by eStu » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:00 am
I've recently turned 33, not yet married, fit and healthy (thanks be to God), so I suppose at this time in my life it's perfectly natural that I would hope for physical intimacy/sex to be a very enjoyable part of a committed relationship. I think that physical intimacy is a part of most marriage relationships that can provide a lot of pleasure for both parties and bonds partners together.
I do believe there is a distinction that can be made between sex and making love ... thought I'm not sure if those words quite sum up the difference I'm thinking of. I noticed there's a lot of people saying that it's not good to jump into bed with someone prematurely and I agree with that. I think part of the reward of making love comes from having a deep emotional bond, caring and trust shared with your partner, as it should be within marriage... and that under those conditions the physical pleasure will be heightened too.
I agree, as many posters have said, that there is a lot of risk in casual sex. As much as some people might rationalise it or apply 'modern values' I still think that ultimately casual sex is leads to degrading outcomes.
Sometimes people portray marital sex as boring, or less interesting than an affair but I disagree with that. How can people fully enjoy themselves when they're risking their health and compromising their morals in a physical encounter with someone they don't share a committed bond with and most likely aren't honest and open enough with to explore the full range of their desires and enjoyment? In my opinion there's no reason for marital sex to be pedestrian and no reason to buy into the media-driven fallacies that sinful pursuits are more rewarding.