Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:05 am

I have said before that I prefere women friends over men friends, and I think there are several reasons for that. For one thing I think it is the way God made me to have those preferences. I feel less intimidated by women than I do men. Have you ever watched bulls of the cow variety out in the fields where there are many cows they are servicing. They paw the ground, throw dirt in the air, they beller, and they bawl, they charge, I mean they make a run for another cow or even a horse to assert their male superiority. That factor is not as pronounced in humans as in cows and bulls, but it is still there, and I feel safer with the women who are less apt to beller and bawl, throw dust in the air, also get into fist fights which is the equivalent of a bull making a run at another bull or horse. I feel safer with women because they are less apt to behave that way! My parents before I was born wanted me to be a girl, and I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. My parents also put dresses on me when I was a little boy, and I had long blond ringlets/curls, and I still have a clip of my hair from that time, which is unbelievable for me, because all of my adult life I had such dark hair that it appeared to be black! I do respect the men, but I stay out of their way, and I feel more comfortable having women for my friends! :D :D
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby jadegil6 » Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:29 pm

My best friend is a man, but I have more female friends than I have male friends. Maybe that is because I have this website, and so many women like to ask me questions about the men they meet, so I am constantly getting emails and facebook messages from a lot of ladies. Since I am a single guy, then I don't have to worry about making my significant other jealous. Many of the girls who find their husbands through the site also continue to communicate with me, and it makes me happy to see how their marriages have grown, and many of those couples now have children. It's kind of neat to see them name their children after me, especially their daughters. lol ....just joking about that! haha :lol:
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby Smiley » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:11 pm

It must be pretty cool to keep in touch with your success stories.Seeing people that came together as a result of your efforts continue to grow and to start families has to be a lot like an extended family,complete with grandchildren!
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:41 am

Blessings come in many forms! It is rewarding to see the photos of these couples and their kids.
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby m&m » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:50 pm

Yes, it is possible that man and woman can be just be friends.

For me, unless I know the guy will tell me directly what is in his heart rather than talking and no point at all, then I wont understand that he likes me or loves me if he wont tell. Sometimes, I just feel that, he just a friend to me or just a brother to me, until the guy would tell, "I like you or I have feelings for you or I love you" :D :D :D :D
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby jadegil6 » Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:08 pm

I have never had a job working around women other than when I was a project manager for a large corporation, and they gave me a desk in their office, which I was rarely at since I was always out doing construction work. But I did go in the office occasionally, and there were 2 female secretaries and one bookkeeper, plus my boss was a female. (Notice I did not call her a lady! lol). I recall that the bookkeeper who was married was a flirt, and she would always put her hands on my upper arms to feel my muscles. I think my face turned red every time she did that.
I have had some female friends, and I never had any type of sexual or romantic relationship with any of them, so I think it is possible to have friends of the opposite sex without creating an issue. It probably depends upon the person and the circumstances, and is not a universal certainty.
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby cheryz » Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:23 am

for me yes! i have so many boy friends since college until now we still communicate but some has their own families but still even super busy in their own lives, we chat sometimes :) since theres facebook, e-mails, twitter, messenger etc.. we try to keep in touch in our leisure time chatting bout their families. we give time even we havent seen each other. some of my girl friends try not to friend with a guy because of some reason like they dont understand each other, there opposite attitude and also some boys are bullying girls. :lol:
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:11 pm

yes. My sister and her engaged bf was not able to marry and have separate ways but they remain friends.
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby angel » Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:40 am

Can a man and woman just be friends? In situation like for friendship which it makes us fall with our friends right? for everyday we used to be with her or him, were making great deals like make deeper relationship until it become attracted to each other until one day your inlove with him or her. In other situation some are remains friends for reasons that they have their own relationship. id rather not so close to boys, i hate that i might fall again. :D
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby lyrehc » Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:58 am

There are different situation and circumstances in many cases men became friend with a woman but when they become lover.,they can also hate each other and become enemies. But some who can accept the leis of the other who become a tractor in there relationship sometimes they chose to be friend but most of it they become mortal enemies . However it's a matter of choice for them to be friend and bear the pain or let go and accept the lost and become there foe.
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