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Postby red » Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:10 pm

Please share what you know about tithing. Do you tithe by gross or net income? Do you give 10% because you are oblige to or give any amount because it is what your heart tells you?
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Re: Tithes

Postby red » Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:14 pm

Some gives 10 % of their income but they are not cheerful giver. Some dont give 10 % but they give with cheerful heart. Hmmm
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Re: Tithes

Postby Chas » Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:18 am

As far as I can remember the term Tithes comes from the medieval times when it was a tax of 10% imposed by the church on the local landowners.

Do not be fixed on a particular percentage, just give what you can when you can to those needing help. It may only be your prayers or you may be able to give material help. All are equally as important. Just give with your heart.
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Re: Tithes

Postby red » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:55 am

Most preachers remind the congregation every sunday. Personally, I give the 10% in money sometimes in kind.
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Re: Tithes

Postby bronze » Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:32 pm

Give as you can. Give with a heart.
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Re: Tithes

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:31 pm

red wrote:Please share what you know about tithing. Do you tithe by gross or net income? Do you give 10% because you are oblige to or give any amount because it is what your heart tells you?

To be honest, human being, in nature is greedy. We are always wanting to acquire more and more.

TO have a giving heart is a good heart. That means, it is what the state of your heart, whether good or not, is how you respond to things. Like giving tithes, it must be out of your heart's desire. Give and it shall be given unto you...

There is always blessing in giving. Always remember that it is biblical to give. But tithes is not yet giving, it is RETURNING the 10th part. Giving is something beyond your tithes.

God is the one who gives us blessing. He is only asking us to return our 10th part of income.

He makes the crops grow, He gives wisdom to acquire wealth, HE gives us strength to have work or to make a living, He owns everything. Do you think it is unreasonable to return His part?

Giving more than the 10th part or returning what belongs to God will always open the gate of heaven to shower you more blessings to come.
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Re: Tithes

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:14 pm

We can't out give God! We all need those showers from God, when He opens the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing upon His people! :D :D
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Re: Tithes

Postby crisipicada » Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:31 am

Edwin wrote:We can't out give God! We all need those showers from God, when He opens the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing upon His people! :D :D

I do believe that it is a matter of priority.

Just imagine, God give us work, strength to do our daily living, sunshine to grow our plants, water to water our trees and crops, protection from our rice field, not to mention other miracle God gave us.

Imagine, what if God would demand us 90% out of our income because He is the one who make it increase? And only 10% what if left for us?

I do believe that it is the heart that matters when you give your tithes and offering. Actually the 10% of our income is just RETURNING, not giving yet.

If the government demand us 12.5% of our income to return and other 10 % from our food, then it is also we must priority the Lord to return 10% out of income.
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Re: Tithes

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:30 am

Yes, Crisi, it is a matter of priority. God had given us so much. Like you say He is the one who allows us to succeed, and gain things. He gives to everyone, and even those who are undeserving. Yes, God gives us the strength to do our daily work, and He causes what we do to reward us. It is the heart that matters, and God looks on the heart, and I am glad that God sees all and that He knows. That is one of the wonderful blessings that the Lord knows those who are His! :D :D
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Re: Tithes

Postby wantingmore » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:40 pm

To give is good but be wise.
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