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Postby Manilaman » Mon May 16, 2011 7:46 pm

Filipina's have lots of great qualities, sweet, caring, loyal. Slim and attractive when they are young but they seem to put on weight when the hit their late 20s and for me that is just not appealing. I believe it's because so much rice in the classic Filipino diet. I tend to like women in their 30s to early 40s but problem is so many filipinas of that age are chubby. So as a mature man I would prefer a mature woman but how can I tell a filipina I think you would be beautiful at 5 foot 90 pounds but I am not attracted to you at 5 foot 110 pounds? So I like the maturity of an older filipina but the slimness of a younger filipina. Just wish there was some way to tell her: I would make effort to get to know you but you must make effort to lose some weight?
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Re: Chubby

Postby Edwin » Mon May 16, 2011 10:06 pm

My ex-brother-in-law made the same comment about women from another culture that he was around a lot.

I have heard that when a woman weighs more there is more to love. Well, that is one way to look at it. I don't mind if a woman weighs a little more. The health implications is the only issue as far as I am concerned.

It is a good idea to be physically active and strive to be healthy. Physical activity and eating good foods will help a person be healthy. If you diet and don't have physical activity you will lose mosty muscle mass, and you will retain your fat, so activity is important.

There is a nursery rhymn: "Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean, so you see, between them they licked the platter clean!"

Some people are attracted to heavier mates, and others like them thin.

If someone is heavy, but they eat correctly and have physical activity, then probably being heavy is not so bad. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chubby

Postby crisipicada » Tue May 17, 2011 2:22 am

so sad to hear about that. well, that is true because our staple food is rice and corn so lots of carbohydrates. i weigh 39 kilos now. or 85.8 bls. i am late 30's and i think because my bone structure is small. my other officemate who is local paid before is smaller than me but she weigh 45 kilos. i am 5 feet. and i think i am underweight that is why i faint sometimes when over work. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Chubby

Postby Edwin » Tue May 17, 2011 8:58 am

I have run the gamut in weight through out my life. When I was growing up I was so skinny and tall that they called me Knapp Bones. I would have been considered under weight until I was about 40 years old. Then my weight would have been considered normal until I was 50 years old. I never thought that I would ever be considered over weight, but I steadily gained weight until I was about 60 years old to where I had to get larger pants, and my stomach was beginning to drop over my belt at 195 to 198 pounds at 6 feet tall.

For several years I did what a lot of people do in that I tried to control my eating, and tried to have physical activity. I was eating almost entirely salads, but they were huge, and had lots of fat producing stuff on them, so I maintained my weight even though I was eating mostly oatmeal with milk and salads. Then I ate a lot of peanut butter, honey, and drank a lot of milk.

When we first moved here I lost a quite a bit of weight the first summer, then I gained most of it back the following winter because of too many holiday meals and the lack of activity during the winter. Since I have been walking my big dog Scooby 1 1/2 hours the first 7 months, and working digging my cellar my weight dropped some. I got into a situation where I couldn't walk Scooby for 2 1/2 months, and I was taking classes online, so I sat and studied a lot of the time, and as a result I ceased to lose weight.

Since March 15th I have been back walking Scooby 2 hours each day, and also working fairly hard part of the time. I have lost most of the fat on my stomach, and I now weigh about 170 pounds. At 6 feet tall that is not too bad, but I could stand to weigh a little less than that, but I am at a pretty healthy weight. There are health risks involved with being either over weight or under weight, so it is not ideal to weight too much or too little. I will just keep walking my big dog Scooby 2 hours each day, and doing the work that I need to do, and I will keep fit with my heart, lungs, muscles, and bones, and I really don't have to worry about weight. It is not good to worry too much either! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Chubby

Postby CoolLuke » Tue May 17, 2011 11:02 am

Manilaman wrote:how can I tell a filipina I think you would be beautiful at 5 foot 90 pounds but I am not attracted to you at 5 foot 110 pounds?

The same as you would tell a woman in the US, the UK, Europe or anywhere else. There are fat slugs everywhere and watching TV shows like "Man v Food," it is easy to see why we have that problem here in the US. From what I have read, putting on weight is a body-style issue decided by your Parent's DNA, their Parent's DNA etc.

My ex-wife was skinny, skinny, skinny. In fact when she was young she used to have to take supplements to try and put on weight. None of it helped, but at age 40 she started to round out ever so slightly and had and still has the perfect body to my eyes. Her Mother was also nicely proportioned to my liking and I think that is the key. The old adage, "if you want to know the Daughter, look at the Mother," applies well in this case.

If having a chubby wife is an issue for you, and I am not going to argue the right or wrong of that as it is a personal choice, then check out the Mother's pics before things get too far along with the dating. It's easy to ask, "honey, do you have any family pics?" Make your escape if or as desired then.

Having said that though, and being one to prefer slender women, the best girlfriends I have had over the past 10 years have all been overweight by quite a LOT. The person within greatly over-weighed the weight issue. Pun intended. :D :D
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Re: Chubby

Postby Manilaman » Tue May 17, 2011 3:35 pm

Maybe I did not ask the question well so let me try again.

If I met an american woman who has good qualities / long term potential except she has excess pounds I would not attempt to say anything, I would write her off as a lost cause and move on because she would just freak and go nasty on me no matter how tactfully I tried to explain that her weight was an issue why I would not date her.

