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Postby jadegil6 » Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:46 pm

Friends...I am posting this new Topic to warn everyone of a scammer that has joined our group, and who has been soliciting some of our members with a con game. I have banned her from the membership roles.

The scam that she is trying to pull is one that most of us have seen many. many times before. I get stuff like this almost on a daily basis, but perhaps some of you have not seen this type of con game before, so I am writing this as a warning to those members.

She has several email addresses that I am aware of, which are: and and But she probably has a 1000 others, so just beware of cons like this, and don't fall into thier trap.

I published a webpage that shows her con game (scam). You can view it here:

I will apologize for this, but there is little that I can do other than to ban people who do this sort of thing.

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Postby longhorn1 » Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:17 pm

I think that this girl has a new email name, and has joined the group. here is a private message that I got, and it closely resembles another private message I received from mercy wilford.

here is the message: Hello
My name is Kate. i am a beautiful young girl with faithful, loving, tender and very caring. I am seriously looking for relationship leading to any thing. Today i saw your Profile here ( and i love it, infact i be came intrested to be you good friend in life, i think we can write together. to be come good friend, (Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life) please i will like you to contact me through this my email adderss thus;( contact me with my email adderss i will like to show you my photo and at the same time you will know more about me. once again please contact me true my email adderss. please email with my address. this is my email address(( I will be happy to see your reply.thanks for your understanding Kate.

I do not have a profile on this person must be a scammer.
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Postby jadegil6 » Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:46 am

kate30 has been banned because she is attempting to scam members in the same way that mercy wilford did.
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Postby attersollmget » Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:28 pm

Hi!!! Nice forum. This my first post.
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Postby crisipicada » Thu May 31, 2012 2:32 am

This is a sad fact that many scammers around the world. Sometimes, we really do not understand why people are doing this. Many reasons behind why people do this and that is because of hardships and living a poor life. Sometimes, it is so hard to understand that because of this, a person will really try to take advantage to people. Have anyone experienced being scammed over here? How will you know that this is already a scam? YOur thoughts are highly appreciated
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Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:50 am

The first time I remember hearing the word "Scam" used was when I was teaching school, taking a special education teacher's place while he did other work in the school building. He was less than happy with me, because I allowed the kids to take advantage of me. I hadn't been teaching for very long, and I believed anything the kids told me. I later learned to be more skeptical. This teacher told me that I was allowing the kids to scam me! He meant that I was believing what they were telling me and they were lying to me about what they were supposed to do, and I was believing them!

I think there are mainly two ways that scams take place, and maybe more, but two of them come to my mind. One is where the young man pretends to be what the young lady needs/wants, and he has no intention of being that, but he is just playing games with her. Why does he do it? Who knows? Maybe he is bored? Maybe he wants to get some advantage from her. I don't really know? He is telling her things she wants to hear, but it turns out that he is being untruthful to her.

Another way is when a young lady has a whole group of young men. Each man thinks that he is her one and only, and he is sending her money, and so are a dozen or more other young men sending her money, and each thinks that she is his one and only.

Another type scam is when a young lady makes a young man think that they are meant for each other, while she has a boyfriend with her. She gets the young man lured into marrying her and bringing her to his country. When she gets there she stays with him long enough so that she can legally petition someone from her country. Then she claims that he has abused her, or whatever other reason she can get to dump him/divorce him. Then she is legally in the country for instance, USA, and after that she brings her own boyfriend, and maybe her whole family to the USA, and she has merely used the young man who thought she loved him. How you can tell something like this is about to happen or happening I'm not sure, except to pay attention to the red flags or the warning signs you get. Other than that get to know the person well, or get acqainted with people who know that person. :D :D :D :D
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