The piano we had while I was growing up was in an old grange hall. Mom and Dad bought it because they didn't want to keep it in the unheated building any longer. It was a beautiful old upright Story and Clark piano. I had a few lessons when I was in lower elementary, but I didn't practice enough to make my parents happy, so my lessons ended.
I took, my Dad's old violin to school to play with the orchestra in the elementary, but it was a free for all, and I don't think anyone knew what they were playing, and it sounded horrible, but we all had fun!
My younger brother got a trumpet, and I leaned on it to play "Faith of Our Fathers" and then I learned scales and fingering, so that I could play most anything else that was simple.
I loved the trombone since even before I was in the first grade in school, so in my Freshman, 9th grade, year of high school the band teacher loaned me a school trombone, and I had lots of fun with it, as well as playing in the marching band, and beginning to learn to read some music. I bought my own trombone from money that I made bucking alfalfa hay bales in the field. I played that trombone until I was about 40 years old. I damaged it so many times, and I had to have dents taken out, and the slide repaired I don't know how many times. I finally got so that I didn't damage it anymore, but now the plating is wearing off the end of the slide. It was one of those eight sided slides that the outer slide glided on the 8 ribs of the inner slide.
I bought a bass trombone that I played for many years, but I haven't played it now for about 13 years except for picking it up and playing it for just a few minutes. The dog knocked it over a couple of times, and I had to have the slide repaired, but it is still in pretty good shape, and I have played it a lot. I bought a large bore tenor trombone that looks almost like my bass trombone, and I'm not sure why I bought it, because I have played it very little, and it is still in brand new condition. It might play it one of these days.
I bought 2 spinnet pianos, sold the first before I learned to play it, and learned to play the 2nd one, and still have it. I decided I wanted a large upright piano like I grew up with, so I started looking at them. While looking I saw an old Steinway grand upright,and the price was right, so I bought it. I had it shipped half way across the USA, and found it to be badly out of tune with a number of notes not working, or not even making a sound when I would strike the keys. I was never so disappointed in my life. I had the piano tuner/tech. come out to repair and tune it. He told me that it was so old and fragile he would not recommend me trying to keep it and play it. Well, after he worked on it I played it for 2 years, and now night before last the 3rd key quit playing. A natural below middle C will not play, E flat below middle C will not play, and I kept playing it without those 2 keys working, but when A natural above middle C stopped playing, I could not stand to play it any more. There were too many notes in those 2 octaves that would not play. It was build in 1872, and you cannot even belive its wonderful sound unless you hear it. I moved back to the Cable spinnet piano that I was playing before I got it, and I can just barely stand to listen to it, but all the keys work, so I am playing it, and getting used to it again. If I can I will repair the old piano, and then I will be listening to beautiful sounds again!