My Health

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My Health

Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:22 pm

I have always been in really good health. I have spent very little of my life sick, except for a few bouts with the stomach flue when I was in elementary school. I managed to have 2 hynias that needed repairing, and I was scared of the risks after the doctor made me sign that I might die or something else terrible might happen to me. Well, it didn't and I was fine.

Then I developed the BPH, or enlarged prostate to where I could not urinate. I spent a terrible night and morning up until noon, riding to town on a boat as there were not roads out of the place we were living. The long and short of it is that they cut tissue from the inside of my prostate so that my urinary track would no longer be pinched. The doctor told me that 10 percent of cases like mine involved cancer, but their test showed me to be caner free, and I was very happy. I healed up, recovered with no side effects, with all of my body functions working wonderfully, or which I was thankful to the Lord and the good doctor. That was in 2004, and I didn't think I would ever have problems again, until the 18th of June when I started bleeding for 3 days. I was almost in shock. I tried to go see the doctor, but the car broke down, and I never made it. I saw him a month later after I had healed up. He talked with me, did a digital exam, ordered me to collect a urine sample, and give some blood for a PSA test. My PSA was 4.6, and it was not supposed to be over 4.0, and because of that and the bleeding that I had done he ordered me to come in for a biopsy, which I did. I went into shock with blood pressure 60 over 40 with a pulse of 42, and it took 2 hours to get my blood pressure back up, after which I was fine. The doctor told me that they were going to test the samples for cancer, and I worried about that not just a little. A few days later they told me on the telephone that I did not have cancer, and I shouted for joy! :D :D

The doctor told me that if I didn't have cancer they would do the TURP again cutting tissue off the inside of my prostate, and also removing some growin stones on my prostate. I worred about that for a month, and Friday when I say the doctor he told me that he was not going to operate on me just yet, but watch me to see how I do, so please pray for me that I will be okay without needing that TURP. I can handle it, but it is not fun. He told me to come back in 4 months and they will do another PSA analysis, so now it is watch and see.

I was stressing about what was going to happen to me, so I called my older brother who has been through the same thing for some encouragement, and I was not going to write this until I knew Michael was out of the woods with his health problem, but I think Michael is well enough to laugh at this now. My brother told me that if cancer did not kill me their testing would! He told me that before Michael and I had our biopsy test. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: He also told me that they would be testing me for the rest of my life! Great words of encouragement, huh, and coming from a concerned brother!!!! He is a good brother though, but he also thinks everything is funny!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D
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