why love is important in Life ?

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why love is important in Life ?

Postby kaye.monteza » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:32 pm

Love is the a beautiful feeling that express honesty, affection and at the
same time friendship. Around the world people are concerned about solutions for many of social problems. The feeling love could be the key for many of that problems. Although, some people do not believe that it is possilble. Problems that include world hungry and violence are some example of social matters that love could solve.

The most important reason why love could hlep the hungry problem around the world is the fact that love ties people together in a way to help each other. First of all, feellings such as, caring about others and helping each other is also included in love. Besides, someone moved by that magic feelling are more likely to do little actions that today's are being more and more rare. For example, to join a non-governamental institute that help people with hungry or even feeding someone who need food is a simple actitude that this feelling insentive people to do. Secondly, the spirit of sharing is not very comum in todays world. In fact, people tend to be more selfish and caring less about others. However, love flourish that felling and make people more likely to share what they have. For instance, sharing the half a lanche with someone who do not have or even giving a piece of a fruit are actitudes that people moved by love often do. Therefore, love incentive people do help solving social problems, as hungry, which is just by us and we dont realize.

Another imporant social matter that love could help to solve is the violence. It is undeniable that the fisrt thing to associate with love is peace. First, that fantastic feeling attrach people around with a peaceful sentiment. For example, starting a fight or thinking of taking someone life are thoughts that do not exist when one's are contagious by love. Currently, the world are moved by ambition, revenge and meanness. Usually when you read or watch some news the fisrt headlight that appears is about war, murder or people being killed and there are anywhere to be safe. As an example, a 20 years old student has been killed in Alberta, Canada by a lost bullet two months ago. Actions like that is avoided when love is surrounding people life's.

In conclusion, Love is answer for most of the world question. It is a necessary feeling in life because it is wonderful and magic. Also, it hold people together in way to help and care about each others!
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Re: why love is important in Life ?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:37 pm

YOu seem do not exist without LOVE, even you are physically present. Love is the greatest gift of all. Share love to everyone you meet and take a smile so that their day will be complete. Love is important in life as water is important to the body
Nothing can separate us from the love of God
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Re: why love is important in Life ?

Postby Edwin » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:14 pm

crisipicada wrote:YOu seem do not exist without LOVE, even you are physically present. Love is the greatest gift of all. Share love to everyone you meet and take a smile so that their day will be complete. Love is important in life as water is important to the body

Yes, Crisi, love is the most important! :D :D :D :D
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Re: why love is important in Life ?

Postby crisipicada » Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:59 am

Edwin wrote:
crisipicada wrote:YOu seem do not exist without LOVE, even you are physically present. Love is the greatest gift of all. Share love to everyone you meet and take a smile so that their day will be complete. Love is important in life as water is important to the body

Yes, Crisi, love is the most important! :D :D :D :D

YEs, it is. Why? Because we are commanded to love on another. HOw do you feel when you are not being love by someone? Like, your family or friends, without love, life is empty and not purpose at all. To love God is the greatest commanded and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Do you really love God and people?
Nothing can separate us from the love of God
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Re: why love is important in Life ?

Postby fenmoor » Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:07 am

crisipicada wrote:

YEs, it is. Why? Because we are commanded to love on another. HOw do you feel when you are not being love by someone? Like, your family or friends, without love, life is empty and not purpose at all. To love God is the greatest commanded and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Do you really love God and people?

Do I love God and people. Sometimes and poorly. I do not deserve God's love because I am a jezzebel to him all the time. Also, the people in my life deserve much better than I give them. I wish that I were a better man, and I am better than I was before, but I am still a childish selfish child too many times.

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Re: why love is important in Life ?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:20 pm

Well, all of us have our faults. Some people believe in sinless perfection, but I don't. We strive to be sinless and perfect, but we fall short. We walk in the light as He is in the light, we confess our sins, we have fellowship with God and man. I believe that sinless perfection will happen when we enter heaven!

Love? There are different kinds of love. There is the love like God has that He loves us even though we are unlovely. This is the love that God wants us to have in that we even love our enemies! Then there is the kind of mushy sort of love, which is sexually driven. Then there is the love, that we will love if we are loved. It is kind of an exchanged love. Then there is the love, like I tell my wife that I love her. It is the love that you probably wouldn't express early on in your relationship until you get to know the other person just a little bit anyway. All love is good in its place, and God especially wants us to have His love to express to others. God loved us when we were yet sinners, and there was nothing in us to be loved. Now lust is something else that is driven by desire, and usually has a bad connotation, that includes a lack of self control. Don't have that one! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
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Re: why love is important in Life ?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:10 am

One of the few word expressions that I know in the German language is "God is Love." God is love. One of the attributes of God is that He is love. God love us when we were unloveable. He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. Jesus love for us caused Him to go to the cross. God created us with the aspect of love for God and love for each other. We were made to love. So, the reason love is important in Life is that God made us with the capacity and the need to show love and to be loved. Love is important in Life! :D :D :D :D
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