I would just like to share some of my experiances I've had and anyone else ring on in there to with what you've went thru.
First of all guys be patiant with these Ladies, at least the one I found is old fashioned. She is from Bohol and the only trip she has taken is to Manila to work for a while and also for the visa. Our original plan was for me and my kids go there this summer and spend a couple weeks there on vacation. She has since changed her mind and she wants to get here soon as she can. She even told me that she will fly here herself and for me to just meet her when she arrives in the USA. We have received her visa and now reality is setting in, she is still wanting to get here soon as possible but she is scared of making the trip by herself. So now our plan is for me to get our tickets and me go there to get her. Do to time I wont be able to stay there and do any visiting, it will be just arrive at the airport and get her and us be on our way back.
One thing I've learned is these Ladies are proud and they really do try to do things by themselves but somethings they just are not ready for without help.