Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to marry?

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Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to marry?

Postby gum » Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:52 pm

I want to raise t his question about compatibility. What can you say about two people are compatible to each other and can they have a good marriage? How would you view this compatibility as makes marriage happy? I am seriously searching someone whom I am compatible if this would works for looking someone to marry? When two people are deeply in love but have noticed that they want to have different marriage style? How important do you think agreement on marriage styles should be in deciding whom to marry?
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Re: Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to ma

Postby crisipicada » Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:27 am

This is hard to explain but I am not sure if how would you assess if two people are compatible for each other? Because even twins are so different to each other. For me, I consider compatibility but there are things that, being so different to each other attracts us each other. I do not know if you can relate to this. But there are times that we just like people doing things that we are not doing or interested in. For example, there are men who loves women who loves nature lover and some women loves men who are interested in music or computer, or in poetry or in sports. But these people are not really compatible. Maybe it is just that this is how the Lord created us. We learn to love them they way they are even if we are not compatible. Do you agree with this?

In addition, sooner or later, we become uninterested to what the person is doing. Like we do not like it anymore. Because, as we can see, people wants variety, innovation, changes, in fact only change never change, lol. In other words we got BORED! Therefore, as relationship becomes longer, there are times that it becomes sour. But what is interesting is that, the love of the person for God is intimate and his or her character flourish everyday and his love and devotion to the Lord becomes great, is something that we get closer to the person. Because physical beauty fades and things are passed away. But the true beauty is being renewed everyday. The character of being kind, loving, servant heart, sweetness, thoughtfulness, name it, then that makes you become closer to the person. In other words, relationship needs to be triangle. The husband and the wife and the Lord as the center of the relationship. When rough times come, there is always a good attitude towards it because both of you have the quiet spirit to respond to the situation. Do I make sense?
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Re: Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to ma

Postby crisipicada » Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:42 pm

Many people are blindly accepts the assumption that we should seek romantic excitement and sexual chemistry above everything else when choosing someone to marry. People view marriage to be happy one and defining happiness by romantic intensity and sexual chemistry. As far as study is concerned, young people in America specifically men, demanded more and more of love yet getting less and less out of marriages. Most women would marry someone if the guy had every trait they were looking for even if they didn't feel romantic love towards them.
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Re: Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to ma

Postby crisipicada » Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:46 pm

How many married couple have you known who got married whom they perceived happiness but remain unhappy for very long?
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Re: Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to ma

Postby Hohwarrior49 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:38 pm

I met many people who have hobbies and interests different from mine. It's safe for me to say that different hobbies and interests make for an interesting relationship. There have even been moments in which I became curious and wanted to learn more about and accept them. However, I had discovered that some things like a similar faith and not being a smoker should not be compromised. The most important thing to remember is to not mention too many things which cannot be compromised. You might end up missing or passing up someone who otherwise might be the one God wants to give you.
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Re: Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to ma

Postby crisipicada » Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:12 pm

I believe that things needs to be talked about. Like roles of husband and wife, children, finances, etc. Unless both agree, I believe there will be clashes and misunderstanding. Of course, sensible person could be the wife or husband to be is important to consider and no hidden agenda at all. We may have different culture and differences, as much both agree what hey believe in will make you both happy. It is just a matter of communication
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Re: Is it important to be compatible with someone whom to ma

Postby angel » Sat Jul 23, 2016 3:14 am

I can say yes or maybe ;) some are compatible but in other ways they different. Compatibility in every decision making but different in other views like wearing clothes you want or the restaurant you want to dine. In some point theres always a difference ;) Try to love the differences to each other might help to build a good relationship.
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