how man love girls and to be contented?

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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby Edwin » Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:13 pm

crisipicada wrote:
mitch1989 wrote:i have a friend has an american boyfriend,shes always think her boyfriend fellings she want it to be happy always.There relationship took 1 year already but one day her boyfriend say goodbye to her and she ask him why u say goodbye ,the man said i not happy in your side ,and the man left her.

Sorry to hear about that, I have experience that also. It is a sad fact about men...

That is very sad! :( :( :( :(
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:08 am

It always pay to pray. It is important to ask guidance always.
It is hard to find a true one and faithful one.
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby Edwin » Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:59 am

crisipicada wrote:
mitch1989 wrote:i have a friend has an american boyfriend,shes always think her boyfriend fellings she want it to be happy always.There relationship took 1 year already but one day her boyfriend say goodbye to her and she ask him why u say goodbye ,the man said i not happy in your side ,and the man left her.

Sorry to hear about that, I have experience that also. It is a sad fact about men...

I think the guys looking are far better off with a filipina, and that is my take on the situation. In the Philippines there are more God fearing people than in USA, and the filipinas are of a higher quality than ladies in this country. Proverbs 25:24; "It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house." Proverbs 31: 10; Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rudies." I think anyone who finds a good filipina is a lot better off than finding some of these women in this country. I could go on and on about that, but everyone knows what these women are like. Of my relatives and acquaintances the ones who have successfully found filipinas for their mates have done well for themselves as they have been treated very well. :D :D :D :D
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:31 pm

I am happy to hear that lots of foreign guys are looking for a Filipina.

I am happy to hear also that lots prefer to find a filipina wife because of the culture and good heart of a filipina woman.

I am happy that there are lots of men out there will love a filipina wife and treat her with love and care.

I am happy to hear also that my aunt is now is california and got married to an american who is so supportive and loving to his wife.

What a wonderful man like this and may you bless and be blessed having a loving heart :P :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby Edwin » Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:23 pm

That's great Crisi! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby crisipicada » Tue May 17, 2011 9:25 pm

why guys are having so many girlfriends and that they are not contented with only one. how can he be faithful in marriage if in courting and dating he is not faithfu :?: :?: :?: :?: i need to hear from you guys please
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 17, 2011 11:30 pm

crisipicada wrote:why guys are having so many girlfriends and that they are not contented with only one. how can he be faithful in marriage if in courting and dating he is not faithfu :?: :?: :?: :?: i need to hear from you guys please

Our friend did that, go to see several in the Philippines, then chose one. My wife, Carol, chewed him out about it, and told him that he was not very nice. He did end up with a very nice person, but she almost bailed out on him because of it, and he told me that he still regrets that he did it that way by seeing several and chosing one. He told me that he hurt one of them pretty badly. That is not the way to go about it.

I think a person should chose one, and not play the contest game. It isn't fair to the people involved. :D :D :D :D
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby Manilaman » Wed May 18, 2011 1:33 pm

crisipicada wrote:
mitch1989 wrote:i have a friend has an american boyfriend,shes always think her boyfriend fellings she want it to be happy always.There relationship took 1 year already but one day her boyfriend say goodbye to her and she ask him why u say goodbye ,the man said i not happy in your side ,and the man left her.

Sorry to hear about that, I have experience that also. It is a sad fact about men...

Why blame the man--he may be doing what he should responsibly do. That is what dating is all about, finding if that person is right for you. If he finds the filipina is not right for him it is right that he should move on.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life and it could be fish, chicken or beef. Would it not be smart to sample all so you can be satisfied with your decision for the rest of your life?

Simply put--dating is not marriage, don't expect it to be.
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby Edwin » Sat May 28, 2011 12:59 am

crisipicada wrote:why guys are having so many girlfriends and that they are not contented with only one. how can he be faithful in marriage if in courting and dating he is not faithfu :?: :?: :?: :?: i need to hear from you guys please

I think we could apply some logic here. Some times people are self centered and all they think about is what happens to them, and what is good for them. They often don't think about how the other person is affected.

