Moderator: youngj
crisipicada wrote:I always on diet. I eat a little and now i weigh 42 just this morning. i eat a little in the evening and it makes me feel happy to have such weight. It feels good being sexy.
crisipicada wrote:Yes, you are right, Mr. Edwin. Life is getting better as you getting healthy because you can work and enjoy life. What is lacking now in my life to complete it is someone who is loving and faithful man in my life to stay for a life time
crisipicada wrote:I lost my diet today. I eat a lot because i am so hungry, for i was so busy in the office.
But anyway i need to recharge my strength because i might get collapse for being so hungry.
crisipicada wrote:I love to eat fish grill with tomatoes and ginger mix with soy sauce, and i lost my diet
Did you know that ginger is an antibiotic and it can cure cancer? Or any that cause abnormality in the body? My neighbor got cancer and she is getting well as she take pure ginger juice mixed with carrot juice.
Do not take forgranted your health because it is the only thing you've got to make a living. Take 8-10 glasses of water everyday. Water helps eliminate impurities in the body.
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