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Re: Earthquake

Postby eStu » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:23 am

abufarsi wrote: Down the hall I had left my solid front door leaning up against the wall, waiting for installation, and the quake tipped it over so it fell flat on the floor and made a Very LOUD BANG!... I was out of the house in a SHOT! So much for math... Standing out in the yard with my neighbors, who had told me several times "nobody does it like that" and after they saw me run out of the building, I was asked "where is your calculator now?"!!!!

:lol: I like it. Good story.
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Re: Earthquake

Postby crisipicada » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:18 am

Because of what had happened, I got trauma and sometimes I feel that it is always having earthquake. :( :( :( :(
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Re: Earthquake

Postby Edwin » Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:31 am

crisipicada wrote:Because of what had happened, I got trauma and sometimes I feel that it is always having earthquake. :( :( :( :(

Bad experiences can bring you trauma. Our daughter her suffered so many bad things resulting from the high speed winds that she has bad feelings when she hears the wind blowing hard! We were just a few miles from the center of an earthquake that happened in Yellowstone National Park in 1959. The Lord spared us from death as we were planning on going in and camping where all those people were killed, but my Dad decided to go the week before, and we were safe. The quake rolled my brother and I around on the porch where we were sleeping, but we didn't get hurt. That earth quake was quite destructive right there where we were. It destroyed things in stores, broke windows, and did all kinds of damage. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Earthquake

Postby crisipicada » Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:39 pm

Accordingly, the PHIVOCS, suspected that there might be an active volcano in the province (Bukidnon) and they are on search for it because of the frequent earthquake said province. Musuan peak which is more or less a kilometer away from my sister Hazel's house where I live during weekdays or 6 kilometers more or less west from house in the bario, is not an active volcano. Therefore, it feels safe that we do not need to worry that it wont erupt anytime :D :D :D :D :D .
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Re: Earthquake

Postby Edwin » Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:38 pm

crisipicada wrote:Accordingly, the PHIVOCS, suspected that there might be an active volcano in the province (Bukidnon) and they are on search for it because of the frequent earthquake said province. Musuan peak which is more or less a kilometer away from my sister Hazel's house where I live during weekdays or 6 kilometers more or less west from house in the bario, is not an active volcano. Therefore, it feels safe that we do not need to worry that it wont erupt anytime :D :D :D :D :D .

That is nice that Musuan peak is not an active volcano, and that you don't have to worry about it erupting anytime. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Earthquake

Postby jadegil6 » Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:44 pm

I grew up in Oklahoma. When I was a child, I can remember several tmes that we had earthquakes. I remember my mom's iron falling off the ironing board and dishes falling out of the cabinets.
Last week on the same day that crispicada said there was an earthquake in Bukidnon, there was an earthquake in Oklahoma of about the same magnatude....around a 5.7, I think. Fortunately, no one was injured, but it certainly has made alot of people nervous.
I know that some of the buildings in Bukidnon have concrete roofs, so I think that if I lived in one of those that I would be paranoid that I would get pancaked (squashed flat) if an earthquake caused the roof to collapse.
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Postby Edwin » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:17 am

jadegil6 wrote:I grew up in Oklahoma. When I was a child, I can remember several tmes that we had earthquakes. I remember my mom's iron falling off the ironing board and dishes falling out of the cabinets.
Last week on the same day that crispicada said there was an earthquake in Bukidnon, there was an earthquake in Oklahoma of about the same magnatude....around a 5.7, I think. Fortunately, no one was injured, but it certainly has made alot of people nervous.
I know that some of the buildings in Bukidnon have concrete roofs, so I think that if I lived in one of those that I would be paranoid that I would get pancaked (squashed flat) if an earthquake caused the roof to collapse.

The only earthquake I had experience with is that one in the late 1950s that killed those people in Yellowstone National Park. We were planning to be there at that time, but my Dad changed our plans, thank the Lord, but we were only a few miles from it in Galitan Gateway, and there was a lot of damage there.

Sir Michael, I will agree with you that in the case of an earthquake, I would not want a concrete roof over my head! The thought of earthquakes and knowledge of the fault lines could make a person nervous, but when it is our time to die that will happen. In the mean time it is not a good idea to live in fear, but to trust the Lord with our lives that He will take care of us whether it is in life or in death. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Earthquake

Postby crisipicada » Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:41 am

Earthquake caused alot of distraction in the city proper. Not only earthquake, but this year, we experienced calamities landslide, flood that washed away hundreds of rice field that soon harvested especially those that are situated near the mountain, and fire incident last June that kills 8 people and an average of 10 million pesos of establishment cost of damage.

Despite of that, I do believe that all things work together for good. This time, I believe that people become aware and be ready what to do in times of tragedies and calamities that might come next time. As what I always say, Prevention is better than cure as to prevention is better than putting out a raging fire.
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Re: Earthquake

Postby Edwin » Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:33 pm

Yes, Crisi, you are correct, that prevention is better than the cure. I am the type person who always wants to fix things that are done and over with. When it is past it is too late to fix it. But I try to figure out why it happened, and what could have been done to have prevented it. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Earthquake

Postby crisipicada » Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:59 pm

After the flood happened in Davao, we experienced earthquake. Then we have thyphoon sendong, that killed more than 900 people, as I heard the news this morning. Still many missing. This had been the worst tragedy that happened this year here in the Philippines. Please continue to pray for us, for the family of the victims especially in Cagayan de Oro city and Iligan.
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