by justmovenalong » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:49 am
WoW u hit american women right on the head,never happy, nothing u do ever seems to satify them.I could tell u stories that would make u cry and give u night mares.heheh!!!!I have done everything to make my ex happy, from letn her stay home and working like a dog ,to taking on anther job and taking care of the kids so she could go to collage and become a nurse.All so she could find someone else to cheat on me with because i was no longer exciting(maybe because i was in debt u to my butt and didnt have time to be fun anymore workn two jobs).But i have truely found happiness with my philipeno she is so attentive and helpful also understanding of reality.I dont need her to work just to be there for me.That is all i think most american men are looking for.But i have told her,her life is up to her she can go to school,work or just stay home.the main thing is that i feel appecated and respected and i give the same never do I or will I take her for granted!!!! although love is for most american men and philiapeno women may come in to the mix at some point (We all hope)it is not a key factor in the begaining both people are just looking to fulfill some need in their life and for the most part they know what they DONT want more then what they do want.