Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

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Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby chaychay644 » Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:32 pm

Well, as what the topic may implies..this article isn’t intended to slam men..rather this just based on my own observations and based from what my friends often tell me..and yeah, don’t ever think that I have that sort of relationship with many machos..this is just really based on my friends point of view and mine as well..

As you may experience or observed the women in general has a difficulty in demonstrating their physical strength compared to men.. but we certainly suck up pain better. Such as physical and emotional pain..I still remember when my grandfather got sick..I’ve seen my granny acting as his personal nurse..Coz men demand more attention and therefore need more work…Yet, when my granny got sick unless it’s something that she can’t move or whatever, that was the time when I see him attend to him seriously like what my granny did when he got sick..

This is all because men are takers and women are you agree to that?..
They think that the world revolves around them, and they expect others to understand this too. Their needs are paramount, and therefore, come before all others and worst is that they think that their way must surely be the best way. A really short way to sum this up in a nutshell is to call them what they are: selfish…I know, I know..not all of you are like this…maybe lets say their only you think u fall on the 5%?..yes or no?

Well, how I wish there is someone who would create a pill to give a man a full blown case of PMS for one day. I'm sure it would not only give them new appreciation for what we suck up every month, but would also make them a little more empathetic the next time we complain about cramps, hormones, bloating, etc.

What about when it comes to attention?..Women can go days, weeks, months or even years without much attention. It is the husbands who often forget birthdays, anniversaries, don't show much interest in his wife's hobbies or work, etc. because he's too absorbed doing his own thing.

Now, what can you say about this all?..its for you to decide to answer the above question..
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby Chas » Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:19 pm

You don't know suffering until you have had MAN-FLU. :lol:

If men are the weaker sex emotionally why do women cry at the slightest sad thing on TV. :cry:

Here are a few rules to aid your understanding :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Please note.. these are all numbered "1"

1. Men are NOT mind readers.

1. Learn to work the toilet seat.
You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.
We need it up, you need it down.
You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon
or the changing of the tides.
Let it be.

1. Shopping is NOT a sport.
And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1.. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a Problem. See a doctor.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.

1. If you won't dress like the Victoria 's Secret girls, don't Expect us to act like soap opera guys.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one .

1. You can either ask us to do something
Or tell us how you want it done.
Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We
have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong.
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine...Really.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation,
or golf.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!

1. Thank you for reading this.
:D :D

And finally - how do you expect us to remember anniversaries and birthdays etc. When women get to 29 they tend to stop there. Though this can backfire as my mother-in-law found out. My son when aged 6 asked his Gran "how old are you Gran". On being given the standard reply "29", he announced in a loud voice to everybody "Gran you have got the numbers round the wrong way, you are 92". :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby Jack_be_nimble » Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:34 pm

To the OP,

Wow, quite a lopsided assessment of the genders. Do you really believe the ratio of giver vs. taker is that unbalanced??? Ever hear of the term; gold digger?
I'd say there are an even number of "takers" and "givers" of both genders.
I believe when all character traits are lumped together and tallied, the score is even.
Of course, there are many factors that may skew the balance of virtue between men and women - what generation they were born into, what region of a country or an area of the globe they're from, etc,etc.
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby m&m » Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:03 am

chaychay644 wrote:Well, as what the topic may implies..this article isn’t intended to slam men..rather this just based on my own observations and based from what my friends often tell me..and yeah, don’t ever think that I have that sort of relationship with many machos..this is just really based on my friends point of view and mine as well..

As you may experience or observed the women in general has a difficulty in demonstrating their physical strength compared to men.. but we certainly suck up pain better. Such as physical and emotional pain..I still remember when my grandfather got sick..I’ve seen my granny acting as his personal nurse..Coz men demand more attention and therefore need more work…Yet, when my granny got sick unless it’s something that she can’t move or whatever, that was the time when I see him attend to him seriously like what my granny did when he got sick..

This is all because men are takers and women are you agree to that?..
They think that the world revolves around them, and they expect others to understand this too. Their needs are paramount, and therefore, come before all others and worst is that they think that their way must surely be the best way. A really short way to sum this up in a nutshell is to call them what they are: selfish…I know, I know..not all of you are like this…maybe lets say their only you think u fall on the 5%?..yes or no?

Well, how I wish there is someone who would create a pill to give a man a full blown case of PMS for one day. I'm sure it would not only give them new appreciation for what we suck up every month, but would also make them a little more empathetic the next time we complain about cramps, hormones, bloating, etc.

What about when it comes to attention?..Women can go days, weeks, months or even years without much attention. It is the husbands who often forget birthdays, anniversaries, don't show much interest in his wife's hobbies or work, etc. because he's too absorbed doing his own thing.

Now, what can you say about this all?..its for you to decide to answer the above question..

Well well well, i dont know if men are weaker sex..... maybe in different aspect in life. Chas, what is man flu?
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby Chas » Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:38 am

m&m wrote:
Well well well, i dont know if men are weaker sex..... maybe in different aspect in life. Chas, what is man flu?

