How To Land A Job?

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How To Land A Job?

Postby crisipicada » Fri May 28, 2010 5:29 am

Many teens have found that having a part - time job can be a valuable experience. Learning how to get a job and keep it is knowledge that will stick with you for a lifetime, and the extra cash earn doesn't hurt either. But times are tough all over. The slump in the economy translates into fewer available jobs for teens. However, if you are determined, you can be successful.

First Impression can make you or break you
When you are looking for a job, be sure to look your best. Don't think, I am just going to pick up an application. I don't need to look good. Wrong! From the time you pick up the application until the time you go to the interview, you need to look your best.
It is a good idea to dress conservatively, or in the same way you see the employees dressed. If it is an upscale department store, a suit and tie is code for guys, a suit or a conservative dress for girls. If it's a fast-food job, dress pants and a nice shirt will do. You never know who might hand you the application. It is often the manager or the person in charge of hiring. You can use this to make a strong first impression.

Application must be flawless
When you fill out your application, be sure to use blue or black ink. It is easy to make mistakes, so it is a good idea to make a few copies of your application before you begin filling it out. Check your spelling. Don't leave any lines blank. If something does not apply to you, write NA in the space, which stands for "not applicable", meaning that it doesn't apply to you. Your application says a lot about you besides just the information it contains. If you were a boss and you had two applications, one with spaghetti sauce staining the front, and one that was clean, which would you choose?

Include a resume'
A lot of emphasis is put on a person's resume'. A resume' is a presentation of your work and education of your work and educational experience, along with some personal information that might be helpful to your potential employer when he is considering you for a position. You can list job experience if you have any, even if it is just babysitting or cutting lawns. List your education and any extracurricular activities you are involved in. List work or personal references, but don't list your best friend. Go with adult references here. If you want to write a professional resume', consult with your school counselor, or check out some books on the topic from the library.

Persistence pays
When you apply for a job, drop the application off in person, and ask to see the manager. When the manager comes out, look him in the eye, smile, and say something like, "I just wanted to hand in my application and let you know that I am really interested in a job. I will be available for interview whenever you want to make an appointment." Then, if you haven't heard anything in a week, drop in. Ask to see the manager again and remind them,"My name is ________, and I am wondering if you still have openings. I am interested in a job".
Personal contact is much effective than a phone call.Showing up in person communicates to the manager that you are serious and that you will do what it takes to get the job. It also helps the manager connect a person with the application. You might think that this is begging for a job, or that it is embarrassing, but you have to go in with the attitude that you deserve a chance, and that you would be an asset to the company.
Persistent follow - up works. Ann, 19, says "I wanted a summer job at an upscale department store. I dropped off my application , and then every single week, like clockwork, I went in and told the manager that if there were any openings, I was interested. Finally she called me in for an interview. During the interview she said she was impressed with my persistence. I got the job."

Be the best version of yourself during the interview
You want your personality to shine through. Relax and communicate with your potential employer. Interviews can be nerve racking, or they can be used as a good tool to exchange information about yourself. Smile. Look the interviewer in the eyes. Use a firm handshake. But most of all, relax, and let the real you show. A lot of jobs are clinched on personality. A manager wants to hire someone they are comfortable with. This is your chance to shine.

Getting job might seem like an impossible task, but if you follow these pointers, you will have a good chance. Good luck!

By: Angela Lewis
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby bronze » Sun May 30, 2010 1:08 am

These are good points about how to land a job. These will help those who are fresh graduate or anyone who have not yet landed a job. Great post.
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby Ronald » Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:36 pm

First impression lasts :P :P :P . Make the best of you during interview. Show your shot. Good posture is impressive.
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:51 pm

Ronald wrote:First impression lasts :P :P :P . Make the best of you during interview. Show your shot. Good posture is impressive.

Yes that is true. But here in the Philippines, when you wanted to apply a job especially in the government, someone must back you up or needs recommendation from the higher authority. National election is over and by July 31 will be the turn-over for the next administration, sad to say that there are lots of government employee will be terminated/lay off. That is how politics is going on here in the country. Those who are, if not all, casual in status and co-terminus are terminated.
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby Chas » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:35 pm

crisipicada wrote:Yes that is true. But here in the Philippines, when you wanted to apply a job especially in the government, someone must back you up or needs recommendation from the higher authority. National election is over and by July 31 will be the turn-over for the next administration, sad to say that there are lots of government employee will be terminated/lay off. That is how politics is going on here in the country. Those who are, if not all, casual in status and co-terminus are terminated.

