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Postby villa » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:29 am

"Does Your Cell Phone Fall at the Bottom of the Heap for Safety?"

Radiation emissions vary wildly among phones. Now there's an easy way to tell how safe -- or unsafe -- your cell phone truly is. Here's how to have a "safer" cell phone and protect yourself and your family as Cell Phone Radiation becomes a Growing Concern .

The first cell phones were introduced in 1984. By 2004, we reached one billion cell phones. It only took EIGHTEEN months to reach the second billion. But wait it gets far worse: it only took NINE months to reach the third billion. And to get to four billion cell phones? Only SIX months!

Cell phone use is pervasive.

That makes your personal use even far more of a concern. Why? Your total radiation exposure is rapidly increasing -- even if you don't use a cell phone. And when you add your personal exposure, it only compounds the problem.

The emission of EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from cell phones continues to become a growing concern. However, you'll not hear the large wireless corporations or the federal government publicly talking about cell phone EMR emission issues.
Why? Big-time profits linked to large powerful corporations. Sound familiar?

We must be educated on this issue, Many use cell phone regularly and thought that off-the-shelf headset minimized EMR emissions. However, I eventually it was discovered that:

* Cell phones emit a radiation plume.
* Most cell phone headsets have a wire that can act like an antenna, and simply make matters worse.
* A great deal of scientific data has been suppressed by the cell phone industry and the government to protect their multi-
billion dollar profits.

Now, try to simply refuse to talk on any cell phone unless you are using a speaker phone or headset designed to reduce radiation. In fact, an improved Blue Tube Headset is highly recommended.

Getting rid of your cell phone is probably not an option these days. Today's cell phones are much more than phones. They can also be your camera, video recorder, hand-held computer, and your lifeline to staying in touch with your work and family.
So, how do you continue to use this convenient device and reduce cell phone radiation?

5 Ways to Help You Minimize Cell Phone Radiation Emissions
Here are some sound solutions that can help minimize the EMR your phone emits:

1. Use your cell phone on speakerphone. While this is a great solution and I strongly recommend it, it's simply not practical much of the time. Especially if you are in a public place where rules of discretion and proper etiquette prevail. Another problem is that not all cell phones have speakerphones -- and even those that do may have poor sound quality. I do recommend that if you are choosing a new cell phone, make sure it comes with a speakerphone option.
2. Always keep your phone as far away from your body as possible. There's a dramatic drop-off in radiation exposure for every inch you keep your phone away from your body.
3. Get yourself a Blue Tube Headset with an airtube. In my opinion, this new RF3 design with Aircom 2 technology is the best headset on the market. Others may actually increase the amount of radiation emitted.
4. Limit your cell phone use to the bare minimum. Your cell phone is constantly searching for signals and emitting EMR while you're using it.
5. Turn off your cell phone when not needed OR keep it a few feet away from your body. Even when not in use, as long as your phone is turned on, it continually emits EMR as it connects to its base station.

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Postby Edwin » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:07 am

I have heard this about the cell phones before, and we tend to forget things like this without being reminded. We used to have a land line telephone until we moved to Stehekin, and for 10 years we had no phone at all. After we had been there several years the technology came through for internet service using 2 way satellite communication, and then we got on the internet, and that was our communication with other people in and out of the valley. The only access to that place was by boat or airplane. When we move here from there we got a cell phone for our communication to avoid having to pay for a land line. Now the radiation is a factor. We have a speaker on the cell, and we don't think to use it, but I think we need to be using it. They claim if you can hold the phone at an angle instead of flat against your head that helps too. And yes they claim some cell phones emit more radiation than others. We have been using our cell phone for 2 years now and probably will continue to use it, so we need to figure out how to use it more safely.

Thank you for this reminder! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :o :o :o :o
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Postby villa » Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:40 am

Thanks Edwin for replying to my post. Yes, you are right, we tend to forget if not being reminded again and again, because we are engrossed of the convenience that this high technology brings to our daily lives, thus this FORUM address this need.

1.In Japan, they banned the use of cell phones use on trains to cut
down on second hand radiation.
2. In France, it is now illegal to advertise mobile phones to children.

A cell call lasting just 2 minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child's brain for up to 70% of the energy
According to the latest survey, the average child uses their cell phone about 2,600 minutes in a month.
Now a days we consider and let our children and teens have a cell phone. In France, parents are reminded to give consent at a minimum to only use it in extreme emergencies.

