What is your weather/season like?

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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:21 am

Our daughter has been looking on the weather online, and she told us it is supposed to get to about 10 degrees f., so that will be colder than it has been so far. I drained water out of the buffalo to keep a faucet from freezing and breaking, so I think all is well with that now. I will have to haul more water for our toilet flushing now but that will not be a problem. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:22 pm

Today is sunny day. It feels good a lot to do things. Thanks be to God for this wonderful day.
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:59 pm

We had about a week of bitter cold, like down to a few degrees below 0 F., and 40 some mile per hour winds. We stayed inside as much as possible during that time. We went to our kids' place by Spokane, Washington, and it got warmer, and started to snow. They had more snow there than we did here. Coming home I was not able to keep the car going on a slick hill. When I put it in park it started to slide back down the hill, then stopped slidding when I put on the brake. I let off the brake, got out of the car, and an American Indian couple came along and offered to help us, so we took them up on it. We were putting chains on the tires, and he reached through the window to turn the wheel. When he did that the car started slidding down the hill again. I tried to get in it to push on the brake, but I was not able to move fast enough. I fell down, still holding on to the door, as I was not able to get in the car. Our granddaughter stepped on the brakes and it stopped slidding. I scared me later thinking about what could have happened as it was slidding sideways as well as down the hill, and with me falling down the wheel could have gone over me had it not stopped slidding, so I was thankful for God's protection! It has warmed up considerably, and it has snowed about 8 inches or so. The wind is blowing again also, so we could get some snow drifts.
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby joyo » Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:07 am

We had a better day few days ago. It all rain and the plants are growing better. Harvest time for sugarcane is on going and the price is high. Sugarcane is harvested annually and it takes time to return the inputs. The climate today is good. Cold and warm is alternate night and day, respectively.
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby brat4300 » Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:18 pm

Edwin wrote:We went to our kids' place by Spokane, Washington, and it got warmer, and started to snow. They had more snow there than we did here.

Edwin where do you live? I live in Coeur D'Alene which is just across the border in Idaho from Spokane.

It is not snowing here today but the report says it is suppose to. It is 34 degrees or 0 Celsius to you metric people :D . I would assume that most of you from the Philippines have never seen snow. Maybe I'll have to go take a few pictures and post them.
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:07 pm

brat4300 wrote:
Edwin wrote:We went to our kids' place by Spokane, Washington, and it got warmer, and started to snow. They had more snow there than we did here.

Edwin where do you live? I live in Coeur D'Alene which is just across the border in Idaho from Spokane.

It is not snowing here today but the report says it is suppose to. It is 34 degrees or 0 Celsius to you metric people :D . I would assume that most of you from the Philippines have never seen snow. Maybe I'll have to go take a few pictures and post them.

One of my friends from the Philippines said that she wished it would snow there, but not much chance with it anywhere from 85 to 100 degree F.

I live half way between Okanogan-Omak and Nespelem on the South Half of the Colville Indian Reservation. I do have Indian heritage, but not much blood percentage, 1/16th Cherokee! Getting thin, but I do have some of the Indian characteristics like the cheek bones, and my rib cages are like the Indians, except the one that got jammed from playing football in P.E. in high school. Now one rib cage has the characteristic bump on it like some of the Indians, and the other is flate where the kid used his elbow on me. It was hard to breath for a few minutes after that!

You may know my son-in-law's family? His dad was Gary Anderberg, from Anderberg Cheverolet Dealership in Cheney, that is before he was killed. My son-in-law has a sister who is a lawyer, and a brother who is one of the deputy sheriff's in Spokane County, and then another brother, and another sister. His mother lives on the South Hill, and our kids live in Tyler, near the freeway. Small world, huh? My wife and I both have relatives who live in Spokane. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Today we have a slight amount of fresh snow on top of the compact stuff, and about 27 degrees F. We live at 2800 feet elevation, so we have some steep hills to pull out of town to get to our place. Twice now I have come back from Okanogan-Omak and worried about a couple of steep pitches in the road, but we made it fine. I was not worried coming back from Spokane after Thanksgiving, but I got into a very dangerous situation on one of the steep hills, and I am thankful for the protection of the Lord, otherwise I might not be alive right now. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:16 pm

joyo wrote:We had a better day few days ago. It all rain and the plants are growing better. Harvest time for sugarcane is on going and the price is high. Sugarcane is harvested annually and it takes time to return the inputs. The climate today is good. Cold and warm is alternate night and day, respectively.

It is nice when the sugarcane has a good price and you get a good crop. People grow wheat around here. Sometimes the price is up, but some of the farmers have crop failure for various reasons, crop disease or winter freeze out due to not having snow on the ground, or mold, due to, too warm a winter with snow on the ground. Many of the farmers contracted for a set price, and that meant now matter if the price went down or up they would get the same price for their wheat. Some of the farmers around here were really unhappy because they contracted for that reasonable price, and then they had that huge fire in Russia, their wheat burned up, and that caused the price to double, but they had contracted, so they didn't get that high price, but the middle men, handling the wheat got the big profits.

Our hot months here are July and August. July can be as hot or hotter than August. Often times in August it starts cooling off at night, and though it is rare it can frost towards the end of August! When that happens we all cry about our gardens because we lose vegetable produce to the frost. When it is very hot during the day it feels good to have it cool off in the evening. We can't always have it the way we want it, but it is nice when it is the way we want it. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:50 pm

the weather is bad at all. it makes me sad today, always rain in the afternoon. how sad to have this kind of weather.

almost raining again, i am so sad my clothes wont get dried up because there is no sunlight.

i feel so tired last night after doing the laundry even i got fever, how sad to think always raining, isn't summer this month :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:01 pm

We get about 10 or 12 inches of rainfall a year here, simi arrid. We get a lot of that in snow. We had severe weather early and into December. We had mild weather in January, and we had severe storms up into the first part of March! We are at 2800 feet elevation so we have had snow much longer than they have in the valley. We just about about 8 inches left is all. The road is finally changing from mud to simi solid. A few trips out of here and I was not sure we were going to make it back without the tires sinking in the mud. The car almost quite going on the hill as it was very slick with mud, and a little steep.

When I was in Amlan, they washed our clothes by hand. I had enough with me that it would not have been necessary, but they acted like they would have been insulted if I had not allowed them to wash my clothes, so I gave in. The humidity on Negros Oriental was so high that the clothes being out all day long did not dry even though it was very hot. We brought the clothes in and rehung them to allow them to finish drying in the house with all the fans running, until the electricity quit of course, and I have a funny sense of humor, because I thought it was kind of funny, but Al didn't think it was funny at all, although he laughed with me, but if I would not have laughed he would not have either, because he was too hot, and then the fans stopped because the electricity quit. Then we sat and watched the lights over on Cebu Island, and that didn't improve his mood any either. He said, "This is not right, they have electricity and we don't, and the electricity comes from our island!" :o :o :o :o :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is your weather/season like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:12 pm

After I came in for my dinner, mid day meal, it started raining really hard. It made me wonder whether I will be able to work this afternoon without getting really wet, but I think the "cloud burst" is finished, and by the time I rest, now that I have eaten, I think that I will be able to get back out there, and get back to work. I have a lot of dirt that I have chipped loose that I will need to haul out of the cellar in 2 five gallon buckets. I load them just a little over half full, because any fuller than that and they are too heavy to carry! I will eat a banana or two, rest and then get back to work! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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