How to Bring Out the Best in People

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How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby crisipicada » Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:21 am

We encounter different people everyday. Being a public servant, you are oblige to deal with them as nice as you can to meet their needs. As we mature we all learn how to deal all kinds of people. With different personality which sometimes we can't take, the best thing that we can do is to stretch out our patience. I was once incounter a gay who wants what he wants right away and it really gets into my nerve how he approach. I sometimes get away from argument and avoid crossing with him. :D :D :D

While working in a private company before, you cannot avoid jealousy and envy. Sometimes there are employees get jelous and there is a tendency that the others wont talk to other and later on she will make issues about you and destroy your reputation in any means. While i knew that, i encourage each one to be open to each other about things going on and stop such trouble. Later on problems will be solved and it pays to have a good relationship with your officemates as it creates good harmony among your officemates. In return, each of you become productive at work. :D :D :D

Another is, i remember when my nephew named Alexis was still 3-4 years old, he seems so shy and fear talking to people. He poor social life with his friends and classmates during preschool. Later on, i always encourage him that he can do things like memorizing about his lessons and recite infront of me so that he will gain self confidence. Now, he is eight and he is so active. His social life improves and learn how to share things to others. As we keep on saying, 'Bahin-Bahin" ( Share equally what you have )what ever you have. :D :D :D :D

How about your experience? How did you make people comfortably and what did you do to bring out the best of him/her?
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby purex » Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:26 pm

I accept tutorial since i was in college. My students are mostly elementary and highschool. My students easily give up especially in solving problems in Math. What i am doing in order to them to be able to persevere in arriving answer is to motivate them. One way is to give them prizes to my elementary student. As far as you have a heart to teach them to be successful, your student will be encouraged. Be approachable and let them comfortable talking to you. :D :D :D
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby Edwin » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:06 am

I had a teachers' college instructor who had a theory of education somewhat like you talked about in your post, purex. She said that if the students fail to learn, then that means that the teacher fails to teach. Her idea was that the student was not the one who failed, but it was the teacher who failed.

I think that can be taken too far one way or another. My brother-in-law's mother was a school teacher, and she said that some students could not or would not learn. She put all the responsibility of failure on the student, and none on the teacher. When I was little, like 1st or 2nd grade I failed to learn to play the piano. I wanted to play, but I didn't have the motivation to learn to play. I couldn't see the rewards of learning, and no one helped me to see them. Playing outside, to me, seemed more rewarding than routinely practicing a piece of music so that I could impress my piano teacher with how well I had learned it that week. I didn't care what she thought about how I had learned that piece of music, and that frustrated her, and it also upset my parents to the point of limited my piano lessons. After at least 3 attempts to learn after becoming an adult, I can now play hymns/church songs fairly well, and I am still improving. My last attempt was when I was 61 years old, and I decided that I was going to keep at it until I could play the piano, and I am still working on it, but now it is more pleasure than pain, and more interesting than druggery, and once a person accomplishes the skill then it is really rewarding.

School was the same for me. I thought the only purpose in school was to enjoy recesses, lunches, and physical education times. All the other subjects I just barely passed and some times I didn't even pass, but they passed me along anyway, so I was graduating from one grade to the next without learning much. My teacher wanted to hold me back in the 5th grade, and my parents wouldn't let her do that. My eighth grade teacher took me in another room with a teacher from next door, so he wouldn't get sued, and he beat me with a 2 by 4 because he didn't think I was putting enough efforts into my studies. I tried to learn in high school, but I had enough work taking care of cows and horses that I didn't have time for my studies, so I was never able to get on the honor roll. In Bible College I worked as hard as I could, but I didn't do well as I was not a good reader, and we had such a heavy load of subjects that skillful reading was a must. Being out of school for many years, reading for my pleasure, reading and studying for sermons and Sunday school lessons gave me the reading skills I needed to do well in school. I attended teacher's college then, and since then I have taken many college and university classes, including classes for a Special Education Endorsement on my teaching certificate. I take 15 credit hours of college course work every 5 years to maintain my teaching certificate. In all but 2 classes since I have gotten top scores. I love to write papers and do projects, but I hate tests. I do well on the tests, but I hate the stress they put me through. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby crisipicada » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:53 pm

the best thing to do is to have a good relationship in order to have good communication.
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby edeline » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:26 pm

Edwin wrote:I had a teachers' college instructor who had a theory of education somewhat like you talked about in your post, purex. She said that if the students fail to learn, then that means that the teacher fails to teach. Her idea was that the student was not the one who failed, but it was the teacher who failed.

I think that can be taken too far one way or another. My brother-in-law's mother was a school teacher, and she said that some students could not or would not learn. She put all the responsibility of failure on the student, and none on the teacher. When I was little, like 1st or 2nd grade I failed to learn to play the piano. I wanted to play, but I didn't have the motivation to learn to play. I couldn't see the rewards of learning, and no one helped me to see them. Playing outside, to me, seemed more rewarding than routinely practicing a piece of music so that I could impress my piano teacher with how well I had learned it that week. I didn't care what she thought about how I had learned that piece of music, and that frustrated her, and it also upset my parents to the point of limited my piano lessons. After at least 3 attempts to learn after becoming an adult, I can now play hymns/church songs fairly well, and I am still improving. My last attempt was when I was 61 years old, and I decided that I was going to keep at it until I could play the piano, and I am still working on it, but now it is more pleasure than pain, and more interesting than druggery, and once a person accomplishes the skill then it is really rewarding.

