Supporting wife's family, how important?

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Re: Supporting wife's family, how important?

Postby Manilaman » Thu May 12, 2011 2:16 pm

"if an american man marries a filipina that he knows she is not 100% committed then he is very stupid"
Certainly agree with that! That is the reason I stress that american men should verify 100% commitment. Find out if she really wants you or she is interested in money. Easy way to do that is for the american man to tell the filipina he is broke, he will have zero money or income and he will live with her in a Nipa hut. Hold that position, do not vary from it. Over time you will see what she if she is 100% committed.

"we can't never say that the main reason they separated is because of money"
Of course we can, financial issues are the biggest reason for failure of most marriages, american to american or american to filipino. Since finances are the reason FOR most american to filipino marriages it's obvious finances are the reason for the FAILURE of most american to filipino marriages.

"at the end of the day they realize that they are incompatible having different interests, having a different values and the inability to communicate effectively"
Correct. And the core value differences are primarily financial disconnects.

"Why are you going to get married in the first place if are thinking about divorce"
Given so many marriages fail it would be foolish for a person to enter into marriage without considering the obvious possibility the marriage will fail. Like driving a car without insurance denying the possibility you will ever have an accident. Very foolish.

"here in the Filipinas, we don't have divorce but we do have a process to nullify the marriage in the process of Annulment"
A failed marriage is a failed marriage. Call it divorce or call it annulment it is still a failed marriage. Just because Philippine laws do not allow divorce does not mean that filipinos do not have failed marriages just as much as americans.

"There are broken marriages here in PI that they don't undergo annulment process..because they don't chose to"
This statement is not correct. Annulment in the Philippines is expensive very, very expensive by Philippine standards. Truth is most Filipino couples that separate just can not afford an annulment. Any american man who meets and wants to marry a filipina who is separated will be expected to pay for the annulment process which may cost several thousand dollars. So he meets a filipina online, goes to visit for 2 weeks. Trip costs $5000. Finds she is separated. Goes back to US, spends 6 months to 1 year and $2000 for annulment. Returns to marry her, bring her to the USA. Costs about $7000. American man has spent $14,000 just to meet and marry a separated filipina. Then filipina in the USA gets call from her filipino family. Emergency, mother, father, sister, brother sick. Please send $1000. It goes on and on. THIS is the financial stress on american men married to a filipina.

Can a filipina be a sweet, lovely wife. For sure. But there are many hidden financial burdens most american men are not aware of. Most filipinas will deny this, not because they are bad people, but because they have never really dealt with financial issues, most have no experience with money beyond what basic food, basic clothes and basic shelter items cost in a 3rd world country. So recognizing and dealing with significant financial issues is just beyond the experience base of most filipinas. They tend to think (and talk) in very dream prince charming fairy tale description. of how they and their family will be OK when they marry an american man.
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Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 5:47 pm


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