What is your weather like?

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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:11 pm

Carol's brother has been complaining about all the rain at Guimaras Island. They have solar electricity and when the sun doesn't shine they don't make electricity, then all they have is what is in the battery backup. He says that the grass is green, the well is full, but I'm not sure they have enough electricity to pump the water.

Yesterday I was home alone as Carol and our daughter went to a town almost 2 hours away to get in on an out of business sale, a yarn shop. They had fun and bought a little yarn. While they were gone I played the piano, and read visajourney information for the fun of it on the internet. When I went back to the piano I looked out the window, and huge billows of smoke were rising about 3 miles from our place. I tried to call our fire department representative in this area, but I think he was probably already headed to the fire. I tried to call the neighbors between us and that fire, but I was not able to get any one to answer there either. I called the neighbors the other direction, and he answered the phone, telling me that he had sent his 2 adult sons with a fire truck to the fire. By the time they got the fire out it had burned probably 100 acres or more. I found out later that the people at the neighbors between us and the fire were all at a rodeo. Carol and our daughter brought the 90 year old blind mother at those neighbors home, and they told the fire people that she was there in case the fire got out of control and went her direction. After a few hours they had the fire controlled. I think they used large airplanes, about half the size of the airlines planes to use chemicals to put the fire out. Our neighbor that I called is the land commissioner, over the Department of Natural Resources, and actually lives and works over in Olympia, our State Capital. He has a lot to do with fire control from the government perspective, and I think that is probably the reason we got the large airplanes fighting the fire; he ordered them to come. He is gone from here most of the time, and his sons take care of his ranch/farm, and he flies back and forth with his own personal airplane. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:34 am

Day before yesterday the sky was cloudy, and we had just a little moisture in the air. A very few sprinkles hit the windows. Yesterday it was fairly warm, but I missed my dog walking because of Carol needing to see the doctor, and then our daughter broke her collar bone in three places, and we were running her all over to be taken care of; 2 clinic in our little towns, and then drove to the hospital 1/2 hour north of there where the bone specialists were. They put a brace on her, but she may need to have surgery and some steel plates put in until the bones heal. The two problems with letting it heal as it is, is that there will be some huge bumps. The other problems is nerve damage and she is suffering from the loss of feeling from her elbow to the tips of her fingers, so we will know tomorrow what needs to be done.

Today was hot again, so I left with the doggies 30 minutes late, and that made it fairly dark towards the end of our walk. It is too hot on hot days to start walking the doggies when I normally do. It is almost too dark to walk the way I did today, but I managed, but I just can't do it any later than I did. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby farmer » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:35 pm

It is September 1, 2011, almost like summer days. Very hot, humidity is high, almost want to swim in a pool.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:38 am

farmer wrote:It is September 1, 2011, almost like summer days. Very hot, humidity is high, almost want to swim in a pool.

I don't know where you are from, but in North Central Washington our weather has turned very cool the last 3 days. It has been getting cold at night, and that is a switch as before that we had some of our hotest days all summer with even the nights being hot. Our sky looks like it could rain, and the wheat farmers who don't have their crops in don't like to see that! Who knows what this weather will do next. We have also had fairly strong winds as well. We are at 2800 feet elevation with no trees, just haystack rocks, wheat, cow pasture, and various grass varieties. :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Smiley » Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:18 pm

I live in Windsor Ontario,Canada. (Just south of Detroit). This has been a pretty warm summer all around,Lots of days over 100F. I ride a harley and last weekend was the first time since late June that I have felt the urge to put on my jacket to ride. I finally found the sunglasses I`ve been looking for all summer.The jacket is back on its nail as the cool only lasted a couple days.
Farmers are going to have a good year around here,lots of sun,heat,and night rains.Even tiny gardens in the city are producing more than people can eat.
When the days gets too hot I just remind myself that the worst day of summer is better than the best day of winter.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:32 am

I live in Northcentral Washington State, USA, and we have had an unusually cool/cold summer here. It has been so cold during so much of the summer that a lot of our garden produce has not done very well. Our daughter does a wonderful job of gardening, so we did have some eating out of it, but over all it has not been extremely successful. We have wheat fields all around us, and when I was younger I used to plough/plow them, seed them, build the fences, and operate the combines for harvesting wheat. My Dad and older brother sold a lot of this land, so we don't have any land that we farm now, just land that we live on, garden, run goats, cows and other farm animals. We had a lot of early rains which increase the wheat yield. But the days were so cold and the nights as well that most of the wheat farmers were a month late starting their harvest, which meant they were seeding at the same time they were combining. Now that it would be cooling off for fall we are having hotter weather than we had all summer. Today it got almost 100 degrees F., and that is really hot at 2800 feet elevation. We are having weather that we can remember next winter, and maybe it will help keep ups warm just from the memories! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:52 am

