What do you believe? Does it matter?

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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Aug 10, 2020 2:23 pm

This is to raise question about how God speak to us when someone does not believe the Bible as the Word of God. I believe that not all people in the world know/understand the language or about the Scripture, the original writings of the Scripture.

How would people behave or live life if the person does not believe the Bible? And what is his basis or measurement how a person live?

Lastly, has someone made a book or interpret the Scripture from Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic language? And show here so everyone can read?

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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby mystic » Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:04 am

Sono_gioiosa wrote:Lastly, has someone made a book or interpret the Scripture from Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic language? And show here so everyone can read?

The image in the previous post seems early Aramaic. I guess only historians can translate the glyphs to modern Aramaic, which uses the same letters of Hebrew.

There are a few interlinear bibles, where one can read word by word the original against English. If one does not mind the translation word by word, it can be done line by line with any bible in any language. There are many portals online where you can place bibles side by side. The Leningrad Codex has also all the vowel points and is the standard masoretic text of the bible.

Many tried to do a sort of navigable bible, where they key and explain every main word in the bible from the original Hebrew (you click on the word and get the possible translations and compared meanings). An example is Strong's bible/lexicon.

Among the most correct translations of the Bible I consider King James', and to a lesser extent Tyndale. Nowadays, we have some new Jewish translations, which are quite accurate and different from the Bibles we are used to. However... they respect a tradition that is hard to understand by a non-Jew and are not always so literal as they should.

And just taking Jewish sources, there are many commentaries (Hebrew only) that take into account different interpretations. There is the simple interpretation, whose main commentator is certainly Rashi. He goes for the absolute literal meaning of the sentence, excluding any possible reference, connection, or implied meaning. Then you have the allegorical interpretation, interpretation by similitude with other passages, and secret interpretation. Those interpretations (their actual names) go by the acronym of Pardes, which means "orchard", or "paradise". Therefore, the many levels of interpretation of the Bible are said to open the gates of the lost Eden, and all are needed to get back in.
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby mystic » Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:11 am

An example of a wrongly translated word in the Gospel.

Jesus spoke Aramaic, but his disciples preferred to write the Gospel in Greek, because they were not interested in converting Jews. They wanted to bring the word abroad.

There was an Aramaic word that Jesus used: Bar Enosh. When the disciples wrote the Gospel, they wrongly rendered it as "son of man". Despite in Hebrew it has this meaning, in Aramaic it's an expression that means "mankind". This mistake continued indefinitely, and we still read "son of man" instead of "mankind".

The translated bibles are all full of those mistakes that completely alter the original meaning of the sentence.
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:29 am

mystic wrote:An example of a wrongly translated word in the Gospel.

Jesus spoke Aramaic, but his disciples preferred to write the Gospel in Greek, because they were not interested in converting Jews. They wanted to bring the word abroad.

There was an Aramaic word that Jesus used: Bar Enosh. When the disciples wrote the Gospel, they wrongly rendered it as "son of man". Despite in Hebrew it has this meaning, in Aramaic it's an expression that means "mankind". This mistake continued indefinitely, and we still read "son of man" instead of "mankind".

The translated bibles are all full of those mistakes that completely alter the original meaning of the sentence.

There are so many versions of the Bible. And since then I have been reading the King James Version. I am referring to King James when I share about here.

I would like to ask if what exactly verse/verses in the King James Version that you are referring to as wrong translation of that word "Son of Man"? I am reading King James Version and found out that so many verses appear the words "son of man".

And what you mean by " Gospel" as to the past/previous comment you said?
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby mystic » Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:58 am

Every occurrence of "son of man" is wrong, as it descends from the interpretation mistake in the original Greek texts.

Bible = Old Testament
Gospel = New Testament

Someone calls Bible the New Testament, but that's just a mistake. Someone else calls Bible the Old and New Testament together (such as Catholics), which makes more sense but is not entirely correct.
In the true, the term Bible means just the Torah (5 books of the law) + a number of additional scriptures, as they are codified for the Old Testament.
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:40 pm

mystic wrote:Every occurrence of "son of man" is wrong, as it descends from the interpretation mistake in the original Greek texts.

Bible = Old Testament
Gospel = New Testament

Someone calls Bible the New Testament, but that's just a mistake. Someone else calls Bible the Old and New Testament together (such as Catholics), which makes more sense but is not entirely correct.
In the true, the term Bible means just the Torah (5 books of the law) + a number of additional scriptures, as they are codified for the Old Testament.

I had bad days last few weeks ago. I overdo things and I got dehydrated. Also, working using bare hands i finish cleaning under the sun was made my hands so painful and do the laundry by hands and then took a bath with cold water which cause my muscles so painful to the point I cannot barely hold things. Until an accident happen to me when I open a can of food, I used a knife since I cannot find the can opener. The cangood slid and the part of the lid of the can cut my wrist. It was so.painful. But I praise and thank the Father for allowing these things even though no body wants it happen but it happen. And had been experiencing abdominal pain due to drinking soft drink which i am not used to however giving respect to people, I need to which caused me pain during my female thing. I came to realization that the Father wants me to slow down things and take a rest as in lying down in bed for few days.

On the other hand, I do appreciate of all the information being shared here by Mystic. I had good study and research I made. Torah, indeed, is the first 5 books of the Christian Bible and Torah is Jewish Bible. I come to understanding why in the Christian Bible especially the new testament has the word "to the Jew first and.also to the Greek" and "to the Jew first and also to the Gentile."It makes perfect sense to me. Jew are God's people and Greeks representing the Gentile world. Jews, as i understand, are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac or Jacod. And Gentiles are those who are not descendants of these. So, in Romans 1:16, says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power unto God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek"
Last edited by Sono_gioiosa on Mon Sep 07, 2020 7:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:51 pm

Regarding the words "Son of man" and "son of man" to the word "mankind" won't make perfect sense.
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:54 pm

More verses I have searched.
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Sep 07, 2020 7:00 pm

In the New Testament. Yes, I come accross that the New Testament is what we call the Gospel. I learned that the gospels in the New Testament reference to the first four books of the new testament , however when we say the Gospel we general mean the plan of salvation.
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Re: What do you believe? Does it matter?

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:42 am

Have more studies lately about the Scripture. I learn that the old testament represents the Old covenant and the New Testament represents the new covenant of Christ' finished redemptive work on the cross.The old testament pointed to Christ, and the new testament reveals Christ. The law, the ten commandments, that is where it is given then we have history of its failure to bring righteousness , but in Christ we are made righteous. The law just revealed to us how wicked we are but it had no power to save us only Jesus could. In Gal. 3:24-25 tells us that is was a schoolmaster to show us how wicked we are but had no power to save.

24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster
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