Anti-Carnapping Drive

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Anti-Carnapping Drive

Postby crisipicada » Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:48 pm

It's been rampant now adays that there are car napping happening and all over the country. To avoid this, here are some carnapping tips i want to share what i have read: Please take hid of these for it will help a lot and save your valuable asset.
Last edited by crisipicada on Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anti-Carnapping Drive

Postby crisipicada » Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:50 pm

A - always lock all car doors when parked.
N - never stay inside the car while parked.
T - Take your family members with you when you park your car/vehicle.
I - Install safety and alarm devices whenever you park.

C - check the area for suspicious looking persons.
A - always park in lighted areas at night.
R - remove valuables inside your car before parking to preclude temptations.
N - Never entrust your keys to strangers to avoid duplication.
A - avoid hitchhikers especially beautiful women .
P - park your car in secured areas as much as possible.
P - provide necessary information to area security for suspicious looking persons.
I - install a hidden master switch whenever possible.
N - never leave car windows open especially during traffic jam.
G - Garage gates must be secured and locked whenever necessary.

D - direct your car to a crowded area if being followed suspiciously.
R - remove vital spare parts like "ROTOR" before leaving your parked car.
I - investigate driver-applicants before hiring them.
V - verify prospective buyers before entrusting your "FOR SALE" car for testing purposes.
E - entrust your car keys to management when turning in the car for repair purposes.
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Postby crisipicada » Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:27 pm

Report it immediately to the nearest police station where the carnapping transpired. And then, together with the flash alarm, police blotter report and or a spot report, bring along your car's Original certificater of Registration, Official receipt and report the matter to the nearest Highway patrol Group in your area.

YOur care is valuable. So do not let carnappers take it away from you. Protect it. You and your HPG both share this responsibility.
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Postby crisipicada » Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:46 pm

* They conduct casing/surveillance of their victims and strike when the prospective victims go out or get inside the gate of their house with their cars.
*Forcibly take at gunpoint prospective targets usually at commercial parking areas.
*Pretend as police/military personnel in staging carnapping activities.
*They operate usually with the use of carnapped vehicles.
*Facelift/tamper or repaint stolen cars immediately.
*Sell stolen MV's to unsuspecting buyers with spurious LTO documents.
*Use different types of instruments to forcibly open the door of target motor vehicles.
*They wait for possible victims in gasoline bays and some unlighted and unguarded areas.

All from: Public affairs, tourism and information services office.
Last edited by crisipicada on Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:47 pm

crisipicada wrote:Report it immediately to the nearest police station where the carnapping transpired. And then, together with the flash alarm, police blotter report and or a spot report, bring along your car's Original certificater of Registration, Official receipt and report the matter to the nearest Highway patrol Group in your area.

YOur care is valuable. So do not let carnappers take it away from you. Protect it. You and your HPG both share this responsibility.

This can be very scary! My brother-in-law had a fairly new car stolen and driven to California. When they found it, it was fairly well trashed, and that was years ago.

Carol's brother when working in Nigeria had someone open his car door and pull his watch off his arm. He is very lucky that is all they got.

I have a 1997 Van and a 1969 pickup truck. I never even take the keys out of either one of them. We are so remotely located that it would be highly unlikely that anyone would even come to our place, but it could happen. Another ranch we lived on we never removed keys from vehicles. The towns we have lived in I locked everything up though.

The Van we have is a Chrysler Town and Country, and it has what is known as phantom locks. It locks and unlocks while driving. Slowing down, speeding up, turning corners, and puttin on the brakes all activate the locks. You lock it and it will unlock itself while you are walking away from it. When we lived in the Stehekin Valley would would park it, lock it, get on the boat, go to Stehekin, and when we returned we would find all the doors unlocked. I kept it covered and there were no valuables in it, so it always turned out okay. I think the wind rocking the Van caused it to unlock. I was vandalized one time in Spokane Washington while in a pet and feed store asking about a job. It was an old Chevy Van, and it was easy to break into. The thief or theives got a case of motor oil, and my brief case that had valuables and things that were difficult to replace, like my birth certificate, flying log and instruments as I had been piloting airplanes recently at that time. That was in 1986, a long time ago now. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Anti-Carnapping Drive

Postby crisipicada » Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:15 pm

Our neighbor's motorcycle was car nap a while ago :x :x :x :x . The suspect use key that can be use to start a motorcycle :cry: :cry: :cry: . Please do some extra care and chain the wheel/tire of your motorcycle since they are smart enough to start the motorcycle even it is lock up. Do not be too lax about security of your valuable things. Be security conscious all the time.
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Re: Anti-Carnapping Drive

Postby Edwin » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:46 pm

This is kind of funny because I don't think we even removed keys from the ignition when I was little growing up in the Methow Valley. Up to the time I was 2 years old we lived very close to where we are living now. Actually my parents first year of marriage was about 800 or 1000 feet from where we are living now. I don't think they owned a car, but they had a horse and a buggy that they traveled in. Then they moved about 4 miles from here, and they drove a pickup, then got ton and a half trucks, 2 of them, and my Dad worked in logging with a friend for a while. When we moved back to this Indian Reservation about 25 miles from here we never took any keys out of the ignition. Anyone could have gotten in our vehicles and driven off. Where Carol and I lived in towns we locked the doors of the car, as well as our houses. Where we are living now we never lock house doors, nor do we lock cars or take keys out of the ignitions. Anyone could come drive them away if they wanted to, but no one will as this is the middle of no where on the Indian Reservation. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Anti-Carnapping Drive

Postby farmer » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:39 pm

Carnapping is anywhere.
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Re: Anti-Carnapping Drive

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:08 am

Many people make it easy for the car-nappers by being careless. A few precautions that Crisi gave us might keep your car parked where you left it, instead of it being driven off by a stranger to parts unknown! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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