For most of this last week it has been hot enough that I will not walk the doggies in the extreme heat, so I have been leaving the house with them at 6:30 p.m., and that is 30 minutes later than I have been walking them all summer, except when I would run late on long summer days. Now the days are getting shorter, but it is just too hot for the doggies before 6:30, which means that it is dark before I finish my walk. I have come in when it was pretty dark lately as I walk them 6.5 miles, but as long as I can see the ground the doggies and I are good. This evening our daughter left after visiting us, so it delayed our walk another 30 minutes to 7:00 p.m., and I have not gone out that late since the days have been getting shorter. I was pretty blessed this evening as we had a full moon, and so the later it got the better I could see, so that worked out great. Earlier before it got really hot I took them out when it was really too hot for them, and I could tell that by the way they walked. The smaller dog did not run a play as he usually does, and he would lay in the shade of tall weeds, letting me walk on without him for a while. My big dog Scooby, the one in my profile picture, would just sit down on his bottom, and I knew he was hot and tired, so I didn't push him. I would just talk to him until he was ready to go, and then off we would go again. Since I have been walking later for cooler air, the smaller dog, we think he is a German Pincher. He looks a lot like a Pit Bull, but we don't a Pit Bull, so he is a German Pincher, and he as well as Scooby are both very loving doggies. Before long I will be out there with snow boots on walking through deep snow and having the wind blow in my face. I did that last year, but I was walking on our drive between here and our mailbox. I am now walking out on the county road, so I am a little further from the house, and I will need to be careful that I don't get too cold while walking, and I don't think I will. Carol walks a different direction because she is heavy, out of shape, and doesn't want to walk up this hill right out here, so we meet a couple of times while walking. She walked 3.5 miles one day, but that was too much for her, so she has been walking 2.5 miles each day, and it was great that she is walking, because she really doesn't like to walk, but her health conditions and the doctor's suggestion has made her decide to walk. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Twosparrows » Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:48 pm

Today is Sept 11, it is the end of summer here in central California with the anticipation of cooler days ahead. Normally the first rains begin in earnest by the month of November, however for the last two days I have been thoroughly enjoying thunder and lighting storms. God puts on the best fireworks show ever!
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:10 pm

After typhoon is gone yesterday, we now experience a very nice sunny day today. After a gloomy days, got sick for a long time until now, but at least a new beginning of beautiful day has come. Climate change had cause me sick and very sick. So much heat at daytime and so much cold during night time. at dawn, i got sweat a lot and i become weak and been in the hospital too.

Today is noontime and the sun is so bright, can't see even a small cloud at heaven. God is so good. Good all the time.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:05 am

We had a little rain lately after a long dry spell of no rain. It is getting really dry here. The sky has been cloudy a lot here lately, but no rain for a while. It has been getting cold at night, and not very warm during the day. I have been starting the heating pellet stove in the early evening and letting it burn until some time late in the morning. We have had some wind lately also. The sun during the day has been warming the house even with a little wind blowing.

I am sorry that you have been in the hospital because of your adverse weather. I will pray for you. :D :D :D :D

Carol has started walking. We all tried without success to talk her into walking, but when the doctor told her to walk, now she is out there walking. I walk 6.5 miles a day, and Carol walks 2.5 miles each day that she is able. She was afraid to be out in the cold and wind, and it had been raining, and she was afraid that it would rain while she was out walking, so she decided not to walk. Then yesterday she didn't feel well. Her breathing was difficult for her, and she felt like her heart was not doing well, so she stopped walking after 1.5 miles. Today she was painting in our house with our daugher, Dianne, so she decided not to walk, so that she could keep helping her. In the early after noon the big dog, Scooby, started bawling. He was afraid that we were not going to walk. He got the other dog started to crying, and I mean they were literally bawling, crying, or talking with those mournful sounds, so Carol, told me that I had better go walk my dogs, so I did. They love to walk. If we open the sliding door too wide for too long, Scooby comes in the house thinking it is time to walk, and good luck getting him back out of the house without going on a walk with him. I never have weighed him, so I don't know how heavy he is, but he is one huge dog, and if he decides to go while I am holding his leash, he takes me for about 10 running steps before I can get him slowed down. He is one powerful dog. He is strong enough that he could drag me along if he wanted to. If he thinks it is time to walk, he comes in the house and sits down, and you can't get him to move unless you bribe him with some food, then he will follow you right back out of the house. Both those dogs, Scooby and Rand, both love to walk. :D :D :D :D
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