Trip to the Philippines, Story and Pictures

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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:48 am

Sometimes you just have to jump in and do it. I got my passport a number of months ago because I thought I might go, and then my wife told me our friends were going, and they always want us to go along, so I called them and asked them if I could tag along, and they are happy for it, and so am I. I booked my flight for October 16th from here to Manila, and they booked a flight for me from Manila to Dumaguete, both round trips. Sometimes you just have to do it. My wife told me that now is my change, so do it, and I am. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby cougarkharne » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:26 am

The more you think about it, the less you will want to do it. Just get on a plane and go to the Philippines. Stop thinking about it, you will end up not going if you do that. For some reason We are all that way. We think about doing something, and want to do it. But the more we think about it the more reasons we think of to not do it. if you want to enjoy life, go with your first choice. being cautious is allways thoinking. there is a time for both. ;) ;) ;)

P.S. Remember " Tomorrow never comes " :) :) :)
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:56 am

It is funny because it seemed like getting my passport was an unrealistic dream being followed. One of the reasons for getting my passport was the idea that we might want to go into Canada sometime. Up until a short time ago, and I'm not sure when it started, we could go into Canada very easily with very little identification, and now you can't cross the border without a passport. I lived there four years living in Canada, and drove across the border each day to attend Bible College classes for the fifth year after Carol and I were married. I have one good friend there, others are friends but we haven't kept up with each other over the years, but there is one person that calls me each time I have a birthday, and I usually e-mail him telling him happy birthday. He was from New Zealand, and came home with me to our family ranch once. He wanted me to be in his wedding, but I was already pastoring a church, and feeling the responsibility I didn't think that I should leave. He taught fifth grade Asian students in Vancouver until he retired. He came to Oroville just this side of the border last summer, and we went there to meet him, then afterwards we visited Carol's relatives there before heading home.

So I got this passport thinking yes, sometime I will go to the Philippines, but when? Carol said that I shouldn't procrastinate because when our friends were ready to go to the Philippines I might not have my passport, so one of our trips to town I got it. Then I think Carol saw on Facebook that they were planning a trip to the Philippines, and they are good enough friends so that I was not imposing to call and ask them if I could tag along with them. They were very happy that I wanted to go with them, and we will have a lot of fun. Then Carol's brother and his filipina wife will meet me, and I will spend part of the time with them. She said they wanted to show her some of the country, but she was not interested, but if they offer I will enjoy seeing whatever there is. It will be fun, and I am excitedly looking forward to the trip. I would actually like to stay longer, but I am fitting into their vacation schedule, so I will come and go with them. Maybe next time I will go on my own and stay longer. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby Jeeem » Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:26 pm

Hi folks,

Years ago, circa 1991, I made that trip to the Philippines to meet a woman. It didn't work out, but I had the time of my life and I still dream of returning to the Philippines.

I landed in Makati and stayed at the St. Illian's Inn. I recommend it. Great place and nice people...pretty decent breakfast too. We stayed four days in Makati, visiting Quezon city, Ermita, Angeles, Sta Rosa, and many surrounding areas before flying PAL to Mindanao, where I spent two weeks on the North Eastern coast.

Got my fill of lechon, that's for sure. And fell in love with lumpia! Khenny Lao (spelling?) was okay, but wore on me after a while. Got to visit many of he islands and tried Durian for the first time! Love it now!

Returned to Manila on a ship, which was very, very cool, and docked in Dumaguette, Negros, which was beautiful. Such warm and friendly people! I'm still looking for my Filipina bride, and hope to find her soon. :D

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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:21 pm

I will be leaving with our friends for the Philippines October 16th, and then will meet my wife's brother and his filipina wife to be with them part of the time. It will be fun. That is 2 and 1/2 months away, and the time will go quickly. I'm looking forward to that! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby Edwin » Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:53 pm

nikeshox wrote:Trip to Philippines is a nice thing,and how about travel around the world.

We have a granddaughter who was born in Germany. She traveled to France and Germany this summer, and secured her dual citizenship, German and American. We have a grandson in Sidney, Australia with Hillsong College. He is very happy to live in Australia, and our granddaughter was very happy to visit France and Germany and secure her citizenship. For the time present I don't have an interest in other parts of the world other than the Philippines.

I am interested in the Philippines for a number of reasons. My mother's cousin went to the Philippines and married a filipina after his first wife died of cancer. He brought her back to his ranch/farm just a little over a mile from here where we live now. He has since died of cancer himself, and his family from his first wife has not been very kind to this lady, I am sorry to say. My nephew married a filipina, but it didn't turn out very well, and they are divorced and she married a guy from the Philippines that she attended school with there. She was supposed to be a devout Catholic, and I shouldn't judge her, but she had to go to another religious body to sanction her marriage because she violated her faith. My wife's brother married a filipina, and they live in the Philippines now. Our very good, close friend, and post master from Stehekin married a filipina. They have since moved to a community that is about one and a half hours' drive from here. This filipina's brothers are building them a house in the Philippines, and when they retire they will live part of the year in the Philippines. My wife's cousin married a filipina, and they live in Arizona now. Family and friends' connections with the Philippines is why I am interested in visiting there. I know I have family connections in Germany, Switzerland, Scotland, and I have American Indian ancestory, but those connections are history, but Philippine connections are more contemporary. :) :) :) :)
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:19 am

Time has been racing by. The middle of October when I am going to the philippines with our friends is coming quickly. I need to accomplish a lot between now and then. Built a root cellar, put in our water system, and work on a house in town. That will make the time go even faster, and I will be lucky if I am able to get as much done as I need to. It will be fun to go with our friends close to dumaguete, and then over to Guiameros Island. Our friends have a house not far from Dumaguete, and my brother-in-law lives on Guiameros Island. I am looking forward to that, and thinking that in the future I will no doubt go back for more time in the Philippines, and maybe for longer than 2 weeks, but this time I am going with our friends and fitting into their vacation schedule. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby crisipicada » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:02 pm

Yes, time is running very fast. It is already August 17 today and it is about a month a 14 days and it is already October.
This is the time i am waited for so long because i will be celebrating my birthday and i am praying to be very happy.
To all who will be coming to the Philippines, i hope that you all enjoy the visit and really have fun and do some shopping
and enjoy the vacation. :D :D :D
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:16 am

crisipicada wrote:Yes, time is running very fast. It is already August 17 today and it is about a month a 14 days and it is already October.
This is the time i am waited for so long because i will be celebrating my birthday and i am praying to be very happy.
To all who will be coming to the Philippines, i hope that you all enjoy the visit and really have fun and do some shopping
and enjoy the vacation. :D :D :D

Yes, I will enjoy!I will pray with you that you will be very happy on your birthday! :D :D
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Re: Trip to the Philippines

Postby crisipicada » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:45 pm

Yes, I wish to be very happy and i hope that there are lots of people will be very happy to visit here too.
Welcome and have fun while here in the Philippines. :P :P :P :P :P
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