red wrote:I had a professor way back college, one time he was grumpy in the class me and my classmate were wondering what was wrong with our prof. My classmate said that maybe the professor didnt have sex with his wife last night...then we giggled

I think it's a universal joke. I remember when I was doing work experience in my high school years I was in a car with a tradesman (who happened to be a Filipino immigrant and a very funny guy) and we had to pass by a secuirty boomgate to get into the airport. The security woman in control of the gate looked at us with a face gloomier than a storm cloud... and a second after we passed through the gate the tradesman laughed 'Ohh... I guess she didn't get any action from her husband last night.'
I also heard someone recount the same type of comment in my office lunchroom this week.
There is an acting manager in my office who... hmm... how can I put this... is somewhat lacking in politeness and always highly anxious, therefore she finds herself in conflict situations with a lot of people. Apparently the acting manager had one day offender another woman in my office and that other woman is known for being very direct and not very polished in the language she uses (but she is good natured) Apparently after they had an argument a loud comment was made that what the manager needs is "to get laid".

I did find it quite funny because I have experienced that manager's anxious and rude communication style and have myself asked her (as politely as I could) to address me in a more courteous manner - hehe... I wouldn't have dreamed of making the suggestion my co-worker did

but maybe there is an element of truth to it?

Maybe she just needs a hug eh? hehehe.