you want to live by. It is good to have principle in life, principle that we live in this world. We have free will, but that free will must be based on what we believe. Just like having a license to drive, does not mean, we can do whatever we want. we are still regulated by rules or laws. That is true to our freewill. We have standard to live by.
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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Re: Setting Standard For Christian

Postby m&m » Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:43 pm

Giving oneself to God allow Him to work in your life to what is best for you. Let us experience God's fullness by giving ourselves.
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An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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