Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

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Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

Postby crisipicada » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:37 am

Counting down, we only have 15 days to go before Christmas. And, would like to greet everyone an advance Happy, Merry Christmas to all. I wish that everyone here be happy and many christmas days to come. But, one of the most important is what would be your wish for Christmas? What would you like to happen and would gladly receive this Christmas? If Santa would ask you, "What is your wish for Christmas, what is your wish?

Wish and believe it will happen. Receive by faith, and you will receive it. Everyone is invited to share what you wish for Christmas!!!!
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Re: Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

Postby jadegil6 » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:58 pm

Thank you for your Christmas greeting Miss crispicada. Advance Merry Christmas to you as well.
My wish would be for all the street children in the Philippines to have a better life, a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep in, Godly adults to care for them and show them some love, food aplenty, and a useful education.
I wish for the Lord to guide us all in making the right decisions.
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Re: Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

Postby Edwin » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:00 am

I wish for people to keep warm, and of course many of the people in the Philippines this time of the year are warmer than they want to be. I know down around Dumaguete, Negros Oriental they are plenty warm, but here we are pretty cold without extra heat. The water freezes hard on the animals' water containers every morning. We have a heated water dish for our outside dog, and he has a nice homemade dog house that our daughter built for him. I have a bunch of blankets in there for him as well, and then his breed is used in the Swiss Alps, so even though we feel sorry for him out in the cold, he loves it. I wish that people would have enough food to eat. I also wish that people would have jobs so that they can earn money that they need. I wish the same that Sir Michael does for all the little children, and that adults would take good care of them. I also wish that all people would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus, and realize that He came to die for their sins, and for them to have eternal life. I wish that people had God in their hearts so that they would live as they should, and then our world would be a place of love, peace, and joy. If God would rule in the hearts of men and women our world would be a safer place to be. I wish that people would allow God to make their hearts right before Him, so that they could enjoy God's inheritance, and enjoy the joys of heaven. Merry Christmas to all and a Very Happy New Year also! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:56 pm

I think it was the 17th of November our church had a Thanksgiving Dinner. I talked Carol into volunteering us to help so that we could feel good about eating with them. They wanted us to cook a ham for them, and that worked great, and we had a good time eating. It was an outreach into the community and everyone was invited. We ate with some people who were better off than we, so we didn't have to feel guilty about eating. Actually everyone in the church was invited as well as whoever wanted to come from the community. It was very good and we ate enough food. Now they are having a Christmas Dinner for anyone who wants to come, and we are going to go enjoy eating and fellowshipping with whoever is there. I had my eyes checked at the eye doctor, and they changed somewhat, so the lenses are in, and we will take care of that before the dinner, and then I probably will be able to see a little better. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

Postby mitch1989 » Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:49 am

hope this chritsmas my family will be all togethet,no problems and to be happy...hope all people will be happy this chritmas ,,give love on christmas day heheheheh
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Re: Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

Postby edeline » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:01 am

I pray that there will be no more tragedy to come this Christmas and I pray that it will be a good weather when we celebrate Christmas. I hope that many families will be happy though not all will have a sumptous food and many food to prepare but hope that good health will be realized as a nice blessing already.
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Re: Wish for Santa Claus this Christmas 2011

Postby Edwin » Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:39 pm

For you in the Philippines, Christmas was last night. You are about to get out of bed and start your day, the day after Christmas. We are presently into the middle of Christmas day here. We went over to our kids, a 600 foot trip, and ate some orange and grapefruit wedges, as well as chocolate, and some solamie slices. Then we ate a couple of wedges of stonum bread, and I drank a glass of milk, of course. I then ate a little homemade candy, that our daughter made. I then listened to our grandson tune a guitar for his younger sister. He also did some playing, and gave her a few tips on timing, and how to strum the guitar properly. Then my son-in-law got out his banjo to tune it. I came back home to let our dog out of the house, saw up a little firewood. I thought I would play the piano, but our dog was alone in the house for a while and he was lonesome, so he wanted my attention. He has allowed me to play for short periods of time. In just a few minutes it will be time to go walk with the doggies, and then I will return after a couple of hours, and then I will return to our kids' place 600 feet away eat some dinner. Two of the older grandkids are here, and it is fun to visit with them. The granddaughter lives in Seattle, Washington and works at McDonald's. Our grandson lives just down in one of towns and works at a Lumber/building supply store, but we seldom see him, as he doesn't come up here often, and it is fun to be with all of them on Christmas Day! :D :D :D :D
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