Moderator: youngj
jadegil6 wrote:Social media can be both good and bad. It allows us to connect to people from around the world like never before possible, but it also provides the means for people to "speak" without first thinking things through. For instance if someone says something on a social media post that angers another person, then that person can respond with angry words without first thinking about what they are doing or saying. That can be a bad thing because once said, words (including written words) cannot be retrieved or reversed (or unread). I have seen many celebrity feuds that have sprung out of some comment on social media such as twitter that have snowballed into an avalanche of insults that could have been avoided if these individuals would have thought out what they were writing, and did not have access to instant postings. I have read that some people believe that this ability to instantly post one's thoughts to everyone in the world will lead to the downfall of society.
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