2.A group of guys decided to tour the brewery where their favourite beer was made. As they marvelled at the process, one of them slipped and fell into a huge vat of beer. Brewery workers tried to save him while his friends waited outside.
A half-hour later, the supervisor came out to tell the guys the bad news - their friend had drowned.
"Do you think he suffered much?"one of them asked.
"I don't think so,"said the supervisor. "In fact, before he drowned, he climbed out three times to go to the bathroom.
3.Three sisters, aged 92, 9 and 96, live together. One night the 96-year old fills the bathtub. She puts one foot in and pauses. "Was I getting in the tub or out?" she yells.
The 94-year-old calls back, "I don't know - I'll come and see." She starts up the stairs and stops. She shouts, "Was I going up or down?"
The 92-year-old is sitting at the kitchen table having tea, listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, "I sure hope that I never get forgetful," and knocks on wood for good measure. Then she yells, I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door.
4.Scientists are now saying that obesity can be caused by viruses. I guess you have to eat a lot of them.
5.Congratulating a friend whose son and daughter had gotten married within a month of each other, a woman asked, "So tell me, what kind of man did your daughter marry?"
"Oh, he's wonderful," gushed the mother. "He lets her sleep in, wants her to go to a spa regularly and insists on taking her our to dinner every night."
"That's nice," said her friend.
"And how do you like your son's new wife?"
The mother sighed."I'm not so happy about that situation,"she said.
"His wife gets up late, spends all her time at the salon and always wants to have dinner in a restaurant."
6.There's a new type of alarm clock on the market. It makes no noise. It uses lights and gets brighter and brighter until you wake up.
I already have one of these. It's called a window.
7.When a couple caught an intruder in their bedroom, he pulled the gun and announced,
"Now that you have seen me, I'm going to have to shoot you." Pointing to his weapon at the woman, he said, "I like to know the names of my victims. What is your name"
"Elizabeth," the woman replied.
The intruder said, "I can't go through with this. My mother named Elizabeth."
The intruder then aimed his pistol at the husband. "What's your name?" he asked.
"Joe," the terrified man said. "But all my friends call me Elizabeth."
8.Snake slithers into a bar and the bartender says, "Sorry buddy. I can't serve you."
"Why not?" the snake asks.
"Because you can't hold your liquor."
9.The young woman was jogging when she saw a wizened old man smiling at her front from his porch.
"You look so happy! she said to him. "What's your secret for a long, satisfying life?"
"I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day," he replied. "And I drink a case of whiskey every week, eat nothing but fatty foods and never exercise."
"That's amazing,' the woman said. "How old are you?"
He answered, Thirty-two."