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Postby Edwin » Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:40 am

This is a very interesting concept. Maybe because of my age and when I was growing up my impression was that it was more complementary to be called a "Lady" than a Woman." The last person to post thought it was more complementary to be called a "Woman" as opposed to a "Lady." As suggested by some of the opinions Hollywood and Disney has changed the connotation of these terms. Hollywood and Disney's use of the term "Lady" has not put these females in the best light. To me a "Lady' speaks of refinement and superior characteristics while the use of the term "Woman" speaks of a female that is thought of as being less refined and less elegant. I googled the terms to see what other people thought of these and this is what I found:

Women are rude, tough, and fun. They are rarely proper and they're power is pretentious. They are attractive because they are members of the holy people who are most like people with the stick. People with the stick are not holy people. They are the opposites of the holy people. They are opposites of the holy people because holy people have holes and people with the stick have a stick where the hole is to holy people. Women are the holy people most like people with a stick. They are not refined like the lady, they are not accurate like the female, but rather rampant and chaotic.

Ladies are well behaved, graceful, and charming.

I don't know. For my part it is still a compliment to say someone is a lady. It implies to me that they have class and grace.

I confess I've made a mental difference in definition between women and ladies. And I guess it's an informal class distinction. IMO, all females are women, but not all women are ladies. I don't think of most of the women who appear on Springer as guests as ladies, for example.

They might work as Ladies of the Night Just another reason ladies gets a bad rap.

I grew up in a small southern town, and developed a distinct understanding of the difference between "a lady" and "a woman." Ladies always dress nice (no sweatshirts or non-fitted jeans, and certainly no boots), wear lots of makeup and shiny jewelry, drive nice cars or "soccer-mom" SUVs (and make it a point to not know a thing about vehicle maintenance), wouldn't dare touch any kind of tools for fear of ruining their manicures, drink wine or "girly" mixed drinks rather than beer or hard liquor, and don't curse in casual conversation (though proper grammar is optional for some reason). As I don't conform to any of these, I don't consider myself a lady. There are certain ladies in my hometown, for example, who are apalled that I perform my own vehicle maintenance; that's seen as "men's work."

woman: generic word for a female human being
man: generic word for a male human being
lady: a woman of refined behavior and speech
gentleman: a man of refined behavior and speech

Since the gender revolution, some women are insulted to be called “ladies,” feeling that the word suggests inferiority, hypocrisy, or condescension. Children, on the other hand, seem to be taught to call all women ladies, and Hollywood celebrities habitually use the word “lady” to mean “girlfriend” or “wife.”

I think of lady as a special word for a classy woman, one who dresses appropriately for different occasions and speaks and acts with unfailing courtesy to everyone she encounters. I wouldn’t say that a lady is “better” than a woman. I’d just say that certain things set a “lady” apart from your generic “woman.” To draw from the celebrity sphere, I might associate the word “lady” with Oprah or Meryl Streep, but probably not with Rosanne Barr or Britney Spears.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, lady and woman still had connotations of social class. A NY Times article dated 1887 tells how a “gentleman” knocked down a cabman because he’d insulted the man’s wife by referring to her as a “woman.” In many novels, servants are careful to distinguish between “ladies and gentlemen,” and “persons” of lower rank. As late as 1966 Agatha Christie describes this exchange between Hercule Poirot and his manservant George:
Poirot considered this reply. He remembered the slight pause that George had made before the phrase–young lady. George was a delicate social recorder. He had been uncertain of the visitor’s status but had given her the benefit of the doubt.
“You are of the opinion that she is a young lady rather than, let us say, a young person?”
“I think so, sir, though it is not always easy to tell nowadays.” George spoke with genuine regret. –Third Girl

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Tigger82d » Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:55 pm

I am also from the South and been here all my life. I never was raised to think of Ladies as being a certain "class" or dressing a certain way, or even driving a certain type vehicle. I can't speak for most of the world because my little knowledge of the world comes from being all over America and my trip to the Philippines, but American "women" as I call them, tend to be more worried about themselves than anyone else. I know of one that wouldn't stay home with her newborn and went straight back to work, her reason, she feared she might loose her friends at work if she didn't return to work.
A "lady" doesn't have to have money, social class, better clothes than others, a nice new shiny set of wheels, or big ol pieces of bling bling jewelry. A lady will care more about others and not put herself first. She will have patience and dedication in the things she does and with the people she is around. She doesn't care about how much the guy is worth, what he has, or how nice he looks. Her main concern is how he is on the inside.
To make it a little simpler the difference between a lady and a woman is in the way they carry themselves. The title of this topic is surely true "Beauty is more than skin deep".
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Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:25 am

My brother's mother-in-law said that "Pretty is as pretty does."

I think whether you call the person a lady, a woman, or a girl is a matter of personal ideas. Different people attach different meanings to these terms. And of course if you are filling out forms the term is female as opposed to male. Personally I don't see a difference in whether the person is called a lady or a woman as long as it is used with respect. The general idea I think is that a lady is more refined than a woman. I think the term woman is older than the term lady. :roll: :lol:
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Postby janeithv » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:34 am

crisipicada wrote:True beauty is within. It is the most wonderful thing to discover for a person. A typical Filipina possess great values and attitudes. When it comes to care and love for the family, being a conservative woman and most of all being loyal and true to her love on. Many man should discover the beauty of a filipina

I agree that beauty, real beauty is from within. But in our world today, we are more prone to associate beauty with outside appearance.
That's one of the main reason why cosmetics will always be on business and why people with money were rushing to Dr. Belo or the Calayan couples, to be beautiful, to feel beautiful. But that kind of beauty is fleeting and costly.

Relationship based on appearance is a sure avenue for broken relationship. There will always be someone much better than your partner.

But let's faced it: who want to end up with unattractive people when you have an option to be with beautiful people? NADA

But people with character knows the value of real beauty: beauty from within. The kind of beauty that exudes from a good heart, a good disposition in life and good attitude towards people whether they are beautiful or ugly in this world dictionary.


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Postby janeithv » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:45 am

Edwin wrote:My brother's mother-in-law said that "Pretty is as pretty does."

I think whether you call the person a lady, a woman, or a girl is a matter of personal ideas. Different people attach different meanings to these terms. And of course if you are filling out forms the term is female as opposed to male. Personally I don't see a difference in whether the person is called a lady or a woman as long as it is used with respect. The general idea I think is that a lady is more refined than a woman. I think the term woman is older than the term lady. :roll: :lol:

Yes, the general idea for a lady is it is more refined than the woman. My idea for a lady is someone who exudes respect in clothing and action, someone with a good breeding, someone who awakened a man's protective nature. A woman for me is someone who is street wise, worldly and can capable of taking care of herself.

For me, being called as a lady or a woman is both a compliment. It all depends on how the word is used.


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