The Benefits of Walking

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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:17 pm

I was so happy when I got started to walking again with my dog Scooby. I got involved in cleaning and working on a house in town, so I didn't get back early enough to walk, although I got enough exercise working on that house. There are a couple of big fixes left, but most of what is left is little things.

When I was putting in a kitchen faucet I had to lay in an awkward position so I injured my back. It was not too bad until we were driving to church in Seattle. I was miserable until we got back to our niece's place, and I laid down, Dawn our daughter rotating hot and cold on my back. I had her drive back to her place. I then started driving home, and my back got so bad that I stopped the car, got out, laid on the sidewalk, and I drew a lot of attention, but Carol dealt with that. I got to feeling good enough that I got in the passenger's seat and had her drive home. Half the night I was miserable, and had to have her help me get up and help me walk. About halfway through the night I got so that I could get up and walk a few steps to the bathroom by my self. Then when morning came I was able to walk fairly well, and I have been good all day. The only problem I have remaining now is that the pain messed up my stomach and bowel movements, so my stomach feels gassed up and sour part of the time. I probably could have walked this evening, but we didn't get home from town in time. I will be very happy when I am completely well from my back and stomach problems. :D :D :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby purex » Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:40 pm

just start walk for 15 minutes then add 15 minutes after a week and so on. until you can make it to an hour. with diet, see the result in two months. you will be very sexy then. eat lots of veggies and fruits and you will see you will have a smooth and glowing skin :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:32 pm

My back that was killing me has gone back into place, and I feel fine; can bend, can lift, can sleep, and can do other things. So, I am really thankful to be feeling good. My stomach problems went away after my back pain stopped, so now I feel wonderful, 20 years old, instead of 90 years old!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am still walking my big dog, Scooby 2 hours each evening. He loves it, and I love it, and actually I am aware that it is doing good things for me. I am getting so skinny that you can't even see me unless you look at me broadside!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby crisipicada » Wed May 11, 2011 9:00 pm

after work, i visit gym near to the office 200 meters more or less from work. it feels good to exercise and i have a deep sleep. that is why not enough time to chat specially tommy tom and my dear john :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D but i am thankful to receive calls when i wake up and before i go to bed. thanks a lot for caring for me Dear.
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Wed May 11, 2011 11:07 pm

I have been walking my big dog Scooby for 2 hours most evenings. Last night we watched two of our granddaughters play a tennis match. They won also, which was fun for them, and there was good sportmanship between the people playing which was nice. Then tonight I walked the big doggy again. :D :D :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Sat May 21, 2011 11:22 pm

A very funny thing happened this evening. I have decided that I would walk with my big dog Scooby and the other dog following along for 2 hours each evening. If I make 3 rounds out on the county road from my brother's cattle guard to our other neighbor's cattle guard that is exactly 2 hours. I lost track this evening and walked one extra round which meant I walked 2 hours and 40 minutes instead of just 2 hours. I have not carried a watch for 3 years now, so I don't ever know exactly what time it is. It is funny because the one dog stood by the mail box instead of coming with me and the other dog. He knew it was time to go home, but I didn't! I thought it was getting darker than normal for what I thought the time was! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Mon May 30, 2011 12:30 pm

Because of a family reunion, and visiting with our kids and my sister after we returned I was late walking Scooby, my big dog, but Carol decided to come home, and I followed her home, then walked Scooby. He stays in our back yard, which is about 50 by 35 feet or so, so he does have enough room, but he loves to go for our walks, the other dog loves to follow along, and I love it, and it is good for me.

I open the sliding glass door, and he knows already that it is his time for his walk, as he has an inbuilt clock. As soon as he comes through the door, he sits down while I put his leash on him. He is so excited he can hardly stand to stay there, but he does. He is a Great Swiss Mountain Dog at about 140 pounds. I have never weighed, him; I am guessing, but he is a huge dog. He has a tremendous sense of smell, and he smells of everything. They use them for rescew dogs in the Swiss Alps as they have a quite an ability to follow scents, and also they are very strong to be able to pull wagons and sleds.

I bring him through to house and out the front door, and we are on our way. I walk him to the mailbox, then on the country road to my brother's cattleguard through the wheat fields, only on the road. Then I walk him to our other neighbor's cattleguard, and back. I do that 3 times, and that takes 2 hours, and I figure that is a good walk. Last night I did get started until 7:30, so it was getting dark when I returned, but I could still see. I bring him in the house, make him sit, and Carol gets his food ready. They he runs through the living room and out the sliding glass door. Then I take him his food, and he is very, very happy, and we have all had a wonderful walk! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby crisipicada » Tue May 31, 2011 6:07 pm

Today i take a walk for an hour ate CMU campus with my sister Hazel. It feels good to have it everyday.
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Tue May 31, 2011 8:30 pm

crisipicada wrote:Today i take a walk for an hour ate CMU campus with my sister Hazel. It feels good to have it everyday.

Yes, it feels very good! I started for my walk with Scooby 30 minutes late, which would have worked, but it started raining pretty hard on me when I got half way to the mailbox, which is where I started walking! Needless to say, I came back before I got really wet! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:08 am

Because of seeing the doctor late in the afternoon in a town almost 3 hours away we were late enough getting back home, that it put me late walking the dogs by almost 2 hours. I wondered if I would have enough day light to make if back before it got really dark, and I did. When it gets close to dark this is what I think of. We had a bear within a couple hundred feet of our house a month ago or so. Carol has been taking a dog with her to get the mail ever since we saw the bear. We have a number of bears in this area, and one of them tried to kill a calf winter before last. My big dog Scooby is almost as big as a bear, and I think between the 2 dogs they would scare a bear to death. On one end of my walk there are rattlesnakes. I have not seen any of them, but the neighbors have. There are lots of rattle snakes a couple of miles beyond, but we have never seen one in this immediate area, but there are rattlesnakes where I walk by our neighbor's cattleguard. There are a quite a number of cayotes here, but I doubt that one would attack a human, and they would be no match for my dogs, so I am safe from them. The walk was late enough tonight that the mosquitos were out in full force trying to draw blood from me, but I already had some of my blood drawn today. Anyone want to come walk with me? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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