Man flu is the same as Woman flu, the joke is that when a man gets flu he thinks he is dying, goes to bed to recover and tells everybody how sick he is. when a woman gets flu she just gets on with life, looks after her family and struggles on not getting any sympathy.

I cannot believe I have just supported ChayChay's argument.......somebody shoot me :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby Ronald » Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:46 pm

Jack_be_nimble wrote:To the OP,

Wow, quite a lopsided assessment of the genders. Do you really believe the ratio of giver vs. taker is that unbalanced??? Ever hear of the term; gold digger?
I'd say there are an even number of "takers" and "givers" of both genders.
I believe when all character traits are lumped together and tallied, the score is even.
Of course, there are many factors that may skew the balance of virtue between men and women - what generation they were born into, what region of a country or an area of the globe they're from, etc,etc.

Men are not weaker sex. Men tend to be not emontional. We are not expressive as women expect to. :lol:
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby maynayz » Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:02 am

As a man, I hardly find myself the "weaker sex" because I seem to whine louder when I am sick or whatever stereotype was used. But let's be fair to us "weaklings" for a moment. Perhaps because us men have more PHYSICALLY DEMANDING jobs than women do by a huge ratio, when we get sick it is doubly worse for us as we not only contend with the illness and it's obvious effects, but keep in mind how demanding and taxing our jobs tend to be on us physically. You will see that, women who don't do heavily physical jobs (which the vast majority of women DO NOT do) as we men do, it is understandable why they can tend house, wipe butts and noses, whip up a meal and even can be convinced, with enough medicine, to lay down for her husband all while not fully burning out. Try being a landscaper or construction worker with the flu, ladies, and then come home with your body feeling 10x more beat than it does without that flu. When you can do that on a DAILY basis, you will fully understand why some of us men sound whiny and for good reason compared to you women.

And let's be clear, selfishness is a HUMAN, not male only, trait. OP would be better to remember that generalizing 95% of men as uncaring, unfeeling, selfish lumbering animals is no better than some men who would say 95% of women, from the day they are born, are prospective prostitutes (since 9 out of 10 women will never marry a broke man but a broke woman will still be married) out for the money, using her vagina as a tool (if she gets mad or doesn't get her way, she holds back and becomes a sex hijacker until she either gets her way or she feels like it), using the children as pawns in her vendetta against the man she once said was her love of her life and is now her bitter enemy and the kids her pint-sized tools of revenge and spying, etc etc etc.

Add to this, women who cry so easy at every little thing: I guess we should chalk that up to be a drama queen and gaining sympathy rather than seeing it as genuinely sensitive and emotional? Why not be as cynical as the OP? Since little girls are notorious to flirt with their fathers or other male family members to get their way (the same won't work against mother as she is a woman, knows the tricks and isn't conned by the very things she probably used to do as well), should we conclude that this makes little girls "lolitas" and baby prostitutes in the making? No right? So I would say the generalization against men that the OP so eloquently stated only applies to a handful of men.

Sadly she proves that the dumbest people get the most attention since the greater majority of men are decent and caring people. Something the OP obviously hasn't experienced much of based on that one experience she stated. None of whi is enough to draw such a broad stroke against the great majority of men just because some men did her wrong in her life. We aren't all that way and your skewed view, OP< will only prove to make your relationship with men become worse over time until you change that attitude and out look.
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby erwin » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:41 am

maynayz wrote:OP:
As a man, I hardly find myself the "weaker sex" because I seem to whine louder when I am sick or whatever stereotype was used. But let's be fair to us "weaklings" for a moment. Perhaps because us men have more PHYSICALLY DEMANDING jobs than women do by a huge ratio, when we get sick it is doubly worse for us as we not only contend with the illness and it's obvious effects, but keep in mind how demanding and taxing our jobs tend to be on us physically. You will see that, women who don't do heavily physical jobs (which the vast majority of women DO NOT do) as we men do, it is understandable why they can tend house, wipe butts and noses, whip up a meal and even can be convinced, with enough medicine, to lay down for her husband all while not fully burning out. Try being a landscaper or construction worker with the flu, ladies, and then come home with your body feeling 10x more beat than it does without that flu. When you can do that on a DAILY basis, you will fully understand why some of us men sound whiny and for good reason compared to you women.

And let's be clear, selfishness is a HUMAN, not male only, trait. OP would be better to remember that generalizing 95% of men as uncaring, unfeeling, selfish lumbering animals is no better than some men who would say 95% of women, from the day they are born, are prospective prostitutes (since 9 out of 10 women will never marry a broke man but a broke woman will still be married) out for the money, using her vagina as a tool (if she gets mad or doesn't get her way, she holds back and becomes a sex hijacker until she either gets her way or she feels like it), using the children as pawns in her vendetta against the man she once said was her love of her life and is now her bitter enemy and the kids her pint-sized tools of revenge and spying, etc etc etc.