In finding a safer sell phones, we must take extra effort to create the safest cell phone conditions for ourselves and your family, consider opting for cell phones that emit lower amounts of radiation. Now we can get an extensive list of phones, their providers, and how much EMR they release to reduce risk.

Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the possible impact of cell phone usage on children, because their skull is thinner and their brain is still developing, compared to adults. It's not until around age 20 that a child's brain is fully developed. Even as an adult who values optimal health, we should consider steps to protect ourselves from the potentially damaging effects of EMF radiation from our cell phones.

When you use a cell phone, radiation energy is emitted from the antenna and absorbed by your brain. Have you noticed how hot your phone feels after a 20-minute call? Just how much energy is being released? So, seventy percent of the energy from the antenna is being absorbed straight into your head.

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Postby Edwin » Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:25 am

You are welcome, Villa! I think when I saw this information before we didn't have a cell phone. The number a small children carrying cell phone is astounding. They are here, mostly into texting. Some of them text constantly. Some of the school restrict their use as it interfers with learning. Our granddaughter carries hers to school, but she has to keep it in her bag, as it is against the rules for them to be using them during class time.

We first got ours, a loan from our kids, a couple of years ago. Then our other daughter gave us her's as her phone company gives her a new one every so often. Then we just got the second one from her, as her phone company gave her another one. Our granddaughter told us that they discussed the radiation from cell phones at school, but she still uses hers, so I don't know that it was that effective.

I am going to check ours and see how it is rated for radiation. Pretty serious information! :)
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Postby Edwin » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:59 pm

I looked up our cell phone. It is in the list of the lowest radiation emissions of cell phones. In the list of the 10 lowest radiation emitting cell phones our phone, AT&T LG is number 8 on the list. We got this phone from our daughter because on their plan AT&T gave them a new phone, so we got their old phone which is the AT&T LG.

It is interesting that the phone that we stopped using when we got this phone is number 2 on the list of the lowest radiation emitting phones. So we actually went from the next to the lowest radiation emitting phone to one that emits more radiation, but it is still in the list of the 10 lowest radiation emitting phones, and number 8 on that list. That is interesting, huh? :) :) :) :)
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Postby villa » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:00 pm

I am glad that you are using one of the lowest radiation emission cell phones. Due to the boom cell phone business, cell phone companies no longer mind or consider the health of the users. So, it is up for us consumers to choose what we think is the best for our health....God bless you and family
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Postby Edwin » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:00 pm

villa wrote:I am glad that you are using one of the lowest radiation emission cell phones. Due to the boom cell phone business, cell phone companies no longer mind or consider the health of the users. So, it is up for us consumers to choose what we think is the best for our health....God bless you and family

Yes, that is the only thing they will listen to! Thank you, Villa, and God bless you and your family too! :D :D :D :D
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Postby Erin » Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:09 pm

Are cell phones of today still dangerous when it comes to radiation? How does the radiation from a cell phone compare to other electronic devices that we use? I saw last night a news story that said the Chernobyl is open for tours now. The radiation is still high but on a two hour tour, you will get less radiation than you would get on a overseas flight. The part that shocked me was that there is radiation on an overseas flight.
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Postby Chas » Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:36 pm

Erin wrote:Are cell phones of today still dangerous when it comes to radiation? How does the radiation from a cell phone compare to other electronic devices that we use? I saw last night a news story that said the Chernobyl is open for tours now. The radiation is still high but on a two hour tour, you will get less radiation than you would get on a overseas flight. The part that shocked me was that there is radiation on an overseas flight.

There is radiation everywhere on this earth to a greater or lesser extent. More serious if you ingest the radioactive substance either by breathing it or eating it. Live in a house built on granite and without adequate ventilation you can get serious doses of radiation from breathing the radon gas emitted from the granite.

Don't worry about radiation from cell phones. I expect Filipinas are more at risk from 'RSI' from excessive texting than damage from radiation. :lol:
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Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:41 pm

Erin wrote:Are cell phones of today still dangerous when it comes to radiation? How does the radiation from a cell phone compare to other electronic devices that we use? I saw last night a news story that said the Chernobyl is open for tours now. The radiation is still high but on a two hour tour, you will get less radiation than you would get on a overseas flight. The part that shocked me was that there is radiation on an overseas flight.

I didn't realize that! :)
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