- i know from my research that some health practitioners believe and teach that the ABSENCE of regular monthly menstrual bleeding---- or, the presence of only a small amount of menstrual bleeding which lasts only a few days... (as opposed to the so-called "normal" heavy amount of bleeding that lasts for a week, or more) is usually (though, not always) a positive sign of "above average" health and fitness ... they cite the examples of the many female athletes who stop menstruating--- as evidence that the absence of menstrual bleeding can be a POSITIVE sign of excellent health and fitness... others say it is normal for menstruation to cease when the level of a woman's body-fat goes below a certain percentage... regardless of her health or fitness... (btw., the "ponderal index" is a probably a slightly better indicator than the standard "BMI", especially if you are significantly taller or shorter than "average")...
- anyway, if i was married, i think i'd consider a wife with a short (or, non-existent) menstrual period a blessing ... especially if she is one who strongly believes it is important for christians to try to keep the rules and laws of the old testament... i.e. the "mosaic", old covenant laws like: not eating unclean animals, tithing, and not having physical contact or sexual intercourse with women who are menstruating... it seems to me 3 or 4 days of sexual abstinence would be a lot easier and less stressful than 7 (or more) days of abstinence...