Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby ms.sin17 » Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:02 am

Yes. That is true. But what is the reasOn why peOpLe cOmmit reLatiOnshiP withOut cOmmiment? Are they trying tO waste sOmebOdy`s time? want sOmebOdy tO get hurt?? :roll: Ohh weLL, I dOnt waste my time On that. LOve the persOn whOm yOu reaLLy LOve and dOnt hurt sOmebOdys feeLings cause getting hurt is nOt easy.. :oops: Why cOmmit if yOu dOnt want respOnsibiLity Or are afraid Of it? :roll: Let`s Live Our Life tO the fuLLest! COmmit if yOur in LOve! DOnt hide yOur respOnsibiLity!

Wow, what a word, Ms.sin17. You are fabulous

Its just a wOrd, stan.. a wOrd that needs practicaLity in Life.. Thanks fOr the cOmpLiment thOugh.. :)
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby m&m » Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:48 pm

One thing i can see is that a person who don't want commitment can be define in one word SELFISH. Why would i say that? Because, you are just using the other person to meet your need and leave him away. This is true also in other aspect in life. Just like in studies or in business. Having no commitment at all will lead to distraction and unsatisfaction.
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby purex » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:49 am

A relationship without commitment is like icing in a cake, can be sweet but it can make you sick :o :o :o Do you like it?
Wn God knows yor READY 4 D rsponsibility of comitment,He'l reveal D ryt prson undr Hs tym& ryt circumstnces.Wait patiently,Dont waste Ur tym srching& wshing.Grow& b redy &yo'l see.God wl giv U a lov story far betr than U cud ever dreamed
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby crisipicada » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:41 am

Okay, sometimes it is the stage of knowing each other. Until you are committed to someone then that is the time you will get married. Why afraid of commitment? Or why not committed to your partner? Is there something you cannot afford to give him/her? I mean, are you not sure of your love to him/her that is why you are afraid of commitment?
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby Edwin » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:44 pm

Committment is important! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby nicolenadar » Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:12 am

If you cannot commit you have no right to stay in a relationship. It is very devastating someone who enter a relationship where you cannot stand. Why? Because you are killing him. Killing through emotionally, and it follows physically. If cannot commit, then stop dating.
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby Edwin » Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:57 pm

nicolenadar wrote:If you cannot commit you have no right to stay in a relationship. It is very devastating someone who enter a relationship where you cannot stand. Why? Because you are killing him. Killing through emotionally, and it follows physically. If cannot commit, then stop dating.

I totally agree! If a person is going with someone they should be willing to commit, rather than always going with the person and never committing. Commitment is part of life. Commitment to our parents, commitment to each other. Then being true to ourselves, true to God, and true to each other is very important! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby crisipicada » Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:45 pm

Also commitment to work, commitment to your partner in life :D :D :D :D :D , commitment to family, too.
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby Edwin » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:21 am

crisipicada wrote:Also commitment to work, commitment to your partner in life :D :D :D :D :D , commitment to family, too.

Yes, and commitment to the Lord first of all. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Having a Relationship w/ Someone who Hates Commitment

Postby edeline » Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:47 am

I understand that there are really persons who don't want to have commitments right away or let us say in a rush. It has advantages and it has disadvantages. However there are also those people who want to committ right away because they feel that the one who is with him/her is the best and that he /she can't find any better than that one.

The advantage of that is the two will get to know each other well before commiting and making sure that they are compatible with each other. Ensure that the love that will be built can last for a long time and not short time. There is also disadvantage on that, it could end up to nothing because the other one might be tired waiting for that time when the other is ready to commit.

That is a good question if there will be patience. until when is that patience. We all have our patience but we have its own limits on when it can still hold that. Some have very high patience and the others don't have. We can detect the others and we can't even tell on when our patience will be over. It will just come at anytime when we feel so tired and somewhat hopeless if that time will really come when he/she will commit himself/herself to have me as his/her partner.
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