There are a few things that contribute to chubbiness, that people often are not aware of. When you rest, sit, stand, sleep, your body burns fat. If you short yourself on sleep you will pack more fat onto your body. Another thing that contributes to fat on your body is stress, or being upset, and a lot of people don't realize that. You probably have heard about fight or flight? In the olden days the enemy came, and adreneline was dumped into your blood stream. Your burned that off either by fighting your enemy or running from him. Now we usually don't have to fight or flee from our enemy. But when we get scared, upset, emotionally distressed, stressed, or generally in a state of unrest, our bodies dump high energy into our bloodstreams, and if there is no good reason for this, or we don't need to fight or flee, we don't burn those Calories, and they end up on our bodies as fat.
The idea behind losing fat is to have aeorbic activity, where you walk as fast as you can and still can carry on a conversation. If you are doing that, you are burning fat. You may improve your body and still not lose weight because lean muscle weighs more than fat, so you might even gain a little weight while you are replacing fat with lean muscle. The nice thing about replacing fat with lean muscle is that you will increase your basal metabolic rate, and in that way you will burn more Calories without doing anything.
The way your fat is on your body makes a difference too. If your body is apple shaped, you need to change the shape of your body, because that means that there is too much fat around your vital organs, and it is dangerous for your health. You measure your stomach, and then you measure around your hips. Your hips need to have a larger measurement than your stomach. If your stomach is as large or larger than your hips, you need to give some serious attention to eating and exercising.
Carbohydrates are very important because glucose, or stored glycogen comes from carbohydrates, and glucose fuels our brains, as well as giving us fuel for hard physical activity. If we are short of carbohydrates then a substituted has to be used with some possible toxic effects. Most people eat more protein than they need. Most people don't eat enough complex carbohydrates. Most people consume more simple sugars than they should. Most people don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. Most people don't eat enough whole grains and fibers. You should eat the least amount of trans fatty acids possible, and stay away from hydrogenated oils. We should limit our consumption of saturated fats also as they can contribute to cholesteral, and can lead to cardiovascular disease. Eat the good fats as they nullify the harm from the bad fats. Varied food intake and exercise is very important, and it should help you to feel better, and live longer.