That's harsh! :(
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:48 pm

Chas wrote:
crisipicada wrote:Yes that is true. But here in the Philippines, when you wanted to apply a job especially in the government, someone must back you up or needs recommendation from the higher authority. National election is over and by July 31 will be the turn-over for the next administration, sad to say that there are lots of government employee will be terminated/lay off. That is how politics is going on here in the country. Those who are, if not all, casual in status and co-terminus are terminated.

That's harsh! :(

There are some who are not harsh at all
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby stanley » Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:50 pm

crisipicada wrote:Many teens have found that having a part - time job can be a valuable experience. Learning how to get a job and keep it is knowledge that will stick with you for a lifetime, and the extra cash earn doesn't hurt either. But times are tough all over. The slump in the economy translates into fewer available jobs for teens. However, if you are determined, you can be successful.

First Impression can make you or break you
When you are looking for a job, be sure to look your best. Don't think, I am just going to pick up an application. I don't need to look good. Wrong! From the time you pick up the application until the time you go to the interview, you need to look your best.
It is a good idea to dress conservatively, or in the same way you see the employees dressed. If it is an upscale department store, a suit and tie is code for guys, a suit or a conservative dress for girls. If it's a fast-food job, dress pants and a nice shirt will do. You never know who might hand you the application. It is often the manager or the person in charge of hiring. You can use this to make a strong first impression.

Application must be flawless
When you fill out your application, be sure to use blue or black ink. It is easy to make mistakes, so it is a good idea to make a few copies of your application before you begin filling it out. Check your spelling. Don't leave any lines blank. If something does not apply to you, write NA in the space, which stands for "not applicable", meaning that it doesn't apply to you. Your application says a lot about you besides just the information it contains. If you were a boss and you had two applications, one with spaghetti sauce staining the front, and one that was clean, which would you choose?

Include a resume'
A lot of emphasis is put on a person's resume'. A resume' is a presentation of your work and education of your work and educational experience, along with some personal information that might be helpful to your potential employer when he is considering you for a position. You can list job experience if you have any, even if it is just babysitting or cutting lawns. List your education and any extracurricular activities you are involved in. List work or personal references, but don't list your best friend. Go with adult references here. If you want to write a professional resume', consult with your school counselor, or check out some books on the topic from the library.

Persistence pays
When you apply for a job, drop the application off in person, and ask to see the manager. When the manager comes out, look him in the eye, smile, and say something like, "I just wanted to hand in my application and let you know that I am really interested in a job. I will be available for interview whenever you want to make an appointment." Then, if you haven't heard anything in a week, drop in. Ask to see the manager again and remind them,"My name is ________, and I am wondering if you still have openings. I am interested in a job".
Personal contact is much effective than a phone call.Showing up in person communicates to the manager that you are serious and that you will do what it takes to get the job. It also helps the manager connect a person with the application. You might think that this is begging for a job, or that it is embarrassing, but you have to go in with the attitude that you deserve a chance, and that you would be an asset to the company.
Persistent follow - up works. Ann, 19, says "I wanted a summer job at an upscale department store. I dropped off my application , and then every single week, like clockwork, I went in and told the manager that if there were any openings, I was interested. Finally she called me in for an interview. During the interview she said she was impressed with my persistence. I got the job."

Be the best version of yourself during the interview
You want your personality to shine through. Relax and communicate with your potential employer. Interviews can be nerve racking, or they can be used as a good tool to exchange information about yourself. Smile. Look the interviewer in the eyes. Use a firm handshake. But most of all, relax, and let the real you show. A lot of jobs are clinched on personality. A manager wants to hire someone they are comfortable with. This is your chance to shine.

Getting job might seem like an impossible task, but if you follow these pointers, you will have a good chance. Good luck!