Add to this, women who cry so easy at every little thing: I guess we should chalk that up to be a drama queen and gaining sympathy rather than seeing it as genuinely sensitive and emotional? Why not be as cynical as the OP? Since little girls are notorious to flirt with their fathers or other male family members to get their way (the same won't work against mother as she is a woman, knows the tricks and isn't conned by the very things she probably used to do as well), should we conclude that this makes little girls "lolitas" and baby prostitutes in the making? No right? So I would say the generalization against men that the OP so eloquently stated only applies to a handful of men.

Sadly she proves that the dumbest people get the most attention since the greater majority of men are decent and caring people. Something the OP obviously hasn't experienced much of based on that one experience she stated. None of whi is enough to draw such a broad stroke against the great majority of men just because some men did her wrong in her life. We aren't all that way and your skewed view, OP< will only prove to make your relationship with men become worse over time until you change that attitude and out look.

Bravoooooooooo Maynayz :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby maynayz » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:19 am

OP would be wise to consider who and what she "thinks" is the weaker sex. Let's take an even bigger walk into the lives of this "superior" sex we call female and us male "weaklings" who seem to be a whiny, complaining and controlling lot these days shall we?

1. Who is likely to be the first to stand up and call herself Independent until it comes time to take responsibility? Women.
Prime example of not taking responsibility as a man would: Female rapist/molester gets home detention and probation. Men get 25-to-Life.
2. Who is the first to teach little girls that men are dogs (nice corrupt image to give our female youth) and want only one thing? Women.
Ah yes, this is a good thing to teach little girls. That her vagina is her power and all she is worthy of since all a man wants is that! Failure again haha.
3. Continuing from #2, if father were to teach their sons that all women want money and thus mini-gold-diggers, who would scream about THAT? Women.
God forbid a man were to tell his sons how women are and the trappings of the female gender. "Male chauvinist pig" would be one name I can think of.
4. Who complains about living under and being subject to, the double-standard, yet when it is in their favor, quick to exploit it? Women.
This is the funniest! Feminists claim to want an even field and equality but see no problem degrading and lowering those men in an effort to get it.
5. Especially in Western society, who is most likely to come out ahead in divorces and get the kids, the house, the car and a free monthly check? Women.
Any women who disagrees with this or says it isn't true either is blind, stupid, smoking crack or from another planet. Or living in the distant past. lol
6. In regards to divorce, who is like to initiate the divorce for whatever reason that may seem valid in today's reasoning? Women.
See number 5. Enough said!
7. Being the superior "emotional" gender, who is likely to call on the "right" to abortion when she chooses and uses the possesive "my mody, my choice" line? Women!
So much for emotional. The gender that the OP claims to be so superior with her emotionalism can also choose to do such a harsh act to an unborn child because she prefers to put her "rights" about the rights of the defenseless unborn child who didn't ask to be part of her problem or politcal rights campaign.

Seriously I can go on and on about all the "superiority" and strengths that women have over us weakling, feeble and inferior Y-chromosomal beings called males. Notice how irony always plays against the woman in every situation in the end? One classical example I will mention: The sexual revolution and rise of Feminism which saw women supposedly become "sexually liberated" from the metallic thumb of the male iron fist it was subjected to all these years. How ironic that now that women are sexually "free" and no longer accountable for her dignity that prostitution is rampant, girls are having sex younger and younger and getting pregnant younger as well. Most of those same girls have no higher self-esteem being sexually free than those before them who were not sexually free. In fact, pressures of this new freedom over the years get more and more heavier and girls these days are more suicidal and depressed when they cannot live up to this idea of "Neo-Womanhood" especially when her own nature may not be as one who "stands up to men" as is the case of women today.

Finally, and this is the both the funniest and yet saddest of all the ironies of Feminism imposed on women as some tool against men and the patriarchal society: in regards to sex, Feminism supposedly was to give girls "power" of sexual choice in her body. Rather than have it when he wanted it, it is now up to her and her choice when. Here is the stupidest point of Feminism that men laugh at and enjoy! Regardless if we ask or she offers, we still want sex and we still win because we still GET SEX from her whether we ask or she does. Whether she is inclined or we are, we still get it anyway. Who cares who initiates? It was never the issue and that was one of the stupidest reasons to call for sexual revolution. Reason being? No matter what the woman does, we men still get what we want and we still win. If she wants it up to her, ok. We still get it whether she chooses the time or we do. What do we men care? We still get it anyway. So much for sexual revolution, liberation and empowerment! What a joke. The old trick of appealing to a woman's ambition to trap her by her own ambitions and enslave her by her own means worked flawlessly and it was orchestrated by none of than....WOMEN! Hahaha! Classical! Hahahaha.
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Re: Do You Believe that Men are the WEAKER Sex?

Postby lovely_tears8 » Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:23 am

as for me, i know i am a woman..but my opinion about men is i don't beleive they are weaker sex.,nor any man and woman..,is it that there are times that we can feel our weaknesses cause by different happenings in our environment.,nor it is cause by to much and heavy problems that may encounter in our daily lives. i just want to made it clear to everyone that " we are just a human,we can't do things perfectly,for nobody in this world is perfect". and don't matter so much with "PRIDE" for it cause only a broken and damage feeling.
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