We all have many doubts, but I would like to bring here a witness that touched me deeply inside many years ago and inspired me since then. It happened to the brother of a Rabbi with whom we shared a translation project of a religious book.
I will leave it at his words: "It all started on a hot summer day in 2001 when a young man carrying a guitar case walked into a crowded Jerusalem restaurant and detonated a bomb, killing himself and 27 other people. One of them was my wife, Shoshana, who was pregnant with our first child. I had been the happiest man in the world married to the most wonderful woman in the world. We had just moved into a new home and our heads were filled with wonderful dreams. Then in an instant I became the loneliest man in the world. I lived in fear that terrorists would track me down and kill me and perhaps kill hundreds of people in the United States as they had my wife and my unborn child."
Sparing all the subsequent details, he says: "On January 1, 2002, four months after Shoshana’s murder, I met with a group of friends in my community to discuss what we could do to make the world a better place. We decided to start a daily email newsletter to offer readers stories of kindness. We called the newsletter A Daily Dose of Kindness and our organization Partners in Kindness."
The outcome of his tragedy is that he devoted himself to spread "the culture of kindness", writing a newsletter, making seminars, and trying to change people's life and attitude. He sanctifies his love for her beloved and his unborn child everyday in this way... I think this is a real demonstration of eternal love and godly love.
In the years, he collected a number of worderful stories from all over the world and even wrote a very touching book. His newsletter became viral on the internet and changed the life of many.
Please, share your stories about eternal love.