Does love die?

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Does love die?

Postby abufarsi » Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:14 am

I read with interest the forum topic "keeping love alive".

I was shocked by the replies where people talked about partners doing wrong and love ending, about gong on dates to keep love alive, about people who just were not thrilled anymore with their partner and boredom killing love.

This might shock some people but I still feel love for my first wife who left me for another guy. After I messed up with my Filipino wife, and she kicked me out, I went years and years trying to make things better before I realized I was still hurting her and gave up.

In most oriental countries and some Asian ones the rule is for men and women to marry without love. Love comes later. If you interviewed Indian women for example who had arranged marriages about the same number as romantic marriages would claim they loved their husbands.

I would suggest that those who said they would dump that guy if he did such and such, were not in love at all, ever.

Relationships end, Partnerships stop being rewarding. But Love never dies.
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Re: Does love die?

Postby edeline » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:57 pm

I think love dies when the two are no longer keeping it and cherishing it. Let say for example if one of the partners is no longer in love with the other? what happen is that the other might not be interested at all also. We all know that love works in both ways and it needs cooperation. As long as the two want to make it alive then love will be stronger. It is a matter of how we handle relationship so that love will continue.

In my case alone, I think love dies. My love for my ex dies because I am happy with my present one. Yes I did love him but things didn't work for us and I am sure I don't love him anymore. My love is totally for the person whom I care and treasure so much.

I think we don't need to have a date to keep our love alive. Being together with each other means so much to me. I realized we don't need to do special things just to make our love alive. We are just happy being together and wanting that days will not pas so quickly. Looking at my bf makes me so happy. You know that time when you are looking at him/her and saying, I am so lucky having this person in my life. I will always treasure and take care of this person. He/she means so much to me. She/he is my happiness. I want to give him/her happiness as well.
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Re: Does love die?

Postby abufarsi » Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:53 pm

When I marry... or have a child... I allow a new person into my family circle. If my child or my mom or brother for example does something that makes me feel used or not loved, I would for sure try protect myself from further abuse, but my love for them is eternal.

Children often do things that are clearly without caring for their parents, but all are loved.

Even today, if a woman from my past called me because they needed help, even though I would not consider a husband/wife relationship, I would still pity them. I would feel that they were a part of my extended family.

Could your mother really do something that you would then feel she was not your mother any more? or your child? If not, why not your boyfriend?

Is conditional love really love at all?
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Re: Does love die?

Postby Tears08 » Sun Jan 23, 2011 6:46 am

in my side, i do believe that love never dies because when it dies then the world may not be wonderful to live in. just think and imagine of what will happen when the love that we have in our heart is dead then we end up quarreling,troubling and hurting each other. if love does die then we care no more to each other and living like hell, that's why the almighty God taught us on how to love and share it to people in order to know what happiness means.
what other people says that love will die is wrong..for a love that you have given to a person is combined with honesty and purity then it would last long and it stay forever in your heart and in the heart of that person as well. but if you just feel something not deep or it is just a desire then it is surely not love at all but only a passion to get something from that person you say you'll in love with and what you have for him/her is a temporary not an everlasting love. for real love is not a feelings only but a decision to stand on. :)
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Re: Does love die?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:11 pm

No, not at all. Love is always there...
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Re: Does love die?

Postby crisipicada » Tue May 17, 2011 8:46 pm

actually love will always at heart. i interview some of married couples if love fades. they said that love is actually is not the same as you are newly wed. but the love must possess for couples must be agape love. A love from God. there are different kinds of love. sometimes what we feel is infatuation wherein we are carried by our emotions. and of course, it is not true love. If given the chance to get back from the past, i just want to be inlove once and not to love more than one because it takes energy and time waiting for someone and if it wont happen that you both will be together, then all you can feel is frustrations and sadness. you will feel depress and that is how i feel and can hardly forget unless i am busy at work.

of course they said that love takes two to tango. so, if the other one is not making an effort, there is a possibility that the other one will get discourage and not to fight for the love. why :?: :?: :?: because there are feeling in despair and it not healthy. so to those married couples that their marriage life laster for 10 or 15 years or more than and until now still strong and happy, i congratulate you all. hope that my marriage life will also be happy and strong.
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