If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:48 pm

crisipicada wrote:Me too i desire to be of a blessing to my family. if i am married i can not help already so i am still single now and God has not given me yet the right man. It is so hard being poor because all we do almost involved money.

When i was fresh graduate in college i don't work yet but i only accept tutorial as now i am doing. Everytime i walk that over pass, i bought bread for street children because my heart is always squeeze and purge and i imagine how would their life without family. That was way back 9-10 years ago. still i am doing that and every single effort you help feels good.

That is wonderful, Crisi, that you are willing to help that way. Every little bit helps, and I know how you feel about that. It is heart wrenching to see people in great need and either not be able to help, or be able to help only a little. There is a song, "Little Is Much When God Is In It."
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby eStu » Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:09 am

crisipicada wrote:When i was fresh graduate in college i don't work yet but i only accept tutorial as now i am doing. Everytime i walk that over pass, i bought bread for street children because my heart is always squeeze and purge and i imagine how would their life without family. That was way back 9-10 years ago. still i am doing that and every single effort you help feels good.

Good on you Crisi. I hope that you'll be rewarded for your kindness. It's good to have a kind and sympathetic heart, and to appreciate that there are always others facing more hardship in life than we do.
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby brat4300 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:45 am

If I was rich... We have that question go around a lot in my circle of friends, its a good dream to think what you would do with a million dollars or more. We all always say the normal things like pay of the debt for all of our family members, buy houses and such for our parents and build our dream homes to live in forever.

They always say money can't buy you happiness and even if I did all of the things above I wouldn't be happy because unless I have someone to share those riches with they mean nothing. I am someone who is very simple and I don't need much, but the love and companionship of a great woman are things I cherish immensely. Having that someone in your life that will be there on a rainy day as well as a sunny one is a precious daily gift and worth doing anything to get. So after taking care of my family monetarily I would start a more intense search for the woman of my dreams. Once I found her I would do everything in my power to make all of her dreams come true and keep her happy until the day I left this earth.

Riches don't make things better, they just make things easier in a lot of ways. Being rich to me is being able to wake every morning to a kiss and a smile of the woman that loves me and I love.

Beyond the sentimental and mushy stuff though... I am a very giving person and would probably set some type of organization up to help people in bad situations or just give to deserving existing charities. Battered women, homeless, abused children, can't pay the electric bill, etc... I would build a non-profit business to help all of these people in someway that helps them get back on their feet not turns them into people that try to play the system and cheat it like so many of our entitlement programs in the USA do now.
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby purex » Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:20 am

That's a good idea and desire to extend help to the needs of the helpless.
What matters most is not how much we give but how much heart and love we put on it.
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:51 am

purex wrote:That's a good idea and desire to extend help to the needs of the helpless.
What matters most is not how much we give but how much heart and love we put on it.

That is true, Purex, God looks on the size of the heart rather than on the size of the amount given. God loves a cheerful giver! :D :D :D :D
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:28 pm

Yes, sometimes we need to sacrifice for others and give to the less fortunate.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:45 pm

crisipicada wrote:Yes, sometimes we need to sacrifice for others and give to the less fortunate.

Exactly! :D :D :D :D
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Edwin » Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:47 pm

Jesus said, "In that you have done it to the least of my brethern, you have done it until me. :D
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby Tears08 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:28 am

if i am rich, i will share my wealth to everyone around that are in needy. i will not be selfish to share my blessings to others. for it is better to give than to receive..and being a generous will make you having a prosperous life. :D :D :D
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Re: If you are rich materially, what will you gonna do?

Postby abufarsi » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:56 pm

just how rich?

Bill Gates rich?

Get Filipino Citizenship (one million$). Open a law firm and investigating unit. (Million $ a month)Target ombudsmen first, second SB members across the Philippines. Hire Filipinos to film (hidden camera) corrupt policemen, army personnel, politicians, workers in government offices.

Use my law firm to represent the poor who are victims of corruption, free. ( another mil a month)

Assist businesses in filming corrupt acts they are victims of. (cheap)

Then, after getting 5,000 or so films, and matching depositions, I would invite policemen in any given area and start showing films. For those who are in the film shown it is too late, but if your film has not been shown you can elect to gather evidence on others (nobody would know for sure if they were in a film or not). Turn those who are corrupt on each other and let the sharks feed.
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