What is your weather like?

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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby crisipicada » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:22 am

Only one typhoon that would hit the Philippines until the year ends. i am glad that no more destruction happens. Though we experience earthquake here in Bukidnon, I am still thankful to the Lord that no casualty during the said earthquake (intensity5.2) last week.

Today, it is sunny in the morning, but after the noon time, clouds form and makes the weather become high humidity and almost raining. I do the laundry after driving lesson, and my clothes wont dry until the sunset. So bad :( :( :( :( :(
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:19 am

Lately it has been very cold for this time of the year. Ice had been freezing thick on the animals' water, making it necessar to break the ice so that they can drink. It snowed a couple of inches yesterday. I swept the snow off the tarped piano, and I also put my snow boots on the walked the dogs, but only for 4.5 miles as I got a late start, and it got too dark for me to finish the 6.5 miles that I usually walk each day. The wind has been blowing a lot lately and that makes it very cold!

It warmed up today, Sunday, and most of the snow melted off. It felt good to have it a little warmer for a change!

I am glad there were not casualties from the earth quake. I am sorry about your clothes not getting dry, Crisi. That is frustrating, huh? :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Smiley » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:34 pm

This is the warmest weather for this time of year in this area that I can remember.I have had the Harley out almost every day for the last several weeks. Temps in the high 50`s and low 60`s. Kinda cold and rainy today though I am however just about as far south as it is possible to be in Canada.Sure hope the warm weather lasts a bit longer though.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:58 am

Smiley wrote:This is the warmest weather for this time of year in this area that I can remember.I have had the Harley out almost every day for the last several weeks. Temps in the high 50`s and low 60`s. Kinda cold and rainy today though I am however just about as far south as it is possible to be in Canada.Sure hope the warm weather lasts a bit longer though.

It is interesting, Smiley, the way the weather patterns are. We have some pretty cold severe winters with very low temperatures and winds. We are just up from the Okanogan Valley. If you go to Oroville, which is just this side of the Canadian border, you will find more mild weather, and that extends on up into the Okanagan Valley in Canada. We have left winter wonder land here, gone up across the border to find warm temperatures and no snow. It seems odd! :D :D :D :D

I just loaded my Honda Deluxe CX 500 on my pickup truck this evening with the help of my wife, Carol. The front wheel is siezed up, so it will not turn. I laid down 2 by 4s, and placed small pipes on them, then wafer board on top of that, then the front wheel of the motor cycle on top of that. I balanced it, and pushed it, while Carol moved 2 by 4s and pipes. We moved it several hundred feet to where I found a place where I could get the tail gate fairly low. Carol played out and went to the house. Her back was bothering her also. I ended up pushing the motorcycle up a board ramp onto the pickup, which was not easy. I didn't think I could do it alone, but Carol had to go to the house because she was having a hard time, so I found out that I could load it by myself. I am going to put it with the piano in the reefer trailer, probably tomorrow. It needs a lot of work done on it, and I will work on it in the reefer trailer, then I will have fun riding it! :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby eStu » Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:30 am

We've had a few really hot days in Sydney lately. One of the days reached 38 degrees celcius (about 100 degrees farenheit) so I made my first visit to the local public swimming pool. I've lived within a 5 minute walk of that pool for over a year but hadn't been there previously. It was really refreshing and relaxing to dive in and cool down... I'll probably head back there again soon if the mercury rises back into the 30s.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:38 pm

eStu wrote:We've had a few really hot days in Sydney lately. One of the days reached 38 degrees celcius (about 100 degrees farenheit) so I made my first visit to the local public swimming pool. I've lived within a 5 minute walk of that pool for over a year but hadn't been there previously. It was really refreshing and relaxing to dive in and cool down... I'll probably head back there again soon if the mercury rises back into the 30s.

Yesterday, early morning it was 11 degrees farenheit, but this morning it was not quite as cold, like a few degrees, but it felt colder, I think because of higher humidity. It seems strange, but we have opposite seasons. We are going into our coldest months, and you are going into your warmest months!

We had a grandson who lived in Sydney for about a year attending that Hillsong Bible College. I think he has been back now about a year, and now he is on the East Coast USA, working as a Youth Leader and Worship Leader in an Assembly of God church there. In Sydney he played his guitar more than the piano, but where he is now they want the piano played, so that is what he is doing. In Sydney he did what they called "Busking;" he played his guitar, sang, and got an unbelieveable amount of money doing that. He spent a year or so in Africa, also doing missionary work. He misses home, and home people miss him, but he loves being different places in the world. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:15 pm

We left to go spend Thanksgiving with our kids who live about 3 hours away from us near Spokane, Washington, USA. We went a few days before Thanksgiving and we stayed until today, December 4th. I have a granddaughter who was born on my birthday, so most years we celebrate it together which is great fun. I had a friend from Canada, from the 1960s call me on my birthday and wished me a happy birthday. I missed his call, but got his message, so I sent him an e-mail and thanked him for the call.

