Moderator: youngj
jadegil6 wrote:What Problems Have You Had In Your Relationship, And What Are Things That Someone Can Do To Avoid Those Mistakes?
Shadith wrote:If the female is wrong, it is due to a misunderstanding which was a result of something the male did or said wrong.
The male must apologize immediately for causing said misunderstanding.
Speaking of Rights as a wife and husband well...i think personally that our marriage vows says all about it...accepting one another as lawfully wedded husband and wife through richer or for poorer,to sickness and health till death do we part?
Mr.Magoo wrote:I was communicating through email with a girl in the Philippines. She eventually started telling me that she loved me. Then I found out that she was writing to another man who I met online, and she was telling him the same things as she was telling me. Now that she has been 'exposed", she says how sorry she is for her past actions, and promises that she will never do it again. But now I don't trust her, and I don't think that she would change her stripes. Does anyone else have an opinion about this? Thanks.
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