Why are there broken homes? broken marriages? In my opinion, it is because God is not the center of the relationship. True commitment in marriage will only work when both had that FEAR of the LORD. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Wisdom to identify RIGHT FROM WRONG. Wisdom of both partners to settle their differences in the context of God's perspective and discipline. Wisdom of both partners to pray together and surrender to the feet of Jesus all their concerns.
Entering into marriage without the "WISDOM OF GOD" in finding a partner is truly a big problem in the end. It is very important that both truly understand what they are entering into, because marriage is a divine vow not a broken vow. It must be a true commitment beyond self or physical satisfaction, beyond beautiful dreams, nice plans and programs on how to ran a family, beyond having children, beyond anything else. Because the ULTIMATE REASON FOR MARRIAGE is for us to understand the TRUE LOVE OF GOD to men. A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT TRUE LOVE IS, CAN ONLY BE ATTAINED WHEN WE HAVE THE RIGHT RELATIONSHIP IN THE LORD AND ACKNOWLEDGING THAT WE NEED HIS MERCY AND GRACE TO ATTAIN TRUE COMMITMENT IN MARRIAGE. APART FROM HIM, WE CAN DO NOTHING.