Top reasons why women are unfaithful

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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby tom » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:23 pm

edeline wrote:I do agree with all the listed things above Michael..

I remember when my friend shared to me about her relationship with her 7 year boyfriend. She said that a love needs to developed more everyday to avoid the vanishing. In their relationship. she loved the guy so much and even said in front of him,,it is just okay if you will love two as long as you will not leave me. She was crying when the guy said, "I am so sorry, I don't love you anymore. This new girl in my life makes my day so complete."
    having read the many posts here at the forum (and on other websites) regarding the "jealousy" and "jealous nature" of filipinas, i was a wee bit surprised to read what your friend said to her ex-boyfriend...
    i'm wondering... how is your friend doing now? is she feeling better?
    also wondering, how YOU are doing now, Edz ? .... i haven't seen a new post from you for awhile... :)
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:07 pm

I exchanged several facebook messages with Miss Edeline last night, and she said that she has been busy. She said to say hello to everyone on the forum, but she is reluctant to post for the time being. She also said she was never successful in winning anything on the Sweepstakes, so she may not be posting anytime soon. You can always look for her on facebook.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby crisipicada » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:49 am

I don't think so women gets unfaithful is she is secure enough with the love with the man she loves. There is no reason at all for her to be unfaithful. She just want to feel even that is why she wants to communicate with others-men or women- to have someone to talk to and someone can be an outlet of her feelings. If she knew that the guy she communicate is not faithful to her, then she try to talk to other, might be to learn wisdom and can advise her. Better to keep someone who is faithful or else you lose someone who is precious and loving to you.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:47 am

My personal opinion is that this all comes down to commitment. Either a couple of people married are committed to each other, or else they are not. I know there is more to the story than that, but that is the main part of it. God looked beyond our faults when He chose us. We have to look beyond each other's faults also. I know both people have to be committed in order for it to work. If one of the two people of a married couple are bent on leaving, a lot of times there is nothing the other person can do except accept what is happening. It is best, I think, if 2 people can decide that they love each other enough to work things out inspite of the problems that exist. Sometimes I think the reasons are more like excuses. A couple is looking for reasons or excuses to be unfaithful, or to leave when they should stay. One person may be driving to other person away with words and actions. Someone maybe too stubborn to allow a solution. Communication is important as is a willingness to say "I was wrong," and maybe even compromise. Sometimes it is important to do more than look for reasons or excuses to be unfaithful, as if unfaithfulness is justified by the actions or lack of actions of the other person, rather than looking for a solution.

I agree with Crisi, "Better to keep someone who is faithful or else you lose someone who is precious and loving to you."
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:31 pm

crisipicada wrote:I don't think so women gets unfaithful is she is secure enough with the love with the man she loves. There is no reason at all for her to be unfaithful. She just want to feel even that is why she wants to communicate with others-men or women- to have someone to talk to and someone can be an outlet of her feelings. If she knew that the guy she communicate is not faithful to her, then she try to talk to other, might be to learn wisdom and can advise her. Better to keep someone who is faithful or else you lose someone who is precious and loving to you.

Crisi--You said in an earlier post something about love was an action not just emotion and I agree with that. I find that one of the issues with American women is that they are taught to go with their feelings, they feel love but when they don't have that feeling they will cheat on their husband and ruin a marriage to find a feeling without realizing feeling come and go but commitment (action) must be maintained.

I know Filipina's are emotional but their culture also teaches them commitment. I wonder--do you believe Filipina has commitment to sustain a marriage even when her feelings come and go because feelings always come and go?
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Edwin » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:45 pm

This is somewhat like the walk of a Christian. We are all emotional being with feelings, sometimes good, and sometimes bad. When a person becomes a Christain there is great rejoicing in heaven and on earth. It is an emotional high for everyone. Everyone feel elated by what is happening. We might say those are the mountain top experiences when we think everything is wonderful. The feelings and the emotional high will not remain forever, and remain all the time. We will go through the valleys also. There is the valley of the shadow of death, but God is with us in that. We live by faith, and we realize that God has made His promises, and He is there whether we feel Him or not. We become committed Christains, meaning we are not going to quit if we don't have the good feeling. God is there whether we feel Him or not. He allows us the good feelings to help us, but them we stay with God even in the absense of good feeling. God's word tells us He is there, and so by faith we serve Him, whether we feel His presence or not. The same is true with a marriage. We love the wonderful feelings we get from each other, but if we don't have those good feelings all the time we are still marred, we are still committed, and we are still faithful. If you come to realize what I am really like, and I am not like what you thought I was you still love me, and you are still committed to me because you and I made that decision, and we are going to stay with it no matter how we feel, or no matter what comes. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby crisipicada » Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:57 am

woman who are true and honest to their man, sometimes become unfaithful because of their past relationship. Sometimes they really make even and that is true to all, both men and women. Those who are really honest and faithful are those who are mature enough and have grown up. What a wonderful relationship that is smooth and no heartache because of unfaithfulness. It really hard to move on. :cry:
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby BigBlastGuy » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:44 pm

This is easy!

There are just as many trashy, untrustworthy women as there are trashy and untrustworthy men! We can come up with all the excuses in the world but the truth is about the same percentage of women cheat as do men. But men want to be seen as "studs" so they tend to brag about their affairs. Women want to be seen as "pure" so they never admit and work hard to hide affairs. So on a survey women will not admit the truth of their affairs, while men tend to exaggerate their affairs. Reality is both men and women have affairs at about the same rate. Women have affairs for more emotional reasons, men have affairs for more physical reasons. But results are equally damaging.
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:25 pm

There should be ways to inspire the lady's husband to more passion rather than cheating on him because he is boring. Seeking comfort with another man while married is not the answer to the problem. Getting lonely while ahving a long distance relationship is something that happened a lot during the wars when the young married soldiers would go over seas to fight for their country. Many of them found this to be a problem. When they returned things were not the same. Looking for someone to have a better relationship with is unacceptable for a married couple. Once married they are not supposed to be looking for someone anymore. Letting the married partner know that he/she has cheated to end a bad relationship is a cheap way to do that. What if the partner is determined to make it work? Then that would not help. From my observance and what I have heard looking for someone else to satisfy something missing in the present marriage seldom works. Many times they find the same problems with someone else, or at times they find more problems with someone else. I think cheating or being unfaithfull to get revenge, or to get even happens often. The one partner was cheated on, so to get even that person goes out and cheats. With this one all kinds of terrible things happen, including posting embarrassing pictures, or home videos that have been made. This might be tempting for some, but revenge is seldom satisfying. We don't gain anything be trying to get even. It might feel good for the moment, but I think there is a sting that happens later. Leave the vengeance to God. He can do a better job of it! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Top reasons why women are unfaithful

Postby Smiley » Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:52 am

If you succeed in cheating on a person,don`t think that person is a fool.Realize that the person simply trusted you more than you deserved. To be undeserving of trust is nothing to be proud of.
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