Before we left we had very cold air temperatures, blowing wind, and snow on the ground. I walked through several inches of snow the last few walks, my 6.5 mile walks, and believe you me they were much harder than walking on the bare ground and also took me longer to do the walking. It warmed up while we were gone, and we came back to no snow. I was going to walk today when we got back, but we returned with a male goat, and needed to deliver it to my brother's place a couple of miles from here, so we got to visiting, and before we knew it, it was too late to go walking. I walked with Carol while we were at our kids' place, but the walk was only 2 miles instead of 6.5 miles, but anything is better than nothing. This time of the year this happens with the snow coming and going. We often have snow the last of October, or Thanksgiving time, but the snow usually doesn't come to stay until sometime in December, and then it is apt to be with us until spring, February or March, and then there have been years that we have had snow on the ground until sometime in April.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:56 pm

We have had a quite a few days lately when there is heavy frost all day long on everything. It is not quite as cold lately as it was for a while, and the wind has not been blowing as much for a few days. We have had a couple of days when the sun actually was shinning, and then it was clear of fog and frost. We have had snow twice, deeper the first time, and only a couple of inches that last time, but both of them have gone off due to warmer days, sun, and warmer winds. It is just barely snowing now, and it is hard to tell the difference between that and freezing fog and descending frost. I am still managing to walk the 6.5 miles. Lately I have been wearing a nick scarf, and then I pull it up over my face so that I will not breath air that is below freezing. We actually had cows that got their lungs damaged from breathing cold air the winter of 1968-1969, and they wheezed the rest of their lives, and my mother warned me about breathing freezing air when I was a little boy. I have not worried about it much since, but my friend says that he will not walk outdoors when the air is that cold. When I have that scarf over my mouth and nose, when I exhale I warm the scarf, then I am breathing warm air into my lungs, and it works. This time of the year is a challenge with everything frozen, cold air, cold winds, and snow. We have to bundle up every time we go outside, and put on snowboots too. It is okay though, you get used to it after a while, but it bothers some people forever. I may miss some walks due to severe weather, but I will walk when I can. I am only 10 minutes away from home anywhere on my walking circuit, so I am okay. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:36 pm

After our late morning breakfast I came back over to our house, sawed some wood, played the piano, and took the doggies for a walk. It was not miserably cold, but the wind was blowing, and it was probably almost as cold as any other time that I walked. So far this winter I have not missed one walking time because of extreme, miserable cold weather. Lately I wrap a scarf around my neck, and then I pull it out and over my face up over my nose, so that I just have my eyes showing is all between my scarf and my stocking type hat. Even if I feel slightly cold at the beginning of the walk I always warm up as I walk, and after just 10 minutes of walking I am warm enough to be comfortable. When I came back we went back over to our kids' house to eat supper. We had turkey that we raised here from a hatched egg. We ate sweet potatoes, black olives, green bean caserole, lettuce salad, and that was about it. I had a glass of milk with some candy that our daughter made. She sent a tub of candy home with me, with instructions for Carol to stay out of it!!!! It was because of Carol's diabetes, and Carol works hard to eat what she is supposed to, but sometimes she gets cravings to eat what she shouldn't be eating. When we got back I built a fire in the wood cook stove and played the piano for a while. The doggie didn't want me to play the piano earlier, so I played with him a short time before building the fire. Now I am letting Carol listen to Christmas music while I am doing this. After a while I will play the piano again. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:25 am

We have flashfloods here in valencia. It has been raining since yesterday afternoon until today. The pulangui river overflow, and the pulangui bridge cannot be used anymore. The water goes up up to 10 feet. The water is up to roof level of some of the houses affected. Out of 31 barangays, 8 are much affected specially those that near the said river. People already leave their houses and transferred to higher places. While I was in the office today, I can see the river like a sea. It is more or less a kilometer away from the office. Since the city proper is elevated, we are still safe. Please pray for the casualties. Our house in the barrio is on the lower plane please pray also because the farms are like a river. Please see some photos on my facebook if you can access on it for some photos i took while i was in the site today.
Last edited by crisipicada on Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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