You are correct, ChayChay, about the processing of foods. My Dad was deathly against eating white bread. He didn't think about the harmful effects of cakes made with the same flour, and we ate a lot of them when I was a little boy. He used to say that you take white bread and throw it to pigs and they wouldn't even eat it. Well, I think they would eat it, but he was trying to make a point. He used to say about Wonder Bread, which was a brand of white bread, that you would eat it, and then you would wonder how you managed to eat it, or why you ate it. When I was a little boy Mom and Dad would buy raw sugar in large, 40 or 50 pound bags for us to use. We put it on everything, and did not use any white sugar except for a little bit of baking, and then they should have been using to raw sugar. We ground a lot of our own flour from the wheat cernal, and used the whole grain flour in most everything except for cakes, and we would have been better off if the whole grain flour would have been used in the cakes as well.
You are correct about the chemical in food to preserve them. One of my supervisors on a job I was on years ago said that some of that stuff caused diabetes. Whether that was true or not, that is what he thought. Another contractor left large stick of salomi sp?, and my supervisor said that he would not eat it because of the preservatives. My brother and sister-in-law drink goat's milk because they have goats, and they have become accustomed to drinking it, but they say that the dairy processing plants add formaldihyde to the milk and they will not drink it. Well, I love milk, and for many years we did not have access to whole milk from the cow, so I drank lots of it. I drank only milk right from the cow until I was about 28 years old, and then I drank the processed milk until I was 63 years old, and since that time I have only drank milk right from the cow again. Pesticides, herbicides, and preservatives are modern curses for our nutrition, and people wonder why they have diabetes, cancer, strokes, heart trouble, and other diseases that I am not even thinking about. Mix that with drugs and alcohol, and you have a deadly mix. Then I think about the way they promoted tobacco use for years when I was a young person. Then they got people hooked on tabacco use, and add that to the mix, and you have real health problems. Some people are beginning to gain an understanding, and that is good.