I just spent three weeks in Negros Oriental with my GF. At the time, I was happy (not totally though). She was not a loving girl... she was frigid, she whined and snapped at me.. and complained. She was never the first one to say "I love you," she always said it after I would. Looking back, I become less and less happy with her. And I can no longer overlook one serious Lie: when we met, she told me whe had a previous marriage with a filipino (no kids). There was just a separation, no anullment.. then she told me the marriage had no legal basis (they did not get a liscence). she said she was tricked into getting into bed with her ex... and she was 22 at the time. Based on all she told me, I know the marriage failed because of her being frigid sexually and she does not show affection.
well, I told her and told her to get a certificate of no marriage, so we can proceed with our relationship... she kept putting it off... and finally she never got it.
I did not ask why. but I'm assuming she didn't get it because her marriage was legal.
well, since I have been back, she has pretty much stopped cummunicating with me... but she did hack into my facebook account (she knew my password).. and she changed my password to keep me from logging in... she also logged into my email.
I know it is over, i just want your thoughts...