School was the same for me. I thought the only purpose in school was to enjoy recesses, lunches, and physical education times. All the other subjects I just barely passed and some times I didn't even pass, but they passed me along anyway, so I was graduating from one grade to the next without learning much. My teacher wanted to hold me back in the 5th grade, and my parents wouldn't let her do that. My eighth grade teacher took me in another room with a teacher from next door, so he wouldn't get sued, and he beat me with a 2 by 4 because he didn't think I was putting enough efforts into my studies. I tried to learn in high school, but I had enough work taking care of cows and horses that I didn't have time for my studies, so I was never able to get on the honor roll. In Bible College I worked as hard as I could, but I didn't do well as I was not a good reader, and we had such a heavy load of subjects that skillful reading was a must. Being out of school for many years, reading for my pleasure, reading and studying for sermons and Sunday school lessons gave me the reading skills I needed to do well in school. I attended teacher's college then, and since then I have taken many college and university classes, including classes for a Special Education Endorsement on my teaching certificate. I take 15 credit hours of college course work every 5 years to maintain my teaching certificate. In all but 2 classes since I have gotten top scores. I love to write papers and do projects, but I hate tests. I do well on the tets, but I hate the stress they put me through. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It is not the teacher's fault why the students are learning. It it is the fault of the teacher then there will be no improvement of a student after he or she studied. There are different kinds of learners. Some can catch up the lessons right away however there are really some students who couldn't learn and the only thing they can do is to help themselves. Teachers mold the learners and we are the second parents of the students but learning doesn't just take place in school but everywhere. It starts at home. Parents are the first element responsible to help the students learn.
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby edeline » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:32 pm

Tests are hated I think by all students. I also hate tests very much specially when I get low scores but when I get high grades, it is such a good feeling. Specially when you study that certain topic and it comes out at the test. Tests are the basis of teachers to see if the students are learning or not but depending if those answers were their own or just being copied, hehe. Application is the highest form of learning.
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby edeline » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:44 pm

Being a true person will really help someone and be a good listener. My friends used to talk to me when they have problems and I am always willing to listen them. An active listener is a must rather than a passive listener. I might not help them financially but in terms of advices I can always do.

I had a friend who was so close to me. She was such a lovely and happy person. She was preggy at that time and she didn't have anybody to talk to but me. She was 4 month preggy and it was such an explosion when she found out that her bf has another girl got preggy also at about 2 months. She was so depressed at that time that she said she could kill herself. I made all the comforts just to let her calm down. If she will kill herself she is also killing the baby inside. It took 2 hours I think to let her calm down and had peace in mind. I suggested her to go home and talk to the father before doing anything. They have it settled and luckily the guy was given second chance after all. The other girl had the baby miscarriage and we felt sorry for her. I wasn't sure if it was plainly miscarriage or really an abortion.

I am trying to listen as much as possible for those friends of mine who have problems because I know the feeling when it seems that the world is falling down on your head. When you are at your dark side you need someone to talk to and share what is inside before it will explode.
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby Edwin » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:15 am

Edeline, I am really glad that you have the gift of listening, caring, and helping. That is wonderful, and to save someone's life who is despondant is the greatest.

Teachers I think have a need to be listened to. I need to tell a little more about the time I got into trouble in school. What I did was that I laid my head on my desk. I was tired. The teacher tool offense to it, and told me to come with him next door. He thought I was sleeping I guess, but he was talking, and I thought I was listening. He was angry. I had a pair of work gloves in my back pocket as I did barn chores and needed them, so I just went to school with them still in my pocket. He pulled those gloves out of my pocket in a fit of rage, and took a 2 by 4 paddle, went back like you would swing with a bat to hit a ball, and hit me so hard that I almost landed on my head. He did that twice. The teacher who came to observe felt sorry for me, but he didn't dare take my side. He said, "Dave, now you can do better than that!" I was careful not to lay my head on my desk in his class again. He was a former prison guard, and I think that explained part of his behavior. At the time I didn't think that I cared about that occurrence, but years later someone who knew I had attended that school asked my daughter if I knew him, and then I realized that I really was angry with him over that. But I have to get rid of that anger because I am a Christian, and I live my life to please God, so I can't hold bitter, hard feelings against anyone for anything. If he is still alive he would be pretty old by now. :) :) :) :)
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby crisipicada » Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:42 pm

To bring the best in people is to encourage and motivate him. No other things that can help him is to motivate and always make him feeling good. Give possitive views and always make him feel good about himself.
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Re: How to Bring Out the Best in People

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:38 pm

There is a saying, "How to enfluence friends and make enemies!" I think it is a joke, but I think there are some people who do that. I think may it is supposed to be "How to enfluence enemies and make friends." We are supposed to love our enemies, and pray for those who despitefully use us, and do good to them, and that is hard to do, and I am the worst offender. I have trouble forgetting a wrong that has been done to me, and I have trouble loving a person who I think has done me wrong, but according to Jesus I am supposed to. God says vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay. It is God's job to get even, not our job. We are to leave that up to God. :D
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