Where we live this month of July is one of the hottest months of the year for us. August can also be a very warm month. We have been having very unusual weather this year so far. We have had a record amount of rain, and with it some very cold temperatures for this time of the year. We have had a few fairly warm days, but not many. July and August can give us day time temperatures that can be over 100 degrees F. It is not unusual for it to be hot all night long in July. The first of July comes just after the longest day of the year here. What can happen in August is that we can have cool nights, especially after a rain storm. It can even frost the latter part of August. The latter part of August gives us shorter days also.
It seemed very strange to me that last October 15th it was already freezing ice on the water here, and then when we landed in Manila and Dumaguete City it was so warm. The typhoon that came through the north cooled off Manila the 18th or 19th of October, but when we exited the airplane in Dumaguete City the air felt like one of our very hot July or August days at home. The heat doesn't bother me. The cold doesn't bother me either as long as I can keep the house warm enough and wear enough clothing!