How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

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How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

Postby purex » Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:08 pm

I open this topic because, many of the people I met, always have negative aspect in life. From regret to problems, from wrong choices to heartache. So on and so fort. Have anyone heard this words, "I hope I have made the right choice, I should have not been into this situation"!

Life is a choice. I do believe that. But sometimes our choices in life were not intelligent. Like, someone has said, "If I have not married young, I have a better life". Or someone has said, "IF only I choose this way, I could be better".

But, I read this saying, "It is never been too late to be what you might have been". So, start now, learn more, study more, be wise and take time. It is not too late. Of course, pray and ask guidance from someone is full of wisdom and they have been into life's experiences.
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Re: How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

Postby cheryz » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:35 am

yes it is (From regret to problems, from wrong choices to heartache. So on and so fort. Have anyone heard this words, "I hope I have made the right choice, I should have not been into this situation"!) thats i used to said.... from past :( hard to accept but thats a choice i made so i learned from it and now im just enjoying my journey with my little boy. moving on from whatever had done and focus to your priority in you life. life is too short just enjoy and make your life worth it. :)
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Re: How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

Postby lyrehc » Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:07 am

We can never escape our past the choice we made lead us to our life now....its with our choice and by Gods will.... we strugle for good and God will always be with us and will help us all the way can we escape our past...past is like our shadow that will always stay and will never be milted... :lol: :lol:
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Re: How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

Postby wayne208 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:36 pm

I think Unless a Person Learns from their past .. They will Never Get ahead and be able to Put the Past behind them . I think Most Everyone makes Mistakes But We Must Learn from Our Mistakes so that We Can Move Forward . And Live the Life We want To and are Meant To . Trust In God He Will Always be their for You and Me .
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Re: How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

Postby jk.kj73 » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:16 am

Mind is very powerful, and how you think will determine your life. Experiencing bad situation, complications in life, or maybe bad luck could be hard to forget. In many instances, it will be carried in life for a life time. Time heals, as what they say. Some people hardly move on and some are easily move on. It is just a matter of how you accept the reality in life, rather than denying the fact that you cannot accept it. But past cannot or may not determine your future. Past is past and no one can change it but try to forget it and make life change its course by learning from it and having a good and upright start in life. It would be a great life waiting for all of us ahead of time as we pursue goodness to come. Learning and keep improving one's life is very important.
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Re: How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

Postby Smiley » Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:40 pm

It is very important to be aware of the past so that we can better understand what has shaped the present.
We also should be careful to not spend too much time on it however as we don`t live there anymore. As we grow to understand the past we are able to better enjoy the present and the future.
After all the future is where we will be spending the rest of our lives. ;)
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Re: How to escape from the tyranny of the past?

Postby angel » Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:14 am

jk.kj73 wrote:Mind is very powerful, and how you think will determine your life. Experiencing bad situation, complications in life, or maybe bad luck could be hard to forget. In many instances, it will be carried in life for a life time. Time heals, as what they say. Some people hardly move on and some are easily move on. It is just a matter of how you accept the reality in life, rather than denying the fact that you cannot accept it. But past cannot or may not determine your future. Past is past and no one can change it but try to forget it and make life change its course by learning from it and having a good and upright start in life. It would be a great life waiting for all of us ahead of time as we pursue goodness to come. Learning and keep improving one's life is very important.

yes thats right JK.kj73 just move on with your past and try to learn from it. i have so many bad experience in life in the past that makes me better person now and learning from it.
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