- i know from my research that some health practitioners believe and teach that the ABSENCE of regular monthly menstrual bleeding---- or, the presence of only a small amount of menstrual bleeding which lasts only a few days... (as opposed to the so-called "normal" heavy amount of bleeding that lasts for a week, or more) is usually (though, not always) a positive sign of "above average" health and fitness ... they cite the examples of the many female athletes who stop menstruating--- as evidence that the absence of menstrual bleeding can be a POSITIVE sign of excellent health and fitness... others say it is normal for menstruation to cease when the level of a woman's body-fat goes below a certain percentage... regardless of her health or fitness... (btw., the "ponderal index" is a probably a slightly better indicator than the standard "BMI", especially if you are significantly taller or shorter than "average")...
- anyway, if i was married, i think i'd consider a wife with a short (or, non-existent) menstrual period a blessing