Light and darkness

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Light and darkness

Postby mystic » Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:40 am

I found some interesting quotes.

Albert Einstein: “God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God.”

Albert Einstein: "There is no such 'thing' as darkness. It has no tangible shape or dimension. Its like stupidity - that exists, but only by describing what intelligence is lacking."

Lamentations 3:2: "An absence of light and only darkness."

John 1:5: "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it." [Note: "comprehend" does not only mean "understand"; it means also "encircles", "takes a grasp of", "has power over"]

Isaiah 45:7 : "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." [Note: light exists and therefore can only be forged in the form of something; darkness does not exist and must be created artificially. "Making peace" we create the precondition of duality - i.e. peace must be between two parties. Thus, we empower evil, which must be created for the sole purpose of good to be perceived. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil does not exist without Good and Evil]

Contemporary Bible study ( "The flaw here is the assumption that evil was created in the first place. Is there such a thing as light? Yes, of course. Is there such a thing as darkness, the opposite of light? No. Darkness is not the opposite of light, rather it is the absence of light, and an absence can't be created. If darkness was a "thing" then we could make dark, which we can't. All we can do is take away light."

The fifth century theologian Augustine of Hippo maintained that evil exists only as a privation or absence of the good. Ignorance is an evil, but is merely the absence of knowledge, which is good; disease is the absence of health; callousness an absence of compassion. Since evil has no positive reality of its own, it cannot be caused to exist, and so God cannot be held responsible for causing it to exist. In its strongest form, this view may identify evil as an absence of God, who is the sole source of that which is good.
(Confessions 3:7): "[it] has no existence except as a privation of good"; "whatever things exist are good, and the evil into whose origins I was inquiring is not a substance, for if it were a substance, it would be good... evil does not exist at all" (ibid. 7:7-8). As a "privation" of good, evil is that which is the absence of good.

In the Latin language, evil is defined as "privatio boni" (lack/deprivation of good).

In the Jewish world, Maimonides also views evil as a nonexistence, namely the absence of good, which could not have been produced by God.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Light and darkness

Postby purex » Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:20 am

I remember about my Philosophy teacher who taught us about light and darkness.

Each people have their own interpretation and different understanding.

Light and darkness are relative words. People would understand very shallow and others have depth meaning about these words.

Light, for scientific explanation is where there is the visible light. And darkness is without light.

On the other hand, when we talk about living a life in light or living a life in darkness, it simply means that light is in the path where the Lord's will for our lives. Darkness, in the sense we make our own choice and not live a life in accordance for what the Lord's will is.

For example, when we are not doing wrong, like taking advantage of people, lying, or cheating, that is darkness, in the sense that it is not the will of God.And the opposite of it is light. The good thing for Christian is that, especially mature one, desire to live a life to what the Lord's wants. The more we desire to seek HIs will the more we become in the image of the Lord. That is people hard to understand. But the good thing is that, we live a life to that kind of life. :D :D :D :D

Hope this makes sense.
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Re: Light and darkness

Postby cheryz » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:12 am

purex wrote:For example, when we are not doing wrong, like taking advantage of people, lying, or cheating, that is darkness, in the sense that it is not the will of God.And the opposite of it is light. The good thing for Christian is that, especially mature one, desire to live a life to what the Lord's wants. The more we desire to seek HIs will the more we become in the image of the Lord. That is people hard to understand. But the good thing is that, we live a life to that kind of life. :D :D :D :D

Hope this makes sense.

i agree in your idea purex. it make really sense :)
if you want a path that make your life see the light then put God within your life, if you choose the other side darkness then it could be miserable the whole life, its your choice to made what your life is. :)
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
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Re: Light and darkness

Postby wayne208 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:02 pm

I agree with Cheryz that what Purex wrote was very Profound to say the least .
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