What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Chas » Wed May 13, 2015 2:03 am

I have walked a bit further and after two dull and miserable days (talking about the weather only) on which I took no photos, the sun finally shone and I was enthused to get the camera out.

I took a close up of a bluebell, it is very similar to the Bluebonnet only the flowers tend to hang down like bells.
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A typical small Cornish fishing village nestling between the cliffs:
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The streets wide enough for a Mule with panniers either side, today's cars struggle to negotiate the streets:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby lyrehc » Wed May 13, 2015 3:03 pm

something is weird happening i cant post i try many yimes but it say contact global something...
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby lyrehc » Wed May 13, 2015 3:08 pm

thank you it sent now i can post...that was a crowded street chas..today was nay day off and lot of rest and lots of beauty rest..load of food and drink..we went out and have our picnick and we enjoy this day..this is a miracle that happen once..we dont have day off but this come..what a lucky day we have.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Wed May 13, 2015 9:29 pm

Nice photo chas, when the object is close up is vey beautiful especially flowers. Professionals shots :D.

Today, is very hot here, all I wanted is to go outside to get some fresh air, a little wind makes me feel better. Have a nice day to all.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Chas » Thu May 14, 2015 10:01 am

I saw the Sailing Ship Phoenix in Charlestown harbour:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Chas » Fri May 15, 2015 3:42 pm

Some sun, some rain and a lot of wind:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Sat May 16, 2015 12:30 am

4 Days of no rain here i hope and pray it will rain again, guava tree outside our house the flower, leaves and branches are getting dry :( because of hotness of the weather.
just because of the hot here i eat icecandy :). i wonder so quiet outside , so often saw my neighbors in the middle of the day they're in the houses coz of the hotness. ;)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Sat May 16, 2015 7:04 pm

I also Wish We would get More Rain here in California . Everything is so Dry and the Lakes are so Low . But I Had a Great Day as My Best Friend's wife Made My Mom a Handmade Quilt . Then She Gave it to My Mom for Free . She usually Sells them for 1500 dollars American . They are Indeed Great Friends . And I was Best Man at Their Wedding 40 + Years ago . I Thank God For Friends like that .
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Sun May 17, 2015 12:00 am

I would also pray for you Wayne for the rains come's in california.
I am so blessed today one of my prayers answered, Thanks God. :) today, very hot again, were staying at home maybe later we will go to church in late afternoon, the hotness here its like your skin gonna burn. Because of the hot weather we suffer for prickly heat rash about a week now, its really itchy its ok with me but for my son he always scratch it, ill put a baby powder although it helps but its coming back when he scratch again. :( . anyway thats all for now, Have a great weekend to all.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Sun May 17, 2015 3:15 pm

We have been in a 2 year drought here in Texas, but it has rained 14 of the last 15 days, and it is expected to rain tomorrow again, so all of the prayers for rain have been answered. But our lake is still 51 feet below it's normal full level, so there is a lot of rain still needed to get back to where we should be. I am fortunate that my client is giving me some indoor work because I am usually out of work when it rains since I do mostly exterior renovations for them.
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