It doesn't feel very good I don't think for a young lady to realize that her guy has several other ladies also, and especially if she is being deceived into thinking that she is the only one.

A young man would not be very happy if he thought that he had his one and only lady, and then he found out that she had several others hanging on as well, and maybe they each one thought that they were the only one.

I think honesty and trust is important here. If there are others, the young man should be upfront with the young lady early on, and tell her that she is not the only one, and if I were the young lady I would tell the guy that he can be free to go with the others.

I think it is good to only have one at a time, and be devoted to that one, and then if that doesn't work, then move on, but I don't think it is good for either the man or the woman to play with the feelings of the other person and hurt them in the process.
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Re: how man love girls and to be contented?

Postby abufarsi » Sat May 28, 2011 7:09 pm

I am happy to hear that lots of foreign guys are looking for a Filipina.

I am happy to hear also that lots prefer to find a filipina wife because of the culture and good heart of a filipina woman.

I am happy that there are lots of men out there will love a filipina wife and treat her with love and care.

IF it were only true.

I heard these sentiments when I was staying in the Philippines often, but, I think they are based on invalid statistical thinking. how many guys going to the Philippines? I contend that you would consider a "Lot" of guys as more than say 1 in 10,000. But in truth those who marry a filipina are about 1 in 50,000 Americans.

Who are these rare guys?

First lets say who they are not. Every country on earth has enough women for it's men with the possible exception of China. So we can assume that a person looking for a wife is far more likely to look for one near his own place. Further, those same guys are targets of women in their place as well, so, lets assume that far and away most normal guys will take a normal courtship rout, as expected by his own culture, when looking for a mate.

Who would look for a far away bride? Somebody who was a failure at normal courtships techniques/situations in his home country. Why was he a failure? Who, who knew his true history, would not reject him as he was rejected in his home country? What has changed so that traditional cultural courtship no longer serve these foreigners who look for filipinas? Perhaps these men need something that is unavailable or rare in his home place.

As to your last statement, I agree that of those foreign guys I know who married a filipina, the vast majority treated their wives with dignity and respect, who lived in the Philippines. Perhaps this is true as those guys were failures before and wanted to make changes to their lives. Perhaps they were just more mature and learned to respect their wives. Perhaps a cultural value exists in the Philippines where women earn the respect they deserve from their husbands. But...

Who this does not count are those guys who feel that a "mail order bride" is exactly the same thing as a "mail order slave". Who failed in their country because they had severe mental/emotional/social problems, and could hide them during the short in person courtship normal to those who plan to take a wife home with them. Perhaps, like me, they are socially inept, perhaps they are control freaks who "take care" of their wives by doing everything for them (or example buying 100% of their wives personal items like make up, underwear, clothes, food for the house). Stingy. Perhaps they are religious nuts, who get a big charge from preaching to people and they capture a parish by marrying one. Perhaps they are manic depressives who do not have a consistent emotional state. Perhaps they are actually insane but are high functioning. I have seen all of these examples as well in the Philippines.

If you consider common stereotypes of filipinas, you might have a better insight into the motivations of foreigners who seek them. For example some stereotypical Filipinas are; subservient; in poverty; willing to marry a far older guy; small stature; or religious; and as such guys who say they are looking for a filipina (rather than a woman) are, (subservient) men who have a problem with compromise or understanding opinion other than their own, (in poverty) guys who rather than give of themselves compensate by giving financial security or stingy and felt that controlling the money equaled to controlling the wife, (older guy) guys who want a second chance at a family, or, see women as sex objects, (small stature) latent pedophiles. There could be hundreds of other reasons or situations and this depends on the thinking of those guys involved.

I have met many filipinos WITH one, but can't remember any foreigner saying he actually went to the Philippines to find a person with a good heart. Family oriented, yes. Traditional Christian, yes. Accepting/tolerant, yes.

But I would say that most guys are looking for a woman, from anyplace, with a good, honest, heart.
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