By: Angela Lewis
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Driving is the one of the skills everyone must learn. Know some automotive work and you will always find job :arrow:
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:51 pm

I am somewhat retired. I do have a number of projects that need attention. I am presently working to get running water in our house. Then I have more work that I need to do on a rental house. There are other repairs that I could work on in this house we are living in. After I get the water situation resolved then I need to finish building a root cellar that I have a huge hole dug out for. The stairs will go down into the root cellar, and the water pipes will run through the root cellar. I will dig out a very small room, large enough for a pressure tank, pump, and hotwater heater under the house, and I think that will be a huge job, but as I tackle it, it will go quickly. Then I need to hook the water pipes up to the pressure tank, pump, and hot water heater. Next summer or the summer after that I need to replace the roof on this house, stringers, sheeting, and roofing. I got a very good deal on the roofing, so I already have that stored under that house waiting for the time I can get at it. I think my daughter, son-in-law, his brother, and I will work together to replace the roof, and that will be nice, rather than me undertaking it alone. My dog wanted me to pet him. He pushed my hand up off the keyboard. He does that when I am playing the piano also if he wants me to pet him. He also starts to hop on the piano bench, and on one of my legs. He is a loving dog. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:42 am

I was substitute teaching for about 10 years. The school districts make it impossible for a substitute to draw unemployment during the summers by labeling summers vacation times, and you can't draw unemployment during vacation periods. It got increasingly difficult for me to pay our bills during the summers and survive until the next school year although we made it fairly well until Carol got tired of her job and quit it. We started using the credit card for basic necessities, and it got scary as the credit card soured to its limit. We got a chance to go to this little resort village of Stehekin deep in the Cascade Mountains. Carol had family history there, so it was fun for her, and she wanted to work there because of that. We didn't get big wages, but with two of us working and no place there to spend money our financial situation quickly turned around. I also enjoyed what I was doing more than anything I had ever done in my life; giving narrated tours and providing transportation driving buses. We fit in really well because of Carol family history there, and it was a very happy situtation all the way around. I got tips for my tours and transportation, and from those tips we bought computers, cars, and the tips paid for the place we now live and setting it up. It was very good. We had such a good thing going that I didn't return to teaching after the first year. I even drew some unemployment off from the school districts because I was no longer employed with them.

We would probably still be there except for two things. Carol's diabetes and related health deterioration made working very difficult and even near impossible for her. The last year we worked she had to use both her breaks and sometimes her lunch to lay down so that she could feel good enough to survive. That time had come for Carol, and she was past retirement age anyway. I am 4 years younger and still very active, healthy, and full of strength and go get them, but politically things changed in Stehekin that made it difficult for me to stay also. The National Park Service began to have cold war with the concessionaires for whom we worked. That made it difficult for us because we didn't know from that time on whether we had a job or not, or whether we had a place to live, so we moved out at the second session of cold wars there.

We started drawing unemployment, and I could not believe it, but the unemployment lasted almost 2 years! Now finally I am out of unemployment, and I will start drawing social security and get on medicare in a couple of months, at my 65th birthday. All the time I drew unemployment I was required to hunt for a job. I would have gone to work if anyone would have suggested that they would hire me, but with the economics and the repressed job market in our area that didn't happen, and I had and still do have my own projects that needed attention anyway. Those are playing the piano, working on a couple of rentals, and working on the place we are living in. A tire shop told me that they might be hiring, but I was afraid of that job as many people have had their heads cut off by a flying truck lock ring that had cracks, so I didn't go after that one. A septic pumping local company suggested they might be interested in me when they needed someone because of my driving history and qualifications, and I would have been happy with that. Employers started asking for resumes, and one that really surprised me was that a funeral home expressed interest in me. Part of the reason for that is one of our neighbors has family that is connnected with the funeral home. I knew their son operated a crematory near where we live, but I didn't realize that he had connections with the funeral home too. He is married to the owner's daughter and works for them, and I didn't know that. If I wanted/needed a job badly there are some things I could do to increase my chances. I could always return to Stehekin for the summer season, and if I needed the employment I could do that. I could also return to substitute teaching any time I would want, although I would be on the bottom of the list, and after 12 years of being away from it I would have to start all over again getting known by the schools so they would use me. Many of the people are still there, and they would use me, but many of them have gotten old in that period, and have even retired or even died. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: How To Land A Job?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:07 pm

It is so hard to land a job now. Did you know that more than 50% of the graduates now don't have job? Filipino are mindset about landing a job. Me i am both mindset job and business. When i was with my father, he always shift my mind to be business minded person. To be independent and to be positive always. Being creative and working hard and smart is important to survive int his world. I really my father anyway. :oops:
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