I was wondering if, because of different attitudes and cultural differences a filipina who I was attracted to in many ways, except that she had packed on some excess pounds, would be open to my telling her that I thought we had potential if she would lose lose some weight?

Now don't get me wrong, I am not solely focused on looks. Matter of fact as I mentioned I prefer a mature 30 or 40 year old to the young beautiful 20 year olds. I like natural and healthy, not lots of make up and fancy. Sure, everyone has different bone structure and some are not as slim as others but I am speaking of excess pounds that tend to creep up on people--a filipina that has excess pounds, that is chubby. I would never attempt to deal with an obese woman, no way.

I just think back a few years to one filipina I knew quite well that was a real sweetheart, she was really in to me, she had beautiful features but she had allowed herself to become chubby. I wonder if I had said something to her about her weight how might that have impacted both our lives?

Just wondering if a filipina that had everything else I was looking for but had become chubby would really appreciate the truth or would telling her her weight was an issue just devastate her, hurt her, destroy her confidence?

For example I could reasonably discuss and come to grips with issues of religion with a filipina but could we discuss her weight? American women would freak, probably want to report me for a hate crime (ha ha).
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Re: Chubby

Postby Edwin » Tue May 17, 2011 6:45 pm

I did not know the categories of weight until I studied a nutrition class. In the Body Mass Index there is a range you are supposed to fit into in order to be considered healthy. Under weight you are apt to be unhealthy, and over weight you are apt to be unhealthy. Body Mass Index can be flawed. For instance if you are very musclular the BMI will categorize you as being obese. If you are short it doesn't work well, or if you are tall it doesn't work well either. It only works well for average built people. You can be over weight, which means you are still healthy, but just a little over the ideal. You can be obese, which means that you are beyond just being over weight to where you are in an unhealthy weight range. If you are morbedly obese that means that your weight is twice as much as a regularly obese person, and the morbedly obese person is in a high risk for developing cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and/or more diabetic complications.

I have no problem with over weight people, I like them, and I am married to a person who is a quite a bit over weight. She is short and heavy, so she is probably considered obese. That doesn't bother me, but it does bother me to think that part of her health problems might be a result of that. I could love any over weight person, and I would not be repulsed by them, but I would not want their health to be in jeapardy. Too much weight does cut down a person's life expectancy, and that is sad.

I would not hesitate to marry an over weight person, but what I would do is encourage them to eat correctly and exercise, and I would do it with them. My wife eats correctly, does what the doctor tells her to do, but she will not walk with me. I try to get her to walk, and she won't do it. I am afraid of what might happen to her because she doesn't walk. Not having enough physical activity is taking its toll on her health. She doesn't have much physical strength, and she doesn't have much endurance. She sleeps a long night, then she sleeps during the day also. She is sad about that, but she won't walk. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Chubby

Postby crisipicada » Tue May 17, 2011 9:08 pm

when i started to read and study the book entitled, Nutritional Immunology way back 5 years ago, i become health conscious. i learn that the food that we eat is connected to our immune system. so now, i need to read them again to refresh my mind and become more aware how it affects our body. but still i can say that i am not totally healthy as much as i know that all of my sisters are sickly when they were single, but when they get married they become healthier and seems all health issues are gone. do i need to marry so that i would be healthy :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :? :? :? :? :? :? :?
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Re: Chubby

Postby Edwin » Tue May 17, 2011 10:15 pm

crisipicada wrote:when i started to read and study the book entitled, Nutritional Immunology way back 5 years ago, i become health conscious. i learn that the food that we eat is connected to our immune system. so now, i need to read them again to refresh my mind and become more aware how it affects our body. but still i can say that i am not totally healthy as much as i know that all of my sisters are sickly when they were single, but when they get married they become healthier and seems all health issues are gone. do i need to marry so that i would be healthy :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

You do need to marry so that you will be healthy, Crisi! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Chubby

Postby Manilaman » Wed May 18, 2011 1:08 pm

crisipicada wrote:when i started to read and study the book entitled, Nutritional Immunology way back 5 years ago, i become health conscious. i learn that the food that we eat is connected to our immune system. so now, i need to read them again to refresh my mind and become more aware how it affects our body. but still i can say that i am not totally healthy as much as i know that all of my sisters are sickly when they were single, but when they get married they become healthier and seems all health issues are gone. do i need to marry so that i would be healthy :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

Everything is energy: god, people, plants, animals are all energy--just energy in different forms. Good energy, bad energy, ying and yang energy.

In "normal" male-female interactions (meaning pure interaction where abuse, control etc is not prominent) the female draws energy from the male. The male has strongest energy. Female has weaker energy. So energy flows from stronger to weaker source. Just like stronger electrical battery charge flows to weaker battery.

So yes, women derive subtle energy flow from man. So yes woman in good relationship will derive energy from man and more energy means better physical health. This is why many men need to get away from woman for a while--go into nature, work, hunt, fish, swim etc so they "recharge" their battery via god's nature. Also why women, who derive energy from men tend to cling to man and become frightened or concerned when he is not around--they are needing his energy.

P.S. Food is energy. Food is proteins, carbs, vitamins, minerals but what are they? Energy! All various combinations of protons, electrons and neutrons spinning around as energy--just different forms of the same base elements.
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