Sexual Experience

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Re: Sexual Experience

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:20 pm

Wow, CoolLuke, how could you stay asleep while you were being wrapped up in duct tape? That would be a pretty scary scene! I would not want to be in that one either. It would be much more fun and more satisfying to be a willing participant, than to be a victim like that. It needs to be fun, enjoyable, and satisfying for both! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Sexual Experience

Postby crisipicada » Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:07 am

jadegil6 wrote:My understanding is that if the woman is legally separated, then having sex with her or living with her is not considered adultery. ;)

Do what you know is RIGHT not what you THINK is right. These words reminds me all the time when it comes to decision making. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death - Proverbs 13:12. The word of God, the Bible is clear speaking about adultery.If I were a man, God states that when I look at a woman lustfully, whether she is on the street, on a billboard, or in a movie, I'am actually committing adultery with her in my heart (Matthew 5:28). That's serious! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :!: :!: :!: :!:
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Re: Sexual Experience

Postby CoolLuke » Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:57 pm

Edwin wrote:how could you stay asleep while you were being wrapped up in duct tape?

Umm, what's the name of the date-drug? Isn't it ruffy or something? :)

Have you never gone to sleep (consumed too much) at a party and woken up with one eyebrow shaved off? :D Or felt-tip marker graffiti all over your face and body. :D :D. I could have been duct taped a dozen times already. Fortunately all I lost was hair and all I gained was marker markings. :)

-- so far! :D :D
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Re: Sexual Experience

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:04 am

Crisi, as always you are exactly correct. That is what Jesus said, that if any man looks on a lady lustfully he has already committed adultery. That is pretty serious. Jesus said the law says................., but I say until you, and he makes it a lot stronger than what the law says. I think the difference is that with the law life was ceremonially prescribed. People figured out how far they could get away with walking on the sabbboth day without violating the law. They figured out ways to circumvent the law and do what they wanted to anyway. Jesus told them that their laws were man made and with their laws they dishonored God. He wanted them to pay more attention to the weighter matters of the law, like how they treated each other, and still keep the laws that were prescribed by God. When the religious leaders caught the woman in adultery and were going to stone her, Jesus wrote in the sand, and some people have thougth that Jesus was writing their individual sins in the sand. No wonder they were disappearing. And them Jesus, said, "woman where are your accussors." Then He said, "Neither do I comdemn thee, go and sin no more." She was sinning alright, but her accussors may have been commiting even greater sins. Jesus set that woman free that day! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Sexual Experience

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:16 am

Yes, you hear of the date drug being given, usually by someone without the knowledge or consent of the victim. I'm not sure why anyone would intentionally take that drug themselves. A lot of times I guess they partially wake up during the act, but the drug makes them helpless to defend themselves, even though they become aware of what is happening, and a lot of times that is where the person perpetrating the act gets into trouble is that the victim is aware enough of what is happening to testify against them. I grew up in the era when young people were experimenting with the drugs, and when I was teaching the kids would ask me about me taking drugs. No, I never took any drugs. My life was dedicated to God, and I didn't do those things. I heard about them. They were all around me. I never drank any alcohol either. I have never tasted any alcohol. My mother tried it when she was young. My Dad was into it for a while, but then they both became Christians and they turned their backs on those things. I did try smoking cigaretts when I was about 14 years old, but I decided that it didn't make sense, and I quit it before it got a hold on me. Also someone told my Dad that I was smoking, and he told me that it would kill him if he thought it was true. Well, it wasn't true after that. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Sexual Experience

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:54 am

I know of one young lady a number of years ago who was hanging out with some Native American, Indian, people that she was good friends with, and relatives of a little guy that we practically raised from the time he came to our house on an Indian Board. Anyway I don't why this young lady was sleeping so sound, or if that was the reason, but she lost one long pig tail while asleep. I think she had to have her hair cut to match the cut pigtail until her hair grew back out. The young man who committed the act later killed himself, which was pretty sad, and we were sorry for all of them. The way they live, and I'm not trying to be judgemental, but they put themselves in harms way, and then bad things happen to them, and it is very sad. We pray for them every day that the Lord will get hold of their hearts and that they will turn their hearts to the Lord and want to be Christians and live to honor and please God. :D